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3054 Graft FUE - Dr. De Freitas (Valencia)

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How does it look styled normally? It’s normal to see scalp when you spread your hair apart and go under a light. 

Look at a comparison spread apart vs. styled. 


Can you share a video or pictures of your hair worn normally, that will give is a better idea of your situation.

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Sorry for your bad experience as It's always a pain when something goes wrong in surgeries like this. 

I feel like this will be an easy fix in case your surgeon is up for it since he already seem to have nailed one of the sides. 

As someone said before there are worser cases much harder for recovery so in your place I would keep in touch with the clinic as you have been for a possible touch up in the worst case scenario. 

All the best. 

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21 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

How does it look styled normally? It’s normal to see scalp when you spread your hair apart and go under a light. 

Look at a comparison spread apart vs. styled. 


Can you share a video or pictures of your hair worn normally, that will give is a better idea of your situation.

Thanks for transparency, this is 💯 % reality. Ht were never meant to fully restore density to NW 0, certain styling of hair is expected. Some of us who have high contrast between scalp & hair, might have it even more pronounced if unstyled . 

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2 hours ago, civic said:

Thanks for transparency, this is 💯 % reality. Ht were never meant to fully restore density to NW 0, certain styling of hair is expected. Some of us who have high contrast between scalp & hair, might have it even more pronounced if unstyled . 

Hmmm. I don't think thats 100% reality. Just check what results are published on the clinic's Instagram.  it's obvious that this guy had the same expectations.  any reputable doctor will ask you before starting the procedure what are your expectations regarding the final result.  we weren't there for the interview, but we can only assume that the clinic said it was up to it.  which in the present example clearly shows that it has not succeeded.  that's why it's so important to check real patient reviews rather than blindly believe in Instagram marketing. 


And I will just add that the exception does not prove the rule, so I will not judge the clinic as a whole only on this one case.

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13 minutes ago, FUEUF said:

Hmmm. I don't think thats 100% reality. Just check what results are published on the clinic's Instagram.  it's obvious that this guy had the same expectations.  any reputable doctor will ask you before starting the procedure what are your expectations regarding the final result.  we weren't there for the interview, but we can only assume that the clinic said it was up to it.  which in the present example clearly shows that it has not succeeded.  that's why it's so important to check real patient reviews rather than blindly believe in Instagram marketing. 


And I will just add that the exception does not prove the rule, so I will not judge the clinic as a whole only on this one case.

I see your point.  My comment was a reply to Melvin’s take on styled vs unstyled look, so we would love to see how his hair would look if he either combed it to the side or slightly upward. Also, top surgeons do implant hair to certain angle, this is why some of them work with less grafts & results look as though much more grafts were placed. In fact there was a recent Couto case here, where only 3.5k grafts were used from front to midscalp & looks great. We would also love to see if he too would not style it how would that look? Another example is our friend here @bandit, he had 5k grafts front to midscalp, but because he has low contrast his see thru is much lower but he did mention that if he were to stand in harsh bathroom light he would see scalp.

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Good morning, ObtuseAlbatross133. I have discussed your case with the doctor and shown the update pictures.

He has told me that possibly there is a vascularization problem in the right area, since the left side is evolving normally.

We will wait to see the final result after 12 months and if the situation has not improved then, the doctor agrees to check you again and make the necessary retouching.

We remain at your disposal.

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▪️Ignacio Torres Blanchard - Representative of De Freitas Clinic
▪️https://www.injertocapilar-alopecia.es/en - https://www.clinicadefreitas.com
(+34) 681 273 588

De Freitas Clinic.png

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On 12/9/2022 at 2:28 AM, De Freitas Clinic said:

Good morning, ObtuseAlbatross133. I have discussed your case with the doctor and shown the update pictures.

He has told me that possibly there is a vascularization problem in the right area, since the left side is evolving normally.

We will wait to see the final result after 12 months and if the situation has not improved then, the doctor agrees to check you again and make the necessary retouching.

We remain at your disposal.

Please define what you/the doctor mean by “vascularization problem.” Too high of a density implanted so there was competition between grafts for blood supply? Necrosis? Grafts left out of body for too long therefore they could not re-vascularize?

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It could be that the grafts didn’t survive for a number of reasons. It could be management of grafts by the surgeon, pressure of blood supply, or perhaps scarring in your skin that causes it?

Edited by Vann

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On 12/9/2022 at 5:07 AM, FUEUF said:

Hmmm. I don't think thats 100% reality. Just check what results are published on the clinic's Instagram.  it's obvious that this guy had the same expectations.  any reputable doctor will ask you before starting the procedure what are your expectations regarding the final result.  we weren't there for the interview, but we can only assume that the clinic said it was up to it.  which in the present example clearly shows that it has not succeeded.  that's why it's so important to check real patient reviews rather than blindly believe in Instagram marketing. 


And I will just add that the exception does not prove the rule, so I will not judge the clinic as a whole only on this one case.

On Instagram a clinic post its best results. You will never see cases with low yield on the instagram of a clinic. So you should not focus on cases posted by a clinic since the clinic will only post its best cases and hide the bad ones. You have to focus on real patient cases posted by the patients to see the success rate of a clinic…

Also by seeing the instagram results you would have higher expectations than the reality and you might be disappointed afterwards…so just focus on patient cases…

Edited by Jackdaniels
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obviously not a perfect result but I think you're better than where you started. thinness is a concern but your hair styled looks fantastic. the fact that you can even execute that hairstyle should be something that makes you happy

i don't know if i would "regret" your transplant, you made progress compared to before though I can imagine going through two transplants is a bit taxing mentally. 

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To me looks like the left side is a good result and what is expected with a successful surgery with a skilled Dr

The other side so far looks like a failure, the idea of deeming the result of the weak side "acceptable" is ridiculous , while it might be early to call it 100% a failure on the weak side, it doesn't look good for now and it's not promising and any ethical Dr should offer the touch up 

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6 hours ago, Gabbck said:

it's not promising and any ethical Dr should offer the touch up 

If you go back in the posts, you can read that the clinic has made itself available to do so at the end of the 12 months.

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2 hours ago, Thanos92 said:

Hello! Update us please :)

He probably got great results & forgot about this site. It's when things go wrong, people are more inclined to post about. I am booked with Freitas in november 🫣

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