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Can I achieve some good results?

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Hey guys,

actually I am 27 years old and I'm very unhappy with my hair situation. I started noticing that my hair at crown starts diffusing at the age of 23,24.

The last years I noticed that the diffusion process move forward in direction to mid scalp. Since over a year every morning i take Biotin, further i started since 6-7 months with Minoxidil. I heared and read a lot of other drugs, but I decided for me that i don't want to take one of them, like for example Fina. Also i started since a month with microneedling.

I think of a Hairtransplantation, in hope with a better hair situation. My following steps are that I hopefully get here some help/ honest feedback, the next step would be to seek advice from some transplant clinics.

Should I do a Hairtransplant? If yes, what would you say, when would be the best timing?

I feel like my case is not a normal one, I don't know whicht NW scale this is, because my hair line is still there, it's more that diffusing thing, that make my decisions so complicated.. but maybe you can help!

Thanks you guys!







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  • Valued Contributor

In reply to your post surgery is always the last option. I'm not a doctor but I think trialing finasteride is your first choice. I respect you decision but unless you try it you will never know? It appears to work best in the crown and vertex and you are an ideal candidate. If you are a responder then you could potentially not only stabilize your hair loss but also gain some ground as well. If you were to start surgery in the crown now then you have to ask yourself as your baldness progress' then you will forever be chasing the loss. You then are stuck with the supply/demand issue which is why starting with the crown is never a great beginning. All the best.

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You're going to lose the frontal third unless you get on finasteride. That's the likely reality. Why would you bother with Minox, Biotin & microneedling but not finasteride? Biotin isn't going to do much - you should be getting all you need from food anyway - and minoxidil won't address the root cause of hair loss; DHT.

It would be less effort & more effective to ditch the current regimen and just go on finasteride. Add the others later if you must.

You'd likely be a great candidate for a HT if you stabilise your current loss, and that means finasteride.

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You’re heading to NW6 at least - so if you are reluctant to take any DHT inhibiting meds, consult with a few good surgeons about what your scalp donor and BHT capacities are, what could be achieved with your hair type and available grafts, and discuss your goals - if they align, and it is possible, perhaps with some SMP and chest hair also thrown in the works, you will be ok if you are able to commit to continual surgeries throughout the course of your lifetime. 

Your donor and beard looks pretty good from your pics. 

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  • Regular Member

Thank you guys, i will overthink to try finasteride

In that case, I want to do the surgery, what do you think, can I do it now in my age of 27 or would you still wait a few years?

Further, in many cases I heared/ read about cases that results in crown area don't give a saitisfying result, what's your opinion for this argument?

Thanks a lot!

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I think most surgeons would tell you to get on Finasteride, at least the one who care about your results. Even if you get a transplant, they'd still probably want you to get on Fin to maintain the transplanted hairs.

If you're worried about side effects, you can take a conservative approach to it at first, such as taking 1mg every 2-3 days for 1-2 months as opposed to one tablet a day so your body gets acclimated to it. When I first started taking Fin, I had a decrease in libido so I stopped taking it and everything went back to normal after a couple of weeks. Then I took it every other day, and now I'm taking it every day and I don't notice any side effects.

I'd want to get a transplant as soon as possible, but some surgeons may not want to work on you until later in the future. Book some free video consultations with surgeons you're interested in. They'll give you their opinions on whether they think you should get a transplant now or later on in the future. 

Edited by AlexMeister21
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One of the first concepts I like to cover with patients is the fact that the donor is finite and limited.  There just isn't enough there to allow for a full set of hair when dealing with an advanced pattern.  Thus, if there is a limitation, where do we want to put the hair so that it makes the most sense now and in the future? When you look in the mirror - what do you see?  When others interact with you - what do they see?  The front.  

The second concept to cover is, if you've shown the propensity to lose, you will continue losing. So, if you do transplants but then keep losing the native hair, you will look no different.  (You'll never go empty since the grafts will stay, but will gain no density). And just to prove the point, let me add something else.  Say you add grafts to the crown.  (Think of the area as a circle). You then go on to lose the hair all around that circle.  You'll have an island worth of hair and nothing around it.  Not a natural result. You'll end up chasing the pattern and eventually run out of grafts.  If you ever lose the front, you'll have nothing to fix it with. 

It is imperative you get on some medical regimen to help you retain and perhaps enhance the native hair.  And, if it works, stay on it.  You do seem to have a lot of miniaturized hairs that could improve.  If it was me, I would get on all modalities and give it a year. You can then decide to move forward pending the outcome.

Propecia, Rogaine, PRP and Laser are the modalities we typically refer to when dealing with this condition.  

Patient Consultant for Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration. 

I am not a medical professional and my comments should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own. 

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