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Help Me Decide To Do Fue Or Wait? (pics)

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Hi guys,

33 Years old here been suffering from hair loss since being 20 and it's going worse but at a very slow pace. I attached some photos of my current hair with/without concealer.

propecia and minoxidil are out of question now because I tried them in the past 10 years either with no benefit or with side effects. The last dr I consulted asked me to stick with finasteride 6 months minimum before doing my first fue.

My question is if I want to use finasteride at all is it the proper age to start my first fue? or should I stick with concealer and wait it up for a few more years? or just give up and shave it up/use a hair system?


PS: I think in my case with thick sides and longer hair toppik is doing me a nice work. Can I do small sessions of FUE and use the help of combing over/toppik to keep going at the same pace?

Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 9.19.18 PM.png

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Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 9.19.56 PM.png

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Without being able to tell what’s really happening at your hairline it’s hard to say. You’ve got a large area that looks like it will eventually go if you don’t get on meds. But I wouldn’t throw a whole bunch into the crown without having a feeling for how much you’ll need up front eventually.

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Personally would be inclined to hold off and maybe carry on with covering with toppik. There's still hair in the balding area and not sure it's the best of ideas for your first procedure to start off from the vertex/crown transplanting amongst that native hair if you are not on fin. I'd imagine balding will continue in that area and you may find yourself back to square one fairly quickly once the native hair goes and you are left with the transplanted hair in there.

Plus frontal region may also suffer in the future and the focus should probably be to preserve as many grafts for that area if/when it takes a hit rather than commit too much to the back of the head (can require a lot of grafts to make a difference in the vertex/crown area).

Re - small sessions sound good on paper but to make a difference, will still require a fair amount of grafts and chasing after hair loss is risky business and think in some way it's probably better letting a clear pattern develop. In your case, without fin question is where will the frontal area be in a few years time.  

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On 10/23/2018 at 5:38 PM, Fozzie said:

Personally would be inclined to hold off and maybe carry on with covering with toppik. There's still hair in the balding area and not sure it's the best of ideas for your first procedure to start off from the vertex/crown transplanting amongst that native hair if you are not on fin. I'd imagine balding will continue in that area and you may find yourself back to square one fairly quickly once the native hair goes and you are left with the transplanted hair in there.

Plus frontal region may also suffer in the future and the focus should probably be to preserve as many grafts for that area if/when it takes a hit rather than commit too much to the back of the head (can require a lot of grafts to make a difference in the vertex/crown area).

Re - small sessions sound good on paper but to make a difference, will still require a fair amount of grafts and chasing after hair loss is risky business and think in some way it's probably better letting a clear pattern develop. In your case, without fin question is where will the frontal area be in a few years time.  


Thx for your reply. What if I have enough donor hair to cover future frontal hairline after doing vertex area HT? because the surgeon told me that I have much of donor area above 8000 grafts and my hair is dense so even few hairs can make a difference once they are dry and use some type of boosters/paste product. Also, what do you think about having a partial crown topper hair system for a few years until 35 and see how is my hair by then? Because I am noticing toppik can no hide enough of hair thinning areas and the top part is just flying around looking weak, It needs some support either with a partial crown topper or small session of fue...

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  • Regular Member

Sorry to hear that you are having a hard time to decide. If I were you, I think I would wait until my 35 as you said in your previous comment. Meanwhile you may want to take pictures of your back, crown and front area regularly and see how the hair loss direction goes. You may upload your photos here, so that we can follow up and support you as much as we can.

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  • Senior Member

Id hold off any surgery for now.  You have native hairs that seem to be on their way out.  Any surgery around that area can permanently shockloss the area so it would look the same pre surgery or worse.  Wait as long as you can with concealer.  Finasteride may help retain those hairs but you wknr see actual effecta of finasteride until a year later.  Trust me, it can be really scary if you lose more hair then you would gain at this stage after surgery.  Best of luck.

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Do the following for at least 18 months first:

1. Fin 0.25mg every other day, building up to 1mg a day

2. Minox foam or liquid twice a day

3. Nizoral shampoo twice a week

4. 2mm derma stamp once a week

I think in a year your crown will be much fuller

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