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Do i have MpB or could it be something else?


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Default Do i have MpB or could it be something else?

Hi guys, hoping that some of you can make this a little bit clearer to me. So, to start off, im a 27 year old man from Norway. About 4 years ago i started noticing noticeable thinning in my hair, mostly in the front of the head.. Im not sure if it has progressed any further since then, can't really tell, i do not shed more hair then what's normal tho (50-100) Also the thinning is very diffuse.


The thing is, im not sure if it really is male pattern baldness taking my family history into consideration, noone of the men apart from 1 uncle has had much hairloss, and my dad is about 65 now. I also suffer from Lupus, so that might be a cause. Even though it's been in remission (inactive) for about 10 years. Im not noticing many hairs falling out either. i can pull my hair pretty hard on the thin parts without losing hair. like 1 or 2 at most. Also im a Norwood2 and barely even that from what i can see on the scale.


Gonna post some pictures and maybe some of you will be able to tell me what it looks like, apart from horrible i mean. I know most of you of you aren't doctors, and i got an appointment next week. But i seriously can't lay this to rest untill i get some sort of ansver.


Sorry about the bad quality on the photos, my phone is indeed a potato x)


Thanks :)




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  • Senior Member

I have less hairloss than u .. I stopped denying it a year ago .. n started my hairloss battle .. u should do the same ASAP ..

Ur frontal third has thinned a lot .. u heading towards a Norwood 3 or 4 in a few years if u ignore the problem ..

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I suppose it's possible but you would need to get blood work done and see if thyroid problem I guess could cause hair lost too.

The most likely answer tho is you obv do like the rest of us. So it's either finasteride and minoxidil for a year to hope that has big enuff cosmetic upgrade or just surgery.

Good news is your donor area looks dense and thick so that helps for better results if you elect for surgery

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  • Senior Member

It does look like classic MPB to me. Your hair is still thick everywhere outside the the MPB area. I'm not sure if Lupus can play a part in accelerating MPB or not, but it isn't unusual for a healthy 27-year-old to have MPB to the degree that you appear to have it.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


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I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Senior Member

Hi Phil,


It does appear that you are suffering from male pattern baldness. You should consult both your GP and your physician in order to determine whether the standard proven hair loss meds are an option for you considering the possibility that they might conflict with any existing meds you are taking or the potential higher risk factor because of your Lupus.


Also, if you have suffered lesions to the scalp before caused by your Lupus, then they may have caused some permanent hair loss too. But if your Lupus has been in remission for 10 years then your present state does point more to generic hair loss.

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Yep I'd say that's mpb unfortunately. Finasteride is certainly worth considering and your donor looks good should you consider surgery.

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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  • 3 years later...

Haven't been on this forum since i asked this question 3 years ago. 

Turns out you were right, of course this is Mpb

I couldn't accept it and i tried Finasteride. Been on it for 3 years and the results are huge. So far no side effects either

Here are some pictures of my progress, the regrowth has been mind blowing. 




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No problem, i must admit i was a sceptic at first. But the results speaks for itself. 


Finasteride works, no doubt about it

This is without using minox or doing transplants. The hair is all mine 😊 couldn't be happier, regained my confidence 

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