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HT docs opinions wanted on whey protein

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  • Senior Member

Hi, I know this subject has been discussed to death in the past but wanted some Doc's input on it.


Can whey protein shakes accelerate hair loss in those who are genetically destined to go bald?


I found this on One HT Doc's website (not a coalition member): http://www.drshapiroshairinsti...tion/nutritional.php


After reading it I'm a bit confused......


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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Ahhhh yes, Larry Shapiro....Public Hack #1...I was reading through the page in the link and thinking "what kind of damn fool is writing this refried donkeycrap".


I'm only a doctor in my dreams and at crowded bars with lots of girls, but you don't have to worry about your protein shakes/creatine/etc.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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I know this may sound weird, but I thought that whey protein was doing something, so I tested this (it could all be by coincidence)


2005 on whey ==> this is where I started noticing the thinning

2006 off whey ==> hair looked better

2007 on whey ==> noticed hair loss was worse

2008 off whey ==> hair looked better overall

2009 on whey ==> hair is looking bad again


I guess I can try it again in 2010 icon_wink.gif


it's completely un-scientific, but I micro-manage my hair and I would notice certain correlations....I know my hair best...

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There was a point years ago when I was lifting weights regularly and trying to bulk up. I started eating lots of protein bars and consuming protein shakes a couple of times a day. I can tell you that I noticed a huge shed around this time. I have nothing other than correlative evidence of protein relating to my hair loss, but I did notice the shedding stopped shortly after I cooled it with the protein supplements.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for all your help guys!! I think for the time being I'm going to steer clear of protein shakes just in case.


Does anyone have any ideas for what I can have post workout as a fast source of protein (other than protein shakes)?


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Ceasar08:

There was a point years ago when I was lifting weights regularly and trying to bulk up. I started eating lots of protein bars and consuming protein shakes a couple of times a day. I can tell you that I noticed a huge shed around this time. I have nothing other than correlative evidence of protein relating to my hair loss, but I did notice the shedding stopped shortly after I cooled it with the protein supplements.


It's funny how there are a lot of folks here that see the correlation between whey protein and shedding.


While there isn't any scientific evidence of this, the coincidences cannot be overlooked


splitting hairs, once you're off the protein, come back to us later down the road and let us know what you "discover"...

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I take whey protein without any problems. I would highly doubt this would contribute to hairloss. No evidence supporting this



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Hi Guys, thanks for all your replies.


I'm working out and eating a high protein diet (through food). The only time a supplement is really required is post workout for fast absorption, as whole foods need to be broken down first, which delays absorption.


So I've decided to try liquid egg whites post workout. Apparently its absorbed very quickly and is 100%bioavailable. I'll be using treated egg whites - so I don't get food poisoning icon_smile.gif Besides, if Rocky did it, it must be good icon_wink.gif


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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This post makes my head spin. Primarily, if the question you are asking regarding increased hair loss and Whey Products were true, it would not be because the name on the box says, "Whey". It would be due to the ingredients. Which the theme of this post suggests as Protein. Therefore, by no longer consuming Whey powder in the form of shakes, but replacing this with liquid egg whites, makes no sense whatsoever. The source of these products, along with the concept of taking them, is PROTEIN. Depending on its source, eggs, milk, meat etc... will dictate digestion times of the protein, and therefore dictate when would be best to consume. But this does not alter the theory behind it. Which is completely based on PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN.


Splitting Hairs, Im sorry my man but your statement regarding the only time this supplement is required is post workout for fast absorption, is highly naive. Whilst this is a highly effective time to consume supplementing products, it is not due to your workout that you will digest products quicker. It is down to the fact that you choose WHEY protein, as opposed to the varing other sources. Whey is typically digested within 30-90 minutes, meaning it is greatly beneficial, post workout, when your muscles are fatigued and at their most "impressionable"!


A Casein based protein powder, for example, is highly effective immediately before bed, as its longer digestion time of 2-8 hours results in a constant protein intake by your muscles when you are sleeping. This is arguably, just as important as Whey post workout.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

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Sorry to continue, but "food poisoning" possibilities,with eggs, whilst is very real, is also highly exagerated. For sure, the possibility of Salmonella should not be taken lightly, the simple precaution of constantly refrigerated products, eliminates any risk. Simple no?

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

LOL, sorry - hair is primarily the protein Keratin - whey made up of the amino acids which are protein.


What you may be observing is the inreased testosterone (and DHT by product) from your workouts leading to an increased hairloss.


The debate Big Muscles or Hair has been around for years...for some, they are mutually exclusive.

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In my mind this is another irrational assumption on why someone is losing hair. We all went through it citing shampoo, vitamins, allergies, and yes..... Whey protein ..


It makes no sense whatsoever.



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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What i can't tell for own experience.

Hardcore suplements with lots of caffeine like No Shotgun, No explode, nano Vapor, Superpump 250 etc, made my hair shed more. That's 100% sure for me.

I can't tell whey protein makes my hair shed, but go to the gym and work hard makes my hair shed, i'm sure about it too.

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Here's my 2 cents, and its probably not worth much more than that...


By and large male hairloss is a combination of genes and luck. Not what you eat. Unless you are taking steroid precursors to bulk up. As an avid bench pressor who at various times would have tried those supplements(but didn't), I think that as long as you are eating a reasonably healthy diet, you will not improve nor worsen your hair. Nor will you bulk up with diet alone...it takes lots of hard work; and good genes.


If I had to guess, and its only a guess, I think that guys who are driven to workout (as compared to being sedentary) may have a higher baseline testosterone. Combine that with the general incidence of MPB and you have a higher percentage of hairloss in hard core fitness types.


Take that theory for what its worth...


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Hairloss is mainly genetic, but there are certain foods which causes insulin to surge and DHT to be released. Things such as bread, pasta, grains, refined carbs etc. Mostly the western style diet, which is shit, any processed food also, including junk food.


Whey protein seems fine, but grass fed animals are better than grain fed animals, but mostly grain fed in the west because it's more economical.


I've found some guys shed when lifting weights and drinking protein shakes, one way round it is to buy Spiro cream and apply to the scalp before working out, i've read that this works, although I don't shed from exercise or drinking protein shakes, so no need to try it out.


I think there is a question over whether its the protein shake making you shed or the testosterone spike from an intense work out. My money is on the testosterone spike. Could be wrong, this is my opinion.



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Usually when a person invests in expensive Whey protein is when they are serious about their workouts.

Otherwise there no reason to supplement with fast absorbing whey since it taste like crap.

Ive had them all

Saying that its your intense serious workout that contributes to hairloss before its the whey.

Working out is shown to dramatically increase testosterone and hgh .

The conversion to dht from testosterone is the culprit here not protein.

I probably should of said this on my first post icon_wink.gif

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  • Senior Member

Hi guys, I'm not shedding at the moment, but wondered if working out/whey protein could cause shedding.


I think you guys are right about testosterone and hence DHT increasing whilst lifting, although I've heard this is short lived.


Anyway, I've decidied to continue working out, I'm also on propecia and figured I'm doing everything i can do. Besides, I'm going to go bald anyway, better to be buff and bald than skinny and bald a bit later.


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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