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No going back!

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  • Senior Member

So its done. I did the money transfer this morning to Asmed for the deposit (they said it should clear into their account tomorrow) and I've just booked my flights. Fly out Sun 9th Oct, surgery on Tue 11th and fly back the morning of Fri 14th. :eek:


I think I'm equal parts nervous and excited :)

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  • Regular Member

Congrats buddy!

You've picked a top clinic - I had my surgery there on the 20th of May.

I too was anxious once reality kicked in but the staff at Asmed go over and above to make you feel comfortable, so rest assured you're in safe hands.

All the best.

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  • Senior Member

Thanks all, oddly I was really anxious doing the deposit transfer (guess as I knew that was kinda the point of no return), but since booking the flight last night I've been much calmer and if anything starting to get excited for October.


Curious as to who you guys told pre-surgery that you were having a HT? I'm to much of a chatter box to keep things quite so I've told two of my best friends and my room mate and my immediate work colleagues .. although I haven't broken the news to my mother yet. I told her a few months ago I was considering it and she got quite annoyed with me and said I was being silly. Lol, will have to break it to her sometime.


Anyway, I will certainly post a thread about my surgery (and hair growth) once my journey officially starts.


Ersko72 and Quasimoto, I'm eagerly following both your posts and Ersko72, I can't wait to see your 6 month pics next week.

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  • Senior Member
Great news - good luck! How many grafts are you getting? :)

Are you taking fin? Was October the first available slot they had or did those dates suit you?

Hi MrOneSeries, I'm scheduled to have 2700 grafts. I could have had it done sooner but due to work commitments/deadlines I could only really do mid Oct. Meds wise, I decided against Fin a few years back as I'm not a long term fan of taking medication and the list of side effects is far too great IMHO. Plus I'm 47 (48 next month) and was advised by one Dr that given my age and current level of hair loss, he didn't enticipate that I would get much further loss. My crown is also fine at the moment. If that does start to thin in the next few years I will probably use minoxidil.

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  • Regular Member
Hi MrOneSeries, I'm scheduled to have 2700 grafts. I could have had it done sooner but due to work commitments/deadlines I could only really do mid Oct. Meds wise, I decided against Fin a few years back as I'm not a long term fan of taking medication and the list of side effects is far too great IMHO. Plus I'm 47 (48 next month) and was advised by one Dr that given my age and current level of hair loss, he didn't enticipate that I would get much further loss. My crown is also fine at the moment. If that does start to thin in the next few years I will probably use minoxidil.


Cool man, totally valid points. I had a reply from Asmed today to say they have availability quite soon. So I'm weighing up all my options. Look forward to seeing your updates! ;)

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