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Weird crappy HT results?


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It's been 15 months since my HT on both temples, and I'm unfortunately unhappy with my results. One of my temples turned out great, the other one is very thin, with the hair direction off with my normal hair, and.. really weird I still have some thick stubbly hairs there.


I'm interested on what's everyones else take on this?



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yea there is some asymmetry there. mite have to go back to repair cause for watever reason the grafts didn't seem to take on that side. I would say most of ur growth has occurred but there are some that don't see final results till 18 months.


some of the grafts do sen to have been placed in an irregular direction.


FUE or FUT and did u get in done in the states?

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  • Senior Member

From the pics you posted. One side looks less dense and is noticeable. At 15 months, you wont get more new hairs so that would be a valid repair. If it is a known doc, i am sure they would understand and rightfully so. They should be able to touch it up for you without charge as the picture you showed shows a distinct difference. If they charge you, well im sorry to say but some may follow that track. If they follow that track, it informs others in case of a not on target result what could happen. I am hoping your sitution is resolved without any issue and you are able to proceed and enjoy your goals soon. Good luck.

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It is interesting that one side took so much better than the other one. As Ontop mentioned, my first question is if you've reached out to your surgeon to get his opinion/take on this and what options he would give you. (Assuming it was someone reputable who you trust could fix it and that this was just a fluke.) However, the fact that you say the direction is also off is a bit troubling. I find the ability to angle the hairs to look like a natural, in-tact hairline to be the one of the top signs of a great surgeon - so if the placement/angles are off, it may be worth looking into someone else entirely to fix it.


I've heard of cases like this before where the grafts that a less experienced technician placed didn't take. I wonder if that's a possibility here. Regardless, first things first, get your surgeon's opinion on record and go from there.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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If it is possible I would arrange to see the Doctor in person for a follow up. When I look at patient's hairlines they usually have more thinning/recession on the right side than the the left in nature so it is more than likely that you had less native here in the first place of curse this should have been taken into account and higher density placed.


Was the left side thicker before surgery, and what you are seeing on that side now is a lot of native non transplanted hair among the transplanted vs majority transplanted hair on the right?


Either way it needs addressing as it very noticeable. The clinic should have taken some good clear pre op photos to be able to make an assessment on growth. I wish you all the best.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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  • Senior Member
If it is possible I would arrange to see the Doctor in person for a follow up. When I look at patient's hairlines they usually have more thinning/recession on the right side than the the left in nature.


This is true in my case. Right side is definitely thinner than the left at the temples.


Why is this?:confused:

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  • Senior Member

Hi. Can you share some details about your case? How many grafts did you have? Can you post any pre-op photos? Your hairline may be normal, but your original hairline may have had a natural change in direction. Thanks for sharing.

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Do you have preop pics to see your native angulation? Would like to see if transplanted hairs were angled improperly or your native hair has varying degrees of angulation.


It's been a few days since your last post 4/11/16, the date you signed up. If there is no response, then I guess it is safe to think the clinic saw your post and is trying to deal this matter with you privately, or, telling you not to post utilizing other tactics. Regardless, hope you get it resolved.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

I just saw this thread. Here's my 2 cents.


3 of our frontal cases a year....have better density on one side or the other that I can see from close conversational distance.... Why? No idea. Now I can tell you that when we have a staff review...that the placer on the good side thinks its her skill that allowed for a better result. But the problem with that theory is that half the time its on the side of each placer...and the other 100 frontal cases aren't different. So if indeed you were shaved in that area and packed...and the grafts were handled gently..well you may never figure out why.


As to the orientation. Just like with trees, if I dig a hole in your yard aiming northeast...and have your next door neighbor plant the tree...well it'll aim northeast. So the direction is the doctor's job. BUT, in repair cases, I have to match the angle of the newly placed hair to the stuff that is already their...even if its too straight up...or the multiple directions look even worse.


Give your doctor a call and stop in. Odds are a small touch up would solve your problem. EVERY SINGLE YEAR, I end up offering 2 guys a little hairline touchup, often with FUE, and one takes me up on it. The other one may not have even noticed the issue til I foolishly, but honestly, brought it up.


Dr. Lindsey

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member
It's been 15 months since my HT on both temples, and I'm unfortunately unhappy with my results. One of my temples turned out great, the other one is very thin, with the hair direction off with my normal hair, and.. really weird I still have some thick stubbly hairs there.


I'm interested on what's everyones else take on this?


Any update on your situation? You have several options to consider.

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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