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FUE and the NeoGraft

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Am I the only person here who thinks Joe works for Dr Bauman?


1. He talked about a radio show with Dr Alan Feller. Didn't Dr Feller and Dr Bauman have a live, radio discussion a few years back about LLT? Why would someone who wasn't associated with either clinic be involved?


2. He knows agitated Bauman patients on a first name basis - ie 'Carl?'


3. He's spoken with Bauman patients on the phone, and describes them as mentally unstable? Why would a patient speak with another physician's patients on the phone, and, furthermore, why would one patient classify another as unstable?


I'm sorry, I'm not trying to incite any issues here but, I thought Joe said he was simply a patient, and not officially attached to the clinic - which doesn't make sense to me.


Can you clarify Joe?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Originally posted by Future_HT_Doc:

Am I the only person here who thinks Joe works for Dr Bauman?


1. He talked about a radio show with Dr Alan Feller. Didn't Dr Feller and Dr Bauman have a live, radio discussion a few years back about LLT? Why would someone who wasn't associated with either clinic be involved?


2. He knows agitated Bauman patients on a first name basis - ie 'Carl?'


3. He's spoken with Bauman patients on the phone, and describes them as mentally unstable? Why would a patient speak with another physician's patients on the phone, and, furthermore, why would one patient classify another as unstable?


I'm sorry, I'm not trying to incite any issues here but, I thought Joe said he was simply a patient, and not officially attached to the clinic - which doesn't make sense to me.


Can you clarify Joe?


I am a fan of Dr. Bauman's, YES! He's done 3 transplants on me and I have good results. YES, I am a FAN of Dr. Bauman. NO, I do not work for him and NO I am not paid by him.

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Originally posted by Joe S from Maryland:
Originally posted by Future_HT_Doc:

Am I the only person here who thinks Joe works for Dr Bauman?


1. He talked about a radio show with Dr Alan Feller. Didn't Dr Feller and Dr Bauman have a live, radio discussion a few years back about LLT? Why would someone who wasn't associated with either clinic be involved?


2. He knows agitated Bauman patients on a first name basis - ie 'Carl?'


3. He's spoken with Bauman patients on the phone, and describes them as mentally unstable? Why would a patient speak with another physician's patients on the phone, and, furthermore, why would one patient classify another as unstable?


I'm sorry, I'm not trying to incite any issues here but, I thought Joe said he was simply a patient, and not officially attached to the clinic - which doesn't make sense to me.


Can you clarify Joe?


I am a fan of Dr. Bauman's, YES! He's done 3 transplants on me and I have good results. YES, I am a FAN of Dr. Bauman. NO, I do not work for him and NO I am not paid by him.


Carl contacted ME via Youtube! He contacted me or I would have never known about him. I still have the Youtube screen shot of my inbox on Youtube prove that to you.

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It shouldn't surprise anyone that Dr. Bauman has some satisfied patient. If Bill believes that Joe S is legitimate and he's happy with his results from Dr. Bauman, great for him.


To get this back on track to the original topic though, in spite of the recent positive posts about Dr. Bauman, I still would not go see him. His prices for FUE are exorbitant, and cannot be justified. If he were performing FUE surgery at a level of 10, while the nearest competitor was at a 5, then his absurdly high prices would be more reasonable. However, the evidence presented on this forum about Dr. Bauman and the NeoGraft do not support the conclusion that he, or the NeoGraft, are superior to other physicians and techniques. Rather, there is substantial evidence that Dr. Bauman is not on the level of other physicians, and there is simply not enough evidence about NeoGraft just yet to form an opinion either way.


What we do know, is that there are a number of physicians recommended on this site that not only charge significantly less than Dr. Bauman, but have a proven track record of genuine, satisfied patients. I doubt that even the most ardent supporter of Dr. Bauman would say that he is superior to that of a number of physicians on this site. I'm sure that some would say equal to, but nobody in good conscience could say better than. So, assuming best case scenario that Dr. Bauman is equal to other physicians, is paying 3 or 4 times as much for what is at best equal service, worth it?

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In order to be fair to the above posters whom I've asked to substantiate they're genuine patients of Dr. Bauman, I'm going to ask you to do the same. Please send me a private message with your full name, date of procedure and documentation from Dr. Bauman's clinic proving you're a genuine patient. You can send this information to me privately at help@hairtransplantnetwork.com and your information will be kept confidential.




I'm awaiting an answer to my question above:


On a somewhat related note, I'm concerned about this comment you made: "One guy is mentally unstable..."


What degree do you have to diagnose another patient as "mentally unstable"?


Best Regards,



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"One guy is mentally unstable..."


Sadly, a poor Ht can make any sane person unstable. You are at a vulnerable place in life when you are losing your hair, then are given hope it can be restored. If it's not, you feel cheated of time, money, and in some cases left off looking worse than when you started.


But to get this topic back on track: jake, do your research, consult with as many top docs as possible, meet with patients, and best of luck to you.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Hi Jake ,

Keep doing the research , I really looked into graft survival and different views various Drs had on this , how the grafts our hydrated , how long they are out of the body , how they are handled and survival rate were important to me , In an earlier post I asked a poster promoting the neo graft Qs re the above and they did not get back to me , my view is that donor is limited and to be used wisely , I dont think the neograft machine can handle grafts delicatly enough as its based upon suction perhaps a Dr using this could correct me if Im wrong , I would go with a Fue surgeon who consistently produces good results


Hope this helps


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I always thought Joe S was Bauman, as he said that he spoke to Dr Feller in a radio interview, I think he messed up there as we all know Dr Bauman spoke to Dr Feller in a radio interview, Bauman was trying to say laser combs work, and Dr Feller rightly so, disputed this.

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Originally posted by Joe S from Maryland:
Originally posted by lorenzo:

I normally dont like to get involved in this dicussion. I dont know much about Neograft so I dont want to comment. What I will say in my opinion the pricing is too high. Most people in my views probaly need an average of 3000 grafts at that pricing it would cost $47,500.


Also, he doesn't know Dr. Bauman's work unless he had it done by him.


As a new poster I understand why you would feel this way. Doctors reputation on this forum are based on patients that have gone to see them and photos that they show.

I have never been to Dr. Feller or Dr. Shapiro but I would have no problem refering anybody to them. Over the last 10 years I have read many posts and seen many photos about these doctor and know they are world class.


If you say you had an amazing transplant I am happy for you. Sometimes its better to read the forum for a bit of time before you post because it is probaly the most educated and intelligent posters on the internet.


Just my opinion


Lorenzo, you're right. I think Dr. Feller is likely good. I've talked to him before on a radio show.






11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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Hey guys I understand why people are questioning this poster. There is enough information on this forum to make an intelligent decision when considering a transplant. Between the coalition doctors recommended doctor and the forum people considering a transplant have alot of resourse to make a good decision.

I want to give you a reality about the internet. Lets say that somebody was considering going to Bolsey (just using his name) for their transplant and googled his name. Without talking about Bosley on this website this website would never have come up on google. All of the sudden this website comes up and and a person has a new resource to make a better decision. All of the sudden he sees there is a doctor name Dr. Feller (just for the example) in the New York area close to Bolsey where he was considering. His eyes all the sudden open up when he sees the coaltion doctors and sees all the before and after pictures and satified posters that Dr. Feller has and changes his decision.

The more posters post on a site without quality pictures praising a doctor the more changes there is that somebody that is considering that doctor will see this website and make a intelligent decision.


This is my opinion.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Originally posted by Sparky:

Well done Mike, thats exactly what I was refering to. Joe S from Maryland = Dr Bauman, or a member of his staff being dictated to.


I think it's more likely a patient on the payroll, but this is just conjecture and my personal speculation.


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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Originally posted by Joe S from Maryland:

I'm not going to argue with anyone on here. I will say that I have better hair than all of you and I went to Dr. Bauman. That's why CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Dateline, Men's Health, and many other media out use him to speak on the topic.


That should give some good guidance.

I find this comment highly inaccurate, I saw Dr. Bauman on all of these shows, DATELINE is the one that convinced me he is a top notch doctor. All I can say is I have had 4 HTs with Dr. Bauman, I can assure you he is very charismatic and he says all the right things and has all the right plaques on the wall, THAT IS WHY I KEPT GOING BACK TO HIM (not an excuse). At the end of the day all that matters is results, not a PR campaign,4HTs, 7500+ grafts and over $55k later and I have 3 scars on my head because he convinced me that it was the only way to get the results I wanted. I'm still not where I would like to be with my hair goals and I was never even bald to start with. I have had both linear and FUE by him and I am speaking from 1st hand knowledge.

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In the interest of transparency, I wanted to inform the community why there's been so many glowing reviews for Dr. Bauman lately. One of the recent Dr. Bauman patient posters told me that he and several of his patients were asked to post as an attempt to do some damage control on our forum. Frankly, it would have been far better if Dr. Bauman addressed the legitimate concerns by his less than satisfied patients like I invited him to do.


In the end however, members of this community know that its consistent results and how patient concerns are handled as they arise that ultimately matter.


Best wishes,



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Thanks Bill for the update. It's not like many/most of us didn't suspect something was "up" when out of nowhere, all of these new Bauman patients begin to summarize their experiences in glowing praise. Sadly, with one exception, nobody provided any pictures, and most were only mere days or weeks out of surgery.


I can assure you that I also would have written a glowing review of Bosley ago days/weeks or even up to a few months following my surgery (many years ago). Why? Was it because it was the best experience ever? Was it because I had done in-depth research in advance? No - it was because I had nothing to compare it to so I simply did not know any better. It was only once I went to Dr. Ron Shapiro that I realized just how poor the procedure and patient care was at Bosley.


Sorry Bauman, the patients on this site are smarter than you give them credit for and encouraging your patients to post glowing praise with no results simply won't do damage control... it will simply add to the damage.




1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Guess I thought it interesting that everyone giving him praise joined the forum March 29th or March 30th and have under 15 posts


Anyways im in the Boca area and while Im not ruling this guy out completely, are there any other recommended surgeons? I have a few touch up areas on my beard. (under 100 grafts I would imagine)



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This "doctor" has no shame. I think I would take my chances with Bosley before going to Bauman.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Originally posted by Roach:

Guess I thought it interesting that everyone giving him praise joined the forum March 29th or March 30th and have under 15 posts


Anyways im in the Boca area and while Im not ruling this guy out completely, are there any other recommended surgeons? I have a few touch up areas on my beard. (under 100 grafts I would imagine)



List of Recommended Physicians in Florida

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Does anyone on this site have anything better to do than count how many times someone posts and the date etc etc....and why is Sparky allowed to call people Idiot's.....he never gets told to tone it down...seems to me he has free reign on this site....must be getting paid

for this....


Well, firstly we don't have to spend any time counting someones posts, it tells you right below your post (you have 5 posts). Sparky is reacting to a doctor who has very questionable business tactics and he hasn't violated any terms of the forum rules, at least as far as I can tell. Nothing indicates he's getting paid, and I'm not sure who would pay him or why someone would pay him for speaking out against this doctor. Lastly, the members of this forum do LOTS of good, and for you to suggest otherwise shows that you really don't spend much time on this forum. It also seems you joined this forum the same day all these other members did to support Dr. Bauman. Have you posted about anything else? Have you spent any time offering help or asking questions in other threads? The answer is likely no. All you've done is join this forum to come on this thread and defend Bauman.


So, now the question is, what's your motivation for your post?

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Originally posted by Bill - Managing Publisher:

In the interest of transparency, I wanted to inform the community why there's been so many glowing reviews for Dr. Bauman lately. One of the recent Dr. Bauman patient posters told me that he and several of his patients were asked to post as an attempt to do some damage control on our forum. Frankly, it would have been far better if Dr. Bauman addressed the legitimate concerns by his less than satisfied patients like I invited him to do.


In the end however, members of this community know that its consistent results and how patient concerns are handled as they arise that ultimately matter.


Best wishes,





Just as an FYI, no one has asked me to come here to do any damage control. My topic about my experience was 100% done on my own and without Dr. Baumans knowledge. I've created a hair blog website and I will keep it updated. You can follow my results along and see if he is as bad as you all claim he is.



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I only just now saw the last several responses to this topic.


Because blatant personal insults aren't allowed on this site, I've removed the statement from Sparky. However, Headcase 33 has done nothing but antagonize the members of this community for his own amusement and has been previously warned. Thus, he is no longer welcome to post here.


Best wishes,



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I am a HT patient of Dr Bauman and have been extremely satisfied with my results. Since I met Dr Bauman I have been impressed by his knowledge base and his commitment to staying on top of his field with ever expanding technology. Dr Bauman is a skilled surgeon who gives each patient personal attentionand works dilligently to meet his patients expectations. I have sent numerous friends and co-workers to him and they all have returned impressed with the doctor. I had my first procedure seven years ago and the results have been durable. As a physician myself I have always been omfortable with Dr Bauman's professionalism. I have never felt that Dr Bauman was trying to "sell" me anything but rather was helping me manage a problem much in the same manner I try to help my patients. I would highly recommend Dr Bauman to anyone considering HT.

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Aragorn 12,


Your post sounds like a well crafted politician's speech to me; I think most patients are a bit less poetic with their adjectives.


I think I heard somebody say before on here that Bauman should be a politician. Looks like he'll be going for the gold level of the PR campaign to hide his past hack jobs. If you throw enough bullshit up against the wall enough of it will stick to get you that 200 foot yacht you're salvivating over.


Hmmmm, the rabbit hole of this thread seems to get deeper by the second! What about those hacked up heads by Bauman on these forums ? WHY has he never appeared on THIS FORUM to explain his side of the story in these cases ? I mean, these patients post very serious photos (K10 especially) that, when considering the high standard of care today from top clinics, should AT LEAST require any competent respected doctor to come on here and defend himself and explain why these posters are crazy. And he has NOT done that because to engage in open, honest debate with these patients would likely result in him having to admit he HAS done some really bad work. Those 3 scars on K10s head -- those are inexcusable to me! There is really no way in a rational debate he could justify it, and hence the reason he avoids coming here.


To me that makes him a perfect politician.

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