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Any negative results from Dr Lorenzo?


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I had been impressed with Dr Hakan Doganay's work, but recently there have been a number of patients that have had negative experiences or should I say not so good results.


I since started to look at other HT docs and cannot find a single negative post about Dr Lorenzo. His results for high norwood patients are top notch so wanted to seek other people's opinions on whether they also feel Dr Lorenzo is the safer bet?


Also, anyone have any idea how long the wait time is to get a slot with Dr Lorenzo?





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He is very good at what he does, but ALL doctors will have a less than desirable result under their belt, if a doctor says that they have never had a patient with poor yield, or a patient with less that optimal scarring, than I would run because they are not being honest.


I don't think you'd regret choosing Dr. Lorenzo.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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It was sort of a PITA to translate them, but most of the comments seem to parallel what we have read here. It appears that the actual patients are very happy with their results, while some criticize his high fees, dry personality etc, and claim that there is equal if not better quality at a much lower price in Turkey and Cyprus. I think that discussion has been pretty much discussed here ad nauseum already.


I think the bottom line is if you can afford him and don't want to take more chances than necessary to get the most out a FUE procedure then he is the one to go to. I noted that posters in Spain claim that there is a 4-5 month wait list and if he advises a more conservative two procedure approach as he did with me, he does discount the second procedure so that the price is competitive with what it would have cost to have a much larger single session.

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I'm leaving this week and will spend the first 3 days in Madrid Centro. I'm sure I will be able to enjoy the Tapas bars, sip some Tempranillo, and tour the Prado before getting my head shaved and pricked 3000 times. No worries about sun, forcast is 50's and rain.

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  • Senior Member
I'm leaving this week and will spend the first 3 days in Madrid Centro. I'm sure I will be able to enjoy the Tapas bars, sip some Tempranillo, and tour the Prado before getting my head shaved and pricked 3000 times. No worries about sun, forcast is 50's and rain.

Madrid's a lovely yet small capital city , make sure you go to the Plaza Maya .

Careful with alcohol before the operation , I had mine last week in Turkey and I've decided to give it up both a week before and a few weeks after to help the healing . Talking of heat I'd have loved to have gone outside , stunning weather last week in Turkey but i couldn't take the risk! . I too looked into Lorenzo and if i had the money i would have quite possibly gone with him but it worked out well over double what i ended up paying . IMO i know the quality should come first but the price is also a major thing too.

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When a doctor has been established for years and there is a 4 month wait list with higher fees than competitors in Cyprus and Turkey, I would tend to doubt that there are a significant number of discontents still out there that haven't been heard from.

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I met Dr Lorenzo recently in Kuala Lumpur, I didn't know he had previously undergone FUE himself. I think he said had about 5000 grafts performed by his colleague Dr Vila in Spain.

Dr Vila performed excellent work on him with good density and a natural hairline.

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Never seen a negative result or anyone ever complain about him, he's probably the best in the world so reviews for him will be overwhelmingly positive, and he's actually not that more expensive than Feriduni or Bisanga, and I think probably cheaper than some docs in the US.

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As has already been said, ALL clinics, no matter how good, will have results that are sub par.


These results can be minimised by the fact Lorenzo does all the extractions and implantations himself, as i feel the use of technicians, whilst it can improve efficiency, introduces new variables which can affect the outcome.


When it comes to getting a sub par result, its all about how the clinic deal with it. If they dont want to know you, then you see what they will be like with you. If they acknowledge it and offer a free touch up, then what more can you ask for?


I think Lorenzo's approach will also help with the yield. He generally doesn't pack too dense as it can reduce the yield.


Here a video on vimeo of a lorenzo patient where they did a touch up because the outcome was not as dense as they would have liked.


Norwood 3 - 4 - 2752 FU's. Hair transplant by FUE Technique. Injertocapilar.com. 516/2011


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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  • Senior Member
As has already been said, ALL clinics, no matter how good, will have results that are sub par.


These results can be minimised by the fact Lorenzo does all the extractions and implantations himself, as i feel the use of technicians, whilst it can improve efficiency, introduces new variables which can affect the outcome.


When it comes to getting a sub par result, its all about how the clinic deal with it. If they dont want to know you, then you see what they will be like with you. If they acknowledge it and offer a free touch up, then what more can you ask for?


I think Lorenzo's approach will also help with the yield. He generally doesn't pack too dense as it can reduce the yield.


Here a video on vimeo of a lorenzo patient where they did a touch up because the outcome was not as dense as they would have liked.


Norwood 3 - 4 - 2752 FU's. Hair transplant by FUE Technique. Injertocapilar.com. 516/2011


it still dosn't look very dense, not one of lorenzo's best results.

or is it just me expecting more?

i think it looks to thin in the reciepted area, specielly after 2 surgery

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member
Never seen a negative result or anyone ever complain about him, he's probably the best in the world so reviews for him will be overwhelmingly positive, and he's actually not that more expensive than Feriduni or Bisanga, and I think probably cheaper than some docs in the US.


Actually cheaper than Feriduni, and more expensive than Bisanga.

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