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FUE by Dr Reddy - hair: 7440, Grafts: 2711, Norwood 4

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27 yr Old male presented to us with Norwood 4 scale of loss. His hair loss was stabilised on Propecia and minoxidil for 6 months.

He was counselled re Fue and further loss and 2711 grafts were transplanted using Fue technique.


The after pics were taken 9 months after.










I represent Dr. Raghu Reddy


Dr. Raghu Reddy is recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.

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I was pleasantly surprised when I got to the last picture, which is a great shot of the entire hairline itself. Awesome.


The main problem I see is the frontal forelock as a whole lacks density. The hairline itself is well defined, but the whole thing is relatively weak. The last picture I was talking about gives the impression the density is higher than it actually is. But if you let the hairs stand up it becomes rather see through, as seen in the 2nd to last pic.


This is probably a pretty good result for 2700 grafts because of the large surface area, but it's hard to say how large the surface area was (no immediate post op pic). On an absolute scale, however, this isn't a particularly good result, and if I was the guy I would be planning a touch up in the front.

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"The last picture I was talking about gives the impression the density is higher than it actually is."


Most first pass HTs are simply creating the illusion of density, especially when the patient, like this one, has extensive thinning. Another pass in the frontal area could come closer to giving this patient original density, but he might want to reserve grafts as he is relatively young and likely destined to recede much more.


IMO, he looks much younger and appears to be quite pleased with the result.

Edited by hairthere

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Good result KR.




The only people who are going to get the density in the front you are referring to in pictures constantly are people with minimal loss or hairline lowering which may or may not take more than one session. 99% of pictures posted of patient results on here will not have that density and if they appear to - they won't. The large majority are not candidates for it.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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  • Senior Member

Fantastic result for a NW4, probably one of the best I have seen recently and with a modest amount of grafts. Dr Reddy is fast establishing himself as the best transplant surgeon in the UK.

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  • Senior Member
Good result KR.




The only people who are going to get the density in the front you are referring to in pictures constantly are people with minimal loss or hairline lowering which may or may not take more than one session. 99% of pictures posted of patient results on here will not have that density and if they appear to - they won't. The large majority are not candidates for it.


If lower density is the desired outcome, an appropriate amount of grafts is used, and the pictures are honest then I have no beef. Unfortunately you rarely ever see doctors clarify, "Ok the goal here was mainly coverage, we were aiming for low density." It also doesn't help that most the time the pictures are biased and the flaws of the HT (including low density) are concealed. And, like in this case, there is often no immediate post op pic so it's unclear where exactly the grafts went. So yes, I like to point out that the density is low... in this particular case the last picture looks great but it should be noted the real density is lower than what that image portrays.


I think your 99% figure is definitely an exagerration as I see plenty of cases on here with higher density. There are also many cases of NW4-6 becoming NW1-2, with higher density.

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This is a really nice result - and accomplished the goals. He went from looking like he was in his 40's, to someone in his late 20's.


He may be a NW4, but you can easily see that in the near future he would have destined to a NW6. Being cautious with his grafts is really important.


Sure, with his hair pulled back it looks a little thin, but with a not fussy hair style it looks great. I would be thrilled if that was the outcome of my surgery.

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I think the result is great for the sparse amount of grafts used. Yes the hairline could be denser but I think for the 2,711 grafts were very well utilized. He looks an easy 10 years younger with more grafts left in the reserve.

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  • 4 months later...
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He went in an old man and came out as his son...


I agree as well! He should be thrilled. Ignore all that "the front could be denser" language. The front could ALWAYS be denser. Duh. It looks great and the wave in his hair adds to the cosmetic density. This is an extremely natural result enhanced by his natural temple peaks that help the HT frame the face so nicely.

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