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2 years later after my first transplant - 3000 FUE Grafts by Dr Ron Chao


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Just took a new photo 2 years after getting my procedure done and would like to share my results.


1st pic - Day before surgery

2nd pic - 1 year later

3rd pic - 2 years later


These results are, for the most part, without using Finasteride or Minoxidil. I've been on and off with Fin and might continue after I get some health issues out of the way.


Overall I'm very satisfied with the procedure and want to do a second one, since my vertex is now thinning. I was told you can do 3 procedures from the same donor area.


Comments and questions are welcomed.






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This is interesting to me because I'm a couple of weeks post op and wondering whether or not to start Fin and Minox.


I'll say your results are not all they should be. Were the 3000 grafts put mainly in the hairline or all over (crown and vertex)?


Would you do anything different? like start on fin Minox?


Why did you drop off fin? was it due to sides or something else?

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Hmm. Well technically it was a 2501-3500 grafts range, I just chose 3000 because it's in the middle. And they put it entirely in the hairline area.


I tried Fin and Minox around the time of the procedure but got some unwanted sexual side effects, so I didn't bother to continue. However I tried both again recently. Minoxidil has been good to me this time around. I stopped Fin because of an infection down there which may or may not have been caused by Fin. I'm seeing a doctor right now to treat it and may start back on Fin once it goes away.


But I'd say go ahead and try both, because my experience with them isn't really the norm.


As far as what I'd do differently? Probably nothing, because I at least tried Min/Fin and there's not many viable options outside of that besides Nizoral shampoo.

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I'm happy that you are satisfied with the results. But to be honest the pictures don't really seem to show a 3000 graft transformation of the hairline. In the 1 year post pic the density of the hairline around the temple corners looks on the low side. For 3000 grafts this doesn't look right.


Are you planning on going back to Chao for the 2nd procudure? If so you might want to look at other options because you may have had a low yield result.

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Thanks Rootz.


I was considering going back, but after receiving this feedback probably not! Haha. But to be fair I'm wondering if I didn't respond well because of a lack of Fin and Minoxidil therapy after the procedure.

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Fin and Min shouldn't have a meaningful impact on the hair that was actuallly transplanted. And for 3000 grafts at the hairline, I would have imagined the entire hairline to be filled in. So I do not think Fin or Min would have impacted your hairline much. If you had a pic of your immediate post op showing the graft placement that would shed some light on things.


Based on your preop and 1 year result pic I would have guessed you had 1000 grafts max at the hairline. So I think there was an issue with yield.

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I agree with the other comments. It's not a great result. If you had a little spot that didn't yield it would be one thing, but overall, while it is an improvement, the is much better work being performed.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Btw, I would stay away from your crown. You are pretty young and will need those for your front and mid scalp.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

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I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Regular Member

Sorry don't mean to make you feel bad, but this Dr Ron Chao has been mentioned here before, and never in a positive light. The only thing that stands out about this practice are the ridiculously low prices.

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I would mention one thing which you guys are forgetting ... He is not using Fin so there is a strong likelihood that he would have lost from 10% to maybe 30-40% of his native hair ....


I'm on a similar case. I can't use fin as i have side effects .. My hair loss in the last 2 years had been very fast. I lost almost 40-50% hair in my frontal area in last 2-3 years. So if the OP had same kind of hair loss it means that half of the native hair are gone and the result you see in pictures is mostly the transplanted hair which look quite OK to me


RobAcid: Looking good man seeing that you don't take Fin, it seems quite decent coverage ... I would agree with Spanker ... Crown is a black hole .. Don't waste too much grafts there as you might need them later .. And if you really want, either use beard hair or very minimal coverage there ... I have seen people with HT who have good frontal coverage and very thin/almost bald crown .. they look much better than the ones with a thicker crown but very thin frontal coverage

Edited by falco123
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