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Rahal 1200 FUE


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I have to say no need to turn this patient away he's didn't ask for 4000 in his front peak he's hardly used any grafts and it has given him a great cosmetic effect that will make him feel confident.


I used 800 fue in my crown when I was 25 years it saved my youth helped me with confidence to build my adult life I have now. I then went on 5 years later to fix my full balding problem with strip procedures for the record I had over 10000 grafts so them 800 fue I had as a youth were extremely well spent and did not effect my lifetime ht plan.

Bonkerstonker! :D




Update I'm now on 12200 Grafts, hair loss has been a thing of my past for years. Also I don't use minoxidil anymore I lost no hair coming off it. Reduced propecia to 1mg every other day.


My surgeons were

Dr Hasson x 4,

Dr Wong x 2

Norton x1

I started losing my hair at 19 in 1999

I started using propecia and minoxidil in 2000

Had 7 hair transplants over 12200 grafts by way of strip but

700 were Fue From Norton in uk

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Thanks for the kind words everyone. If i have some free time this weekend Ill try to get a closer photo of the hairline. I have to say I definitely appreciate Dr. Rahal not turning me away. I have honestly had the most fun of my entire life the last 8 months and even the small change in my hairline gave me a huge boost in confidence. I definitely dont think we have to peak in our 20s but it definitely helps to have that extra bit of confidence. Ive decided to include some unedited pictures of myself. I would appreciate if these photos stay private on this website. Thanks again for your guys support.




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Those photos look great, and the work is definitely undetectable. This doesn't fall into the bucket of being a "necessary" procedure, but it's just a drop in the bucket in term of grafts and I don't see the problem.

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  • Senior Member
Those photos look great, and the work is definitely undetectable. This doesn't fall into the bucket of being a "necessary" procedure, but it's just a drop in the bucket in term of grafts and I don't see the problem.


At the end of the day hair transplants are all cosmetic, elective surgeries. None if it is really necessary. The closest you can come to "needing" a HT is for reconstructive surgery from an accident (i.e. burn).

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At the end of the day hair transplants are all cosmetic, elective surgeries. None if it is really necessary. The closest you can come to "needing" a HT is for reconstructive surgery from an accident (i.e. burn).


Oh, come on... you know what I mean. Hence the quotes around "need." I meant significant loss--like when you look like a balding person, which this patient didn't at the outset of his surgery. Obviously few people NEED hair transplant.

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Oh, come on... you know what I mean. Hence the quotes around "need." I meant significant loss--like when you look like a balding person, which this patient didn't at the outset of his surgery. Obviously few people NEED hair transplant.


Don't worry I did :) But I was just trying to make the point it's not any more necessary for a NW7 to get a HT than a NW1. People also shouldn't give a guy shit for getting a HT just because his hair was already pretty good to start with. That's like calling someone out for getting braces, on the basis their teeth were not that bad off to begin with.

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  • 3 years later...
  • Senior Member

I see the thread is old but this is a fantastic result that I missed during my absence.


It's common for younger guys to say they won't care as much about hairloss when they're older, and while I agree that this isn't necessarily the case, I have found that as I hit my mid-thirties I started putting less importance on what other people think. And believe me, I always cared way too much about what people think of me. I suffered from low self-esteem and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) for a long time. It ruled my life. I'm not saying that hair isn't important, but as you get older, you start to come to terms with everything and priorities shift.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I see the thread is old but this is a fantastic result that I missed during my absence.


It's common for younger guys to say they won't care as much about hairloss when they're older, and while I agree that this isn't necessarily the case, I have found that as I hit my mid-thirties I started putting less importance on what other people think. And believe me, I always cared way too much about what people think of me. I suffered from low self-esteem and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) for a long time. It ruled my life. I'm not saying that hair isn't important, but as you get older, you start to come to terms with everything and priorities shift.


That is a very mature view point, one that I am sure a number of us can benefit from. Also, sorry about the Necro bump...... I'm new here. lol

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So much jealousy from people disappointed they didn't get procedures done in their 20s. I see far more cases of young guys regretting not doing a procedure earlier than regretting doing one when they are young. When they regret it young, it is because they either went to a bad doctor (which is a reason to do your research, not avoid transplants) or they run out of money for future procedures.


Just because you waited until you were 30 because an idiot doctor without the ability to dense pack to a level a young guy would be happy told you to with doesn't mean others should wait too. This guys result is beautiful and had minimal impact on his donor. Any criticism is downright moronic, and I feel sorry for anyone who does, because they have personal issues of bitterness to deal with.


The difference between balding in your 20s and 40s is that if you're 40 without perfect hair, women your own age don't mind if you have other life achievements to back yourself up, however if you're 20 both women your own age and women in their 30s and 40s see you as a genetically defected outlier, and you are unlikely to have your own great life achievements at that stage, and therefore will be less desirable.

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Confidence will never frame your face properly, a girl can't run her fingers through your confidence.



A twenty something year old who's balding is subhuman in the eyes of attractive women. It's not normal on average, and is weird. Iv'e always seen older men who balded as a graceful act, and part of mother nature. It's not a big deal, but when you're young, and balding you're subhuman, and out of place in most cases. An honest indicator of a genetic inferiority.



Those who started balding in their thirties don't know how good they have it compared to a teenager, and early twenties male. At this age, hair loss is the last thing you want on your plate, it's a huge crutch.


"Confidence will never frame your face properly, a girl can't run her fingers through your confidence."


Goddamn I love this quote.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
I have to say no need to turn this patient away he's didn't ask for 4000 in his front peak he's hardly used any grafts and it has given him a great cosmetic effect that will make him feel confident.


I used 800 fue in my crown when I was 25 years it saved my youth helped me with confidence to build my adult life I have now. I then went on 5 years later to fix my full balding problem with strip procedures for the record I had over 10000 grafts so them 800 fue I had as a youth were extremely well spent and did not effect my lifetime ht plan.


does this mean that propecia was in effective is slowing down/stopping hair loss for you?


Why did you require more hair transplants if you were on propecia? Did you ever try DUT?

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Any criticism is downright moronic, and I feel sorry for anyone who does, because they have personal issues of bitterness to deal with.




Agree 100%. I'm all for doing due diligence and research, but at the end of the day, you're going to get more mileage out of a hair transplant at 30 single and dating, than at 45 and married. If you have the money, are not obviously destined for extreme baldness, and go to a good doctor, I don't get the excessively conservative approach.

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  • Senior Member
Agree 100%. I'm all for doing due diligence and research, but at the end of the day, you're going to get more mileage out of a hair transplant at 30 single and dating, than at 45 and married. If you have the money, are not obviously destined for extreme baldness, and go to a good doctor, I don't get the excessively conservative approach.


I don't disagree with what you're saying at all, but I do think that if a guy wants to take that conservative approach then they will be striking a good balance between conserving grafts and achieving the aesthetic benefits of framing their face and recovering lost styling options.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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First, I want to say congratulations for an outstanding result. At 29 years of age with minimal hair loss, I don't think the patient should have been turned away. Also, it was only 1200 grafts with plenty of grafts left for future work. Also, I agree that if the hairline was lowered, it would have taken a lot more grafts to provide that kind of dense look. I believe the grafts were transplanted in between existing hair.


I do believe this was a conservative approach given his age and hair loss pattern. I also don't believe Dr. Rahal would have taken on this patient if he thought doing this procedure would have been considered overly aggressive and hurt him in the long run.


Best wishes,



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Depends if you're dating women in their 40s or in their 20s/30s when you're 40.


A very critical distinction to be sure.


So much jealousy from people disappointed they didn't get procedures done in their 20s. I see far more cases of young guys regretting not doing a procedure earlier than regretting doing one when they are young. When they regret it young, it is because they either went to a bad doctor (which is a reason to do your research, not avoid transplants) or they run out of money for future procedures.


Just because you waited until you were 30 because an idiot doctor without the ability to dense pack to a level a young guy would be happy told you to with doesn't mean others should wait too. This guys result is beautiful and had minimal impact on his donor. Any criticism is downright moronic, and I feel sorry for anyone who does, because they have personal issues of bitterness to deal with.


The difference between balding in your 20s and 40s is that if you're 40 without perfect hair, women your own age don't mind if you have other life achievements to back yourself up, however if you're 20 both women your own age and women in their 30s and 40s see you as a genetically defected outlier, and you are unlikely to have your own great life achievements at that stage, and therefore will be less desirable.


As a soon to be 28 year old who's been losing since 19-20, I semi-agree. There are very good reasons for turning away early-mid 20's guys (aggressive and/or unpredictable loss, not taking fin/propecia, lack of funds for future HTs, etc). I'm 2 years stabilized on fin with no sides, that is a crucial step to making a HT less risky long term but HT are still risky for 20-somethings. But hair is also most important when you're young so it's a trade off. It's important to remove emotion from the decision and go full Spok-logic on it. It's not always about a "dense pack hairline", the issues I highlighted above are what cause ethical docs to turn young guys away.


But now I'm looking forward at my 30's and 40's and there is no way I'm doing it without a passable head of hair. You only live once and hair absolutely makes a difference both to women and your overall physical appearance and to your confidence. There's no getting around it imo.

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  • 5 years later...

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