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6 Months Later after FUE and only showing 15-20% growth! bit worried!


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Well that's me back home now and I had my appointment today. Again they didn't say either way whether they would refund me or not. Dr Bhatty agreed to do the op again free of charge if I wanted but he said if I want a refund then I just have to speak to the admin staff.


So after I spoke to Dr Bhatty I then spoke to the admin staff and they said I would have to just write a letter to Head Office requesting a refund.


So this is what I am going to do now so as of yet I still don't know what the outcome will be. I will write a letter and see what happens.


Sounds like they are giving you the runaround.


Man this is sad to read. I was going to email Dr Bhatty my pictures today. I have been doing research for months and now I think I am ready for FUE.

You make sure you get a full refund and wish you good luck somewhere else.


Are you sure you're not thinking of Dr. Tejinder Bhatti?

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you saved my day no this is not Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, I thought it was the same surgeon. It appears that his transplant was done in the UK.


thanks for pointing it out


Greatjob, thank you, for pointing out to vik999 that he was confusing Dr. Bhatty with Dr. Bhatti. The similarities in the names has the potential of confusing most of the forum users.


Vik999, to clarify this further, Hairybadger's HT Surgeon was Dr. Mabroor BHATTY.....a UK based Plastic Surgeon associated with the Transform Clinic. His name sounds scaringly similar to Dr. BHATTI (Dr. Tejinder Bhatti of Darling Buds Clinic, Chandigarh, India). Bringing this up one more time so that there is no room for any confusion here. These are two different individuals.






DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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In June 2012, I had an FUE operation by Transform Medical Group of 1000 grafts at the front of my scalp.

The procedure was carried about by Dr Bhatty at the Manchester Clinic along with his team of technicians. Unfortunately the procedure has not been successful and has only resulted in about 20% growth. I have been in regular contact with Transform Medical Group since the operation and had many review appointments with my patient Co-Ordinatior (LH) and also Dr Bhatty himself.

When I went for my first review appointment 6 months after the op I expressed my concerns that there was not enough new hairs showing as I only had about 15% new growth. Dr Bhatty agreed that the results were disappointing as he did say one should expect to see about 50% at this stage.

However, he did say it is still early days yet and more should grow. I must admit, at this stage I was still optimistic and agreed to wait and see if more hair would grow. He advised that it can take up to 18 months for full results to show and since it had only been 6 months at that stage It was too early to tell whether it had been a failure or not.

6 months later again (year later post op) I went for another review appointment with Dr Bhatty and he said the results were still disappointing and he agreed to offer to do a full redo of the procedure.

I appreciated him offering to do the operation again for free, however, I still thought it might be best just to wait until the full 18 months had passed before we decided what to do as there might be more growth and therefore no need for another redo. I also raised the possibility of getting a refund instead of a redo but he says he didn’t deal with the money side of things and I was to speak to LH about this.

I discussed this with LH at the time, however, I still said to LH that I would take Dr Bhattys advice and wait till the 18months were up before I decided whether I wanted a refund or another repeat procedure as the results may have improved by then and therefore I won’t need either.

On 21st January 2014 (now 18 months post op) I visited the Transform Clinic in Glasgow and spoke to Dr Bhatty. He offered to do the repeat procedure free of charge and after giving it some considerable thought I decided to turn this offer down and just request a refund. He said I would need to speak to LH about this so I did, LH then advised me I would need to put this request in writing.

Both Dr Bhatty and LH said they would confirm that the results were disappointing and that I have been in regular contact with them both throughout the 18 months. So therefore I would like if I may, to request a refund of the ?6000 that I paid for this op since it was not a success.

My justification for requesting this refund is that since Dr Bhatty agreed to do the procedure again free of charge, this would cost your company money anyway to do this op again since you would have to employ your staff and use equipment etc. all over again so rather than you paying to do the op again, would it not be simpler just to refund me the ?6000?

I appreciate that the ?6000 paid by customers for FUE is to cover the time and effort and equipment used by your Company etc. and I realise you need to make a little extra on top of that for profit (as any business should, and has the right to do so) so therefore I would be willing to accept even a partial refund of the amount I paid, possibly even half. If I received this then I would consider the matter closed,

I would also like it noted that I do not wish to complain about Transform and I still hold your company and it’s employees in high regard and have just put this matter down to an unfortunate blip on your otherwise impeccable history so far.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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Sorry mate, I write on your thread a few days ok but realised it hasn't been imputed, maybe I didn't press post reply?? Anyway, I think its good but I wouldn't offer the 50% refund if I were you , I'd ask for all the money back and settle at 50% worse case scenario! Or offer to have it evaluated and pay fit the number of grafts that grew which by the sounds of it is 20% So a refund of 80% would be fair!!! However I think a 100% is appropriate but I think you will struggle to get it, I hope it works out for you, I really do!! Keep us updated and maybe the moderators here could contact your dr on your behalf??

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Ask a solicitor to help you word it, and coming from them it would hold more weight.

4066 FUE Grafts with Dr Bhatti, India 9&10 Jan 2014


For my pics and thread click the link:http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/173658-4066-fue-grafts-dr-bhatti-india-restoring-more-than-just-hair.html

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Solicitors will charge GBP300+ per hour!


Suggest trying the citizens advice bureau, and small claims court.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

In June 2012, I had an FUE operation by Transform Medical Group of 1000 grafts at the front of my scalp.

The procedure was carried about by Dr Bhatty at the Manchester Clinic along with his team of technicians. Unfortunately the procedure has not been successful and has only resulted in about 20% growth. I have been in regular contact with Transform Medical Group since the operation and had many review appointments with my patient Co-Ordinatior (LH) and also Dr Bhatty himself.

When I went for my first review appointment 6 months after the op I expressed my concerns that there was not enough new hairs showing as I only had about 15% new growth. Dr Bhatty agreed that the results were disappointing as he did say one should expect to see about 50% at this stage.

However, he did say it is still early days yet and more should grow. I must admit, at this stage I was still optimistic and agreed to wait and see if more hair would grow. He advised that it can take up to 18 months for full results to show and since it had only been 6 months at that stage It was too early to tell whether it had been a failure or not.

6 months later again (year later post op) I went for another review appointment with Dr Bhatty and he said the results were still disappointing and he agreed to offer to do a full redo of the procedure.

I appreciated him offering to do the operation again for free, however, I still thought it might be best just to wait until the full 18 months had passed before we decided what to do as there might be more growth and therefore no need for another redo. I also raised the possibility of getting a refund instead of a redo but he says he didn’t deal with the money side of things and I was to speak to LH about this.

I discussed this with LH at the time, however, I still said to LH that I would take Dr Bhattys advice and wait till the 18months were up before I decided whether I wanted a refund or another repeat procedure as the results may have improved by then and therefore I won’t need either.

On 21st January 2014 (now 18 months post op) I visited the Transform Clinic in Glasgow and spoke to Dr Bhatty. He offered to do the repeat procedure free of charge and after giving it some considerable thought I decided to turn this offer down and just request a refund. He said I would need to speak to LH about this so I did, LH then advised me I would need to put this request in writing.

Both Dr Bhatty and LH said they would confirm that the results were disappointing and that I have been in regular contact with them both throughout the 18 months. So therefore I would like if I may, to request a refund of the ?6000 that I paid for this op since it was not a success.

My justification for requesting this refund is that since Dr Bhatty agreed to do the procedure again free of charge, this would cost your company money anyway to do this op again since you would have to employ your staff and use equipment etc. all over again so rather than you paying to do the op again, would it not be simpler just to refund me the ?6000?

I appreciate that the ?6000 paid by customers for FUE is to cover the time and effort and equipment used by your Company etc. and I realise you need to make a little extra on top of that for profit (as any business should, and has the right to do so) so therefore I would be willing to accept even a partial refund of the amount I paid, even just 80% of the ?6000 since I have only had 20% growth . I regard this as a fair request since the operation has bascially been a 20% success so therefore if I received this then I would consider the matter closed.

I would also like it noted that I do not wish to complain about Transform and I still hold your company and it’s employees in high regard and have just put this matter down to an unfortunate blip on your otherwise impeccable history so far.


I look forward to hearing from you.



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Here guys here's my final draft. Let me know what you think. I have changed your advice and changed the last paragraph regarding the refund amount. I have highlighted it in red so you can see which paragraph I have changed.

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are FUE and FUT supposed to show new growth at the same speed?

I am thinking a transplanted hair is a transplanted hair no matter the form of removal (ie. strip vs FUE)

Paulygon is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi


My regimen includes:

HT #1 2710 grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2012

Rogaine foam 2x daily, since 2012 (stopped ~10/2015)

Finasteride 1.25mg daily, since 2012 (stopped ~12/2015)


HT #2 3238 grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in Jun. 2016

Started Rogaine and Propecia in July. 2016 after being off of them for about a year.

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi Guys,


Just a wee update on my situation.


I got a letter back from the Compliance Manager at Transform Medical Group saying that I should just book in another appointment with Dr Bhatty to discuss getting a repeat procedure.


The letter never even mentioned about the refund so they didn't even say yes or no.


I am not quite sure what I should do?


Any advice?

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