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Everything posted by FUE2579

  1. Anyone? Any senior members wish to comment or give their input? Thanks
  2. Is it promising? Is this a positive discovery? I'd like to think so, no? Anyone's opinion is greatly appreciated.
  3. Hi everyone. I am 10.5 months post op and I was feeling a bunch of little stubble in the recipient area. I didn't know if it was new hair growing because of how far along I am post-op so I purchased a USB Microscope to feed my curiosity and discovered this. There is a bunch around the recipient area and there are hairs that are almost clear, like there is no pigment. What do you guys make of this? Any opinions? Thanks
  4. no real difference. I'll update at month 12
  5. What input do you guys have about propecia or finisteride? I don't know what the difference is. Would anyone recommend taking it? i'm 8.5 months post op. Would it have a negative effect on me? Is there any way of knowing? Any advice people can give me about it in general? Pros/cons?
  6. Hey Buzz, any updates buddy? How did it work out for you this far?
  7. Anyone else experienced slow growth on one side compared to the other after 7 months? Still early days?
  8. 7 months and left side is slower growing than the right. Should I be concerned Hairline and behind the hairline is weaker than the right. Right doesn't seem full growth but better than the left.
  9. I'm still a little bit concerned about the growth on my left side, more specifically the hair line. I feel a lot of little "pricklies" still growing in but is that all? Will there still be more growth? I'm almost 6.5 months post-op and I'm starting to get a little bit worried. There are gaps where the hairline is. I know I'm not supposed to compare my results to others but this slow and uneven growth is making me nervous. I called the office and the secretary advised me that Rahal did 62 cm2. I'm assuming that was the hairline. Ahhhhh, this waiting game is making me anxious. I just want to stop worrying about it. Hopefully things pick up in the next month or so.
  10. Thanks, Since21! I appreciate the response. One question, how long does it take for the native hairs to be restored to how you looked pre-op? Its not DRASTICALLY thin but it is thinner than before. Is it still early stages in terms of native hair going back to original state? It does concern me a little bit but as for the results of the transplanted area, I am pleased with how its gone so far. I hope that both sides even out eventually! Also, does being on meds really make that much of a difference? I have never been on meds and I feel that my hairloss wasn't very severe. I'm 28 by the way. I am reluctant to start taking them now.
  11. Hey everyone. I started my thread on the "FUE" section of the forum and so I thought I would put a link in this section of the forum in hopes to get some feedback from others. Here is the link to my original thread. This is my 6 month update today. Thanks! MY NEW 2579 FUE HT - Dr. Rahal - Page 5 - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients
  12. My 6 month update. Hey guys! Here are my 6 month pics. Things are looking good so far and I have noticed a huge difference. I hope it gets thicker and more mature. I still feel a lot of little tiny hairs sprouting but it seems like the left is not as full as the right. Maybe its just me but the hairline and the hairs just behind the hairline are not all quite grown yet. It looks like there are still some gaps. Do the hairs grow at separate times? Like are there still grafts yet to break through the skin? I sure hope so. All of the pics are in pretty decent lighting, I used flash on almost all of them. My hair in the pics is a little damp with some gel. Let me know what you guys think of my progress so far.
  13. Good luck bro! I hope all is well. I'm at my 6 month and things are decent. There is a definite difference but I really hope it gets better. I'm about the same as you buddy. The hair line has not fully grown in yet, a little worried about that. Plus, my left side is growing slower than my right! :confused::confused: lol
  14. I really hope you guys are right. I can't help but worry. It's an awful feeling. I'll try to focus on something else but its much easier said than done.
  15. Hey guys. I've been feeling a little anxious lately. It's a little nervousness actually. I'm just over 5.5 months and I've noticed that the right side is growing in more than the left side. Is this normal? And the hairline hairs have not all grown in yet. At least I don't think they have. It doesn't look right just yet. I've seen others having pretty good results at 5-6 months. It's still pretty thin when I comb it back. Still early? I know I shouldn't compare but it's hard not to. Any input? Thanks guys.
  16. Hairybadger, hows the hair anyway? Has there been any improvement? Would it be possible to see pics? All the best
  17. Thanks, Bill! I appreciate the feedback. If anyone else could share their honest opinion, it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
  18. Feedback on my progress and concerns? Thanks
  19. Thanks, greatjob! I appreciate you going out of your way to show the comparison. Here's the thing, It doesn't look very thin when my hair is brushed down. It is considerably thinner when I run my hair through it now than when I did it pre-op. Is this just the cycle of hair growth due to the hairs that were lost due to shockloss? Will they grow back? Because I have noticed quite a bit of shedding on the top of my head (native hairs) and in my donor area. That is my main concern. If you notice in the picture to the left, it is a lot thicker than it is in my most recent one. Feedback anyone? I apologize if I sound like a broken record.
  20. Hey guys. Can anyone please take a look at my latest post on my thread? I'm at 4.5, almost 5 months post op and my native hair is not like it was pre-op. I have never taken any meds before or after my procedure. Does anyone have experience with delayed recovery of the native hair? At what stage did it thicken up and the density go back to normal? Are the hairs that were shock loss still in resting phase and about to start growing again? Any help would be greatly appreciated guys. I'm starting to get a little worried about the state of my native hair. Thanks
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