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i had HT with dr Rahal on sept 1 and i was able to receive 2500 grafts .





Edited by sirius67
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i had HT with dr Rahal on sept 1 and i was able to receive 2500 grafts .



Sirius67, how's it going? I am the guy that got the 3,000 graft FUE procedure around the time you were there. Your post op photos look great. How is everything now? Do you see any new hairs sprouting up yet? I'll post my 2 month update in a few days.


Already nearing the 2 month mark, it seems time really went by fast. Are you using any other medications right now? I am on propecia, rogaine foam, and MSM.

  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)

at this point,I am not very excited , the hair started shedding and there are some pimples that appear and dissapear every other day,I am aware that this is very normal,and it is part of the process. I will make an appointment with Dr. Rahal when he will be coming to NY next week for a follow-up.



Hey Sean,of course I remember you,I was following your posts ,yes I am on medication(rogane and finasteride) .

I will keep everyone updated and post more pictures as time passes.


Edited by sirius67
  • Regular Member
Posted (edited)

first picture was taken yesterday. the second is the donor area next day after surgery.




Edited by sirius67



All the best to you: its early days and to say its frustrating is a massive understatement.


I have an up and coming procedure and I wanted to know if you experienced any swelling? If so, when and how long did it last? I had bad facial swelling after my last FUT.


The donor area looks great by the way, very well covered and almost undetectable. Is the scar nice and thin ?





  • Senior Member

Sirius, hope you are doing alright. The recipient zone for me is still pink/slight red and is clearly showing. I also lost a lot of hairs due to shed in my recipient zone, I think even some of my native hairs it seems. Because my transplant was done in and around my native hair area as well (could be temporary case of shockloss for me). It is very uncomfortable to go through but the shedding/pinkness is normal i believe. We are almost 2 months out, hopefully by next month we will start seeing something, maybe bigger better changes. We both got our transplants around the same time with the same doctor so it would be good comparing pics. I think at this point, everything is normal though, it's just a headache to go through "the shed" and not see anything grow right away. I do think though taking MSM might speed up hair growth and I am on it right now. I think it probably helped slightly but I can't really tell cuz I had my transplant around my native hairs too. I did notice some of my hairs that did not shed in my recipient zone grow longer ( i don't know if it was native hair or recipient as I can't really tell right now). A lot of people told me MSM speeds up the growth of hair and this could be true, because I am having to shave my facial hair often it seems more often then I usually do. MSM wont add new hairs I think but it speeds up hair growth. Did you talk to Mike the patientcare advisor at Dr. Rahal's about MSM? It might be worth looking into after speaking with them. I think even Spex mentioned it in one of his informative posts. I will be going to see Dr. Rahal in NY as well so you might see me there. wish you the best

  • Senior Member

Looking good! Sirius67...how long was your donor hair? I am having a HT with Rahal in December and I am not sure how long to grow it...yours looks pretty long...does it cover it well?

  • 2 months later...
  • Senior Member

Sirius, hope things are good. Thanks for the update. Looks good at 4 months 5 days. Seems like you are getting some good growth. It's going to get better and better. We still have like 8+ months to go. How is the donor area? :)

  • Regular Member
Sirius, hope things are good. Thanks for the update. Looks good at 4 months 5 days. Seems like you are getting some good growth. It's going to get better and better. We still have like 8+ months to go. How is the donor area? :)



Hey Sean ,

I was so skeptical at the beginning and now i'm so happy and i still can not believe how natural my hair looks. Donor area look great , scar not detectable ,pencil thin.

Every time i get a hair cut the barber guy said that im the first client with so undetectable scar ' the others was not that lucky .

My family doctor remove the stitches and he also was so impressed about the whole thing .

and.. yeah ,we still have 8 months ahead !!!

And what about you Sean ? there is no any update on your profile?

  • Regular Member

Hang in there man...I would expect you to start seeing some results in the near future!!


thank you :)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

So that's what Rahal Clinic looks like without a foot of snow on the ground. Your 4 months and 5 months results look great, man, congratulations. I am also a Dr. Rahal patient, 1 month post.

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