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Micropigmentation in IL

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  • Senior Member

There are a lot of unknowns with scalp micro-pigmentation so tread carefully.


I don't know of any in Chicago or Illinois. The closest I can think of is Good Look Ink in Minnesota. But if I were seriously considering SMP I would definitely visit with Dr. Rassman in California.


Be careful with this. Don't just go to anybody.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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I know. Its seems a little scary. Im going for my 2nd FUE into scar procedure, and just want to finish it up w/micropigmentation. I want it just for the scar. I want to get some of the red out so it blends w/my scalp. Thanks for the response.

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I agree with Aaron, there are a lot of unknowns with the whole scalp micro pigmentation thing.


There are many places that offer it, but i'd definitely want to see some results up front before I even make that step. Preferably, in person. I see micro-pigmentation as like a permanent toppik. It fills in areas where you may need some pigments to add a fuller look. Although after seeing some photos of it on scar areas, it does look promising. Search some threads on this forum on the topic. I know it has been discussed before and it may give you a great deal of information on the subject. Good Luck.

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I live in Toronto and i had my scar tattooed,,,,and it looks ALOT better...200 %


It needes around three sessions to get the right amount ...but just to fill in certain points of a bare scalp it works great..I mean whats the alternative?? Having a noticible scar or one that at least the contrast is not so noticable....And since i wear my hair a bit longer, ii works well..i mean to completely buzz might be a different story...and some ink like cosmetic ink fades to nothing after a few years....so at least it wont be permanent for life..

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Just to add, I did research about this before as an add on feature to my own hair restoration process in the future if needed. In my opinion, I found a company that I felt was sufficient after seeing their results. The company is known as Artistry Concepts Hair Replication Center. I feel the guy that has been working on this for years over there has plenty of experience to back up what he does. They do have a website. I still think if people totally run out of donor hair and need to add some density or fill in some areas, this may be a good tool to use, just like toppik but it doesn't rub off, and for scarring, it is ideal i guess. This place that I mentioned does have their own patented technology. I guess some people may want to check it out and read up about it themselves before they make any decision about it. But it does look promising. I wouldn't have this type of work done from anyone that does not have the credentials to back up their micro-pigmentation work. Micro-Pigementation Experts and Hair Transplant Surgeons are two different people working on two different things. They may be efficient in one thing, but may not achieve the same quality as the person that has mastered their own specialty. I'd look into places like the one I mentioned because they seem to have the credentials to back it up and plenty of before and afters to compare. Do plenty of research though. I would use this as a last resort if all else fails. Good Luck.

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Artistry concepts...

I sent them a [pic ture, poliely asked them for a quote ( which on the website they tell you to do ) and said i was checking them out and a few others before i made a decision..

the reply was.....why are you checking other places out..

i said as a consumer im just checking my options

the repley was STILL dont you knwo we are the best??

I kindy still asked for a quote and didnt see their concern of me looking out for options

they said I wasnt going to be considered for the treatment..

Something is seriously wrong with that company...I thik its a HUGE sham and they are playing on the hope of people to find a solution...Either thy guys a total jackass or they really need to hire a PR person

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Artistry concepts...

I sent them a [pic ture, poliely asked them for a quote ( which on the website they tell you to do ) and said i was checking them out and a few others before i made a decision..

the reply was.....why are you checking other places out..

i said as a consumer im just checking my options

the repley was STILL dont you knwo we are the best??

I kindy still asked for a quote and didnt see their concern of me looking out for options

they said I wasnt going to be considered for the treatment..

Something is seriously wrong with that company...I thik its a HUGE sham and they are playing on the hope of people to find a solution...Either thy guys a total jackass or they really need to hire a PR person



Trapps99, I agree with you. I don't think they should have handled it like that. I have not gone to them yet, but have researched a into it. I looked at tons of their photos and their websites, and it really does seem promising. That response though of saying don't you think we are the best just doesn't cut it. I mean if they want to make money they should at least give a quote instead of saying you wont be considered for treatment. They did say on their website they have a right to turn anyone down, whatever that means. But, their work does seem promising from the closeup of their photos. They do have the hair transplant scar photos before and after as well. I'd hope the owner of that place would give better service, that is terrible PR, whoever was responsible for saying that to you. It definitely hurts business and makes it look like a sham. But who knows, what if they really can provide what they are showing. The only way to find out is researching more or to see them in person. That email you got, definitely is a turn off though. I'd expect better service and communication from any business.

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Artistry concepts...

the reply was.....why are you checking other places out..

i said as a consumer im just checking my options

the repley was STILL dont you knwo we are the best??


Yikes! :eek: Horrible PR. :confused: How clueless are they?

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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I have seen there website, but quite honestly I really dont want to fly somewhere to get this done. I know how important it is, but I was really hoping that somewhere near chicago, somebody has had this procedure. Im still going to wait for my2nd FUE scar procedure before I get this done, so I have some time. Trapps, Did they tattoo dark dots or make scar color look like flesh? Thanks again guys for the response.

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Well since i wear my hair longer....its very subtle little lines like little hairs....so when the hair is longer, from a foot away you dont see flesh, just darker skin which means you cant tell theres a scar....its more just to lesson the contrast of flesh and hair...

but ive gone twice and will go one more time to get a littel more done...if the head is completely shaved you would use tiny dots, so it depends how the hair is worn...its not the perfect solution but for camoflauge it sure beats seeing dark hair and then pink flesh...

once its completed ill post a few pics,,,,,

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Im sure any cosmetic artist has donr this kind of procedure...just do some checing in your city and ill bet theres a few that do this as well...it hasent taken off yet so its not readily advertised...

As dr Shapiro stated in a post...it should be approached with caution....it will work in some situations better than others.....

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  • 1 month later...
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I sent you a PM but I wanted other lurkers to know that HIS Hair Clinic is opening a clinic in Chicago in January.


I am really active on their forum (by the same username). If you happened to get it done, you should really post pics on this forum so folks can see MHT isn't all that bad ;P


In my opinion, HIS Hair is the best micro-tattoo practitioners out there. Everyone else is really obscure and shady with their practices (Good Look Ink, Headstyl, Artistry Concepts). I even sent a request to AC earlier this year and that "Gale" woman was pretty rude and inconsiderate. She basically told me that AC is the best in the world and because I had reveiewed other clinics, I am not a qualified candidate.



Anyways, best of luck!



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.....HIS Hair Clinic is opening a clinic in Chicago.....In my opinion, HIS Hair is the best micro-tattoo practitioners out there. Everyone else is really obscure and shady....


Hello there HighTopFade,


Now.. I need you to answer a question..and please try to answer it, pretty please.

i have been researching and one extraordinary fact stands out that no one seems to mention!!!


So here it is...


HIShair do skin heads!!

Good Look Ink do hair!!

Check : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXwRRa_PQfA

Ignore the horrible marketing sleeze and watch the first thirty seconds, then go to 4:50 and watch for a minute.


See what I mean!! It baffles me!! It befuddles me. It makes my plugs angry!


HIS hair: We need to shave you. You will have a shaved skin head look. You can't grow your hair!!! You can grow your hair for 3-4 days. We will not fill in patches.


GoodLook: Nonsense, you CAN grow your hair. Look at me!

You will see their manager Darrin, narrate the vid. He is not the head you see above you now. Just press play and you'll see him. Then go to 4:50 and check out the dudes late in the video. One has an inked crown and longish hair. (Pretty lame too)


It seems quite weird. It wouldn't surprise me if HIShair get on to this quickly, but for now, be warned!! You could fly halfway around the world, expecting to get you buzz/shortish cut inked up, only to be told they will not do it. They work with a shiny bald head and do a 2d look. Where as GoodLook, use the ink and the texture of the existing hair to create an illusion. It's a completely different way of looking at things and doing things and it is incredible that we think of these guys as comparable!


So guys, WE GOTTA WISE UP quickly about this. Micropigmentation is a boom industry and already there are wildly different approaches.


And for God's sake, Micropigmentation companines, wise up too!

You guys aren't gonna last long (or you will miss out on the riches) if you find a ban people from doing their research!!


But HighTop! What's up with this?? Am I wrong???

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  • 2 weeks later...
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GoodLookInk is saying that if you have EXISTING HAIR, then the treatment will improve your look... however, if you are a very bald NW7 with only horseshoe hair, then you'll have that "Five Oclock Shadow".


So Scar5, if you have hair all over that is just thinning... Then you can keep your existing hair and not shave/buzz it everyday.


However, if you are a extremely bald with no hair on top, you'll need to shave/buzz it everyday.


HIS Hair also says the thing...


But if you have an receding and have the tattoo go outside of your natural hair, of course you shouldn't/can't keep your hair at a normal length... it would look silly.


Hope that helps. Pz

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Everyone on this thread(and forum)


I'll be in London and sent an e-mail to HIS that I really like to visit their clinic and see how this procedure works and see someone who has done it. I'm not going to do this at this point but since I'm really interested in this , I wouldn't miss the chance to see it.


I'll be posting my experience next week:)

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GoodLookInk is saying that if you have EXISTING HAIR, then the treatment will improve your look...

HIS Hair also says the thing...

. Pz




So why do GLI appear to 'do it' and HIS appear to be a world of skin heads!??



Well, my theory, (I do not know, and don't claim to know anything whatsoever) is because they - GoodLookInk - can afford to risk it, they have more confidence (rightly or wrongly) and are not expanding across the globe at a rate of knots so therefore, so they can be more creative without risks inherent in giving that kind of creative license to all the technicians around the world using their brand name. But this is no sleight of HIS, because what they are doing, they appear to do well and if they adhere to this disciplined approach- the world of baldness - (its only 2 billion men) is their oyster. So if they have found the correct formula, kudos.


That formula appears to be, (in this magnificent poem of mine)


"Do it light,

do it subtle,

match the skin head,

and we won't get in trouble"


Seriously, I think they are being conservative, and it is paying them off well. You are right; if you have existing hair, such as a hairline like Darrins's (and mine) HR (Hair Replication- I'm already confused by the marketing acronyms, I'll call it HR), HR can help you, but don't hold your breath for HIS to do it not just yet!! (the rate of the expansion means, next week, who knows?)


But obviously, even if you have a strong hairline, but various degrees of baldness, HT hair, minaturizing hair, bald patches etc., behind, you can't go in there willy-nilly trying to match the tones to achieve a consistent appearance. For a start, just turning the head into the light will drastically alter the shades of the 3d and 2d areas.


And even if you could, if that person decided to go skin head down the road, it could be a can of worms. Next thing, some competitor is posting a pic of a 'HIS' patient that looks like the patchwork doll with a caption, 'see, don't let this happen'.


On the HIS website, they say, we can combine HTs with HR...when it comes to sitting in the chair of these HR companies (not only HIS, but all of them), and you telling them you want to have the remaining hair, and you don't want HR to the hairline, but you do want HR in on the crown, I think you might be given a nudge, suggesting you either go for an all-or-nothing approach. Bit like the surgeon that says, yeah, we CAN do FUE but we think YOU should do strip.




thanks for your response

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  • 1 year later...
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Hey Scar5, this HIS Hair Clinic finally opened the Chicago clinic in October.


They've rotated two practitioners since October, and in January they'll have a full-time practitioner in Chicago.


I've had three treatments so far - October 22nd & 27th and on December 8th.


The first two were layering a base, and the crown faded, but that was expected.


The third treatment finally nailed it, and I haven't had an serious fading in my crown.


I have pictures, just hit me up if you're interested.


All my best,


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HighTopFade, if you would post pictures in this thread, I'd love to see them. I'm going to consider SMP this summer, and it is really cool if I could do this in Chicago. If you don't feel like posting them here I would like to see them anyway, please contact me by PM if you don't mind. Cheers. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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HighTopFade, if you would post pictures in this thread, I'd love to see them. I'm going to consider SMP this summer, and it is really cool if I could do this in Chicago. If you don't feel like posting them here I would like to see them anyway, please contact me by PM if you don't mind. Cheers. :)



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No, unfortunately, I will not publicly post my pictures here.


I am a mixed male. A black father and a white mother.


None of you would have "interest" in my results, because of that fact. You will be interested in other men who resemble you.


Fair skin?


Light brown hair?



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No, unfortunately, I will not publicly post my pictures here.


Why not? It will only lend credibility to your posts.


None of you would have "interest" in my results, because of that fact. You will be interested in other men who resemble you.


Not true. Many posters here are indeed interested in other posters journeys even if they do not share similar physical characteristics.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Just a reminder: we do not host outside links on the discussion board. Thank you.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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