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7.5 months photos with Dr Feller


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Originally posted by hair_care:

Hi guys check out my hairloss blog for updated photos at 7.5 months post op.Please let me know what you think. Both photos taken with flash.


Based on these small photos and my experience as a "slow grower", I would say that you will require another pass. I think most of the hair will have sprouted by month 8. The additional density and lengthening will add to the overall result, but I would not expect many new hairs to appear.

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Its looks to me as though the area directly behind the hairline looks thicker than the before pics, but this could be down to the way that you parted your hair. Your hairline looks a little weak right now, but as we are always reminded, patience is a necessity that we must understand. Results now seem to harvest so much quicker and by the 4 and 5 month mark, patients are already experiencing great early growth. But this is not to be expected as the norm. Your just over 6 months of a 12 month waiting game. You may yet be pleasently suprised.


What are your views of your current result? How does the hairline feel to hand, and feel of stubbling or new growth? Have you kept in touch with Dr Feller or spoken of late?

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Overall I'd say you're on track, although it's difficult to compare (especially the hairline) since your before pictures show your hair combed downward. Your new hairline is taking shape though it still looks a little weak. That said, I suspect you still have more growth and several months of thickening/maturing to come.


I expect you'll continue to see improvements each and every month.


Best wishes,



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I'm sorry to say but these results are VERY unimpressive. I would go back to the dr and ask why there is very little difference in the before and after. especially for a session of 2700+ at least judging by these photos. I would like to see more pics. Haircare could you post more before and after pics ?


I don't know why, and I haven't seen all his work to make a fair assessment but Dr Feller's work has NOT been very impressive lately. Maybe the dr should reevaluate his staff/techs ?


Considering the THOUSANDS of dollars this must have cost, I would not be happy. I do hope you grow more, but at 7.5 mnths I doubt that will happen. Sorry haircare, all the best to you. Good luck.








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Originally posted by hair_care:

I still have at least 5 months to go before getting a final outcome.


i hope so for your sake. i think at 7 months you should be seeing 70% growth.


could you put up an after pic with your hair combed exactly the same as your before pic to give a better comparison ?


it looks like if you combed your hair back in the before like you did in the after pic it would look the same ?


again good luck and growth to you

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I had my ht 14 months ago, does anyone think im likely to experience any improvement now? looking at my post ops I think much of the HT has failed to grow. I now only have 1 temple point, the other side appears not to have grown at all. I have to shave the other side to look balanced.

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Originally posted by spex:

I do not know anything about your individual case but can say as many other experienced posters have many times - we all grow differently and in different time scales, some slow some fast. The result so far is only at 7 months, you could well be a slow grower, there may be areas on your scalp that do not allow for good growth - we are all so very different.



Ok. I agree with 85% of your entire post. But lets be fair here. I have to agree with "Where'd It Go" when he says that this could be a poor job by the doctor/staff.


To say that "there might be areas on your scalp that do not allow for good growth" and not say "we might have done a poor job on you" is disingenuous, imo.


When I see apologists for certain doctors who are more than willing to jump to conclusions and rip other doctors, its not cool.


We should treat all alike on this board. At 7 1/2 months, this is not a desirous result. It might improve. Hopefully it does. But if it doesn't, Feller/staff should be held to the same standard as other, less popular doctors on this forum.

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Originally posted by windjc:


Ok. I agree with 85% of your entire post. But lets be fair here. I have to agree with "Where'd It Go" when he says that this could be a poor job by the doctor/staff.


To say that "there might be areas on your scalp that do not allow for good growth" and not say "we might have done a poor job on you" is disingenuous, imo.


When I see apologists for certain doctors who are more than willing to jump to conclusions and rip other doctors, its not cool.


We should treat all alike on this board. At 7 1/2 months, this is not a desirous result. It might improve. Hopefully it does. But if it doesn't, Feller/staff should be held to the same standard as other, less popular doctors on this forum.




It's a big money busine$$ so it's not surprising when the apologists come running out of the woodwork. I see it on these boards all the time. It's also not surprising that results like these don't make it to the posted by clinic side, those are obviously cherry picked. this clinic would never have posted these pics, we all know that.


as far as these results I see no difference at all between the before and after pics. reminds me of those PRP pics they were putting up, where some were claiming they saw an improvement. at eight months what is going to happen to haircare's ht that hasn't happened yet ?


I will be very interested to see haircare's 12 month pics, but like others here with poor or no results they will be excused away and nothing will be done or said.


I would like to see more pics put up of haircares hair now, combed exactly the same as it was in his before pic.

that is the only honest way to tell if there is any difference. too often the before pics are with the patients hair combed its absolute worst, and the after pics have the hair combed its best to conceal any problems.

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WIG and Wind,

You are both acknowledging that to really judge a HT you must give it at least 12 months, yet at the same time question what will change in the next 4.5 months. The answer is, lots can change. Five months is a long time in terms of HT growth. As Spex has pointed out, there are no definitive result timelines: everyone is different. You both seem to accept this fact, yet think it shouldn't apply to this patient for some reason.


Could it be a failure? Of course. We all know there are no guarantees with HTs. But this patient went to a doctor who performs this surgery every day of the week, and who is meticulous with his work and trains his staff in the same manner. If you want to rip this case simply because Dr. Feller is an outspoken member, then I think you are doing a disservice to this poster.


haircare, I remember being in month 8 and feeling very dissatisfied. Then I had a growth spurt and things really took off. I hope the same happens for you. Please keep us updated on your progress.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I have to agree with windjc, Spex's statement

there might be areas on your scalp that do not allow for good growth
, I think quite frankly does not make any sense, are different areas of your scalp programmed to grow differently?, at this point in the hair transplant, the hairline is pluggy and sparse at best. However at about 8 months post op, I am willing to give the HT few more months , but at the end of 12 months if the result is still poor, then I leave it to the members of the forum to decide for themselves.
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Originally posted by hairthere:


Could it be a failure? Of course. We all know there are no guarantees with HTs. But this patient went to a doctor who performs this surgery every day of the week, and who is meticulous with his work and trains his staff in the same manner. If you want to rip this case simply because Dr. Feller is an outspoken member, then I think you are doing a disservice to this poster.





This is exactly what I am talking about. You are a Feller patient and so you are defending him.


Listen. Armani has some patients with great results. Great. But yet his is vilified on these boards. Others too. If this was an Armani result, this thread would be 11 pages long and there would be an uproar. If Pats had said "maybe there are places on his head where grafts don't grow" people would go ballistic.


The bias on this board gets old.


Every doctor has some poor results. Thats just a fact. They should man up and admit it when they do. But, in actuality, they make excuses.


I hope Hair_care has a miraculous turn around. But if he doesn't lets call a spade a spade, ok?

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Originally posted by hair_care:

I agree with you windjc lets give it few more months, If after that I am not satisfied with the result , I'll damn well come out and say it.


First of all, Hair_Care I want to apologize to you because you started this thread probably in part looking for encouragement and I probably sounded like just the opposite.


You might very well have late growth. And if not, then you can always get another procedure from another doctor and get the thickness you want.


So there are options for you and so even worse case scenario you can eventually get the look you are going for. Fortunately, you are actively on these boards and you are or will become educated on all your options.


So, if you have any further questions down the road make sure you ask.



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windjc, You are correct, if this were an Armani patient then it would be a totally different story and here's why: Armani does FUE mega sessions which are a much riskier proposition, imo, than strip mega sessions.


Please do not pigeonhole me as a cheerleader of any doctor because my dedicated history as a poster here has been anything but that.


My whole point to haircare was that he has lots of growing left to do and that he went to a doctor who has an excellent track record, so let's wait and see. I agree, if this were his final result he should be unhappy with it.


haircare, i noticed in your blog you say growth didn't start until month 5-6. That would indicate to me you are a slow grower.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Check out my blog. I was considered a slow grower and I would say 99% of my hair had sprouted by month 7. The progress you see after this time is lengthening and thickening of the hair.


As your hair lengthens and thickens, your look will improve.


That said, pictures can be deceptive. I would take more accurate shots that are combed like your before pics.


I think it is best to be realistic and plan your next steps than to hope that you will get more hairs after 7 months. I honestly have never seen a patient "pop" late hairs. What happens after month 7-8 is lengthening and thickening.

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Originally posted by hairthere:

WIG and Wind,

You are both acknowledging that to really judge a HT you must give it at least 12 months, yet at the same time question what will change in the next 4.5 months. The answer is, lots can change. Five months is a long time in terms of HT growth. As Spex has pointed out, there are no definitive result timelines: everyone is different. You both seem to accept this fact, yet think it shouldn't apply to this patient for some reason.


Could it be a failure? Of course. We all know there are no guarantees with HTs.



Thats a fair question. however you have to wonder why then post a thread at 7 months at all ? Since at 7 months NO ONE knows what the out come will be. its ALL opinion anyway isn't it ?

should no one reply to this thread then, since we do not know the out come ?


I would think if someone posts a thread they are looking for opinions. and of course you will get all different opinions based on different experiences.


I felt at this point he should be seeing +/- 70% of his results, I doubt that he, as someone else here said will see a sudden surge of hairs popping. at this point I believe it is all thickening and lengthening. This was just my opinion based on the before and after pics. Though I do hope I am wrong. We'll see.





But this patient went to a doctor who performs this surgery every day of the week, and who is meticulous with his work and trains his staff in the same manner. If you want to rip this case simply because Dr. Feller is an outspoken member, then I think you are doing a disservice to this poster.


Frankly this makes you sound like an apologist. no one ripped anyone, the op asked for opinions.

"Please let me know what you think. Both photos taken with flash."


And that is what he got. If he was just looking for 'certain' opinions then perhaps he should have made that clear. I believe though he was looking for honest opinions and that is exactly what he got, at least from me. I'm sorry if it was not what he was looking for. I wish him all the best !


As someone had said, if this were Armani there would be 100 pages of negative remarks and not a word would be said. it seems you have to look at the clinic first so you know what your opinion should be before you bother to write icon_smile.gif

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Thanks for sharing your genuine opinions and concerns regarding hair_care's progress at this stage. I think the most important thing here is to remember what we know. Most if not all would agree that the final "result" cannot be determined until 12 months. Likewise, Dr. Feller has a long history of producing excellent results.


While no surgeon or clinic is free from making a mistake, there are all kinds of possible reasons why less than optimal growth can occur. Some of these are unknown (called the "X factor") and are not within a physician's control. On the flip side, the number one cause of poor growth is the mishandling of the fragile follicular units during the procedure (called the "H factor").


That said, a physician's job is to evaluate all prospective hair transplant patients as thoroughly as possible before operating on them. This in conjunction with the proper handling and care of the grafts should maximize growth yield.


Given the above facts, it's very likely that hair_care will see additional growth, especially since he's selected a physician with an excellent batting average.


While I do understand and share hair_care's concerns, nobody can predict with any degree of certainty his outcome will be at this stage. Thus, I suggest that hair_care get in touch with Dr. Feller directly for an evaluation and wait it out to see what comes to. I also encourage hair_care to update this community with his results and what Dr. Feller is doing to help him meet his goals in the event there is less than optimal growth.


All the Best,



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