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Falceros - Before After

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Hello everyone....thought I'd post this separately instead of adding to my surgery thread. Below is a straight on before/after picture from 2004 before any surgery to today 4/11/2007 (almost 6 months post op from my third surgery with Dr. Hasson). More pictures will come from different angles in several months.


1st pic:



I tried my best to duplicate the pose and lighting, but the before picture was taken at Dr. Katz's office at my initial consultation. I brightened up my living room in the after pic, sat down and had my wife take the shot. I even tried to make a similar expression and attempted to duplicate the angle. Obviously, it's not exact...but you get the idea icon_smile.gif


straight on before shot: Hair about 2 inches long


straight on after shot: Hair about 1 inch long - still growing it out


2nd Pic:



6.5 months out from 3rd surgery. This is the most harsh view from the top. Keep in mind though, that all the native hair you see in the before picture (even though there is not much of it) is completely gone now. I'm only left with the grafted hair. I'd be a complete NW6 at this point.


Hair in the before picture is probably about 3 inches in length. Hair in the after picture is about 1.2-1.5 inches.




7801092613_80C7238E64DA4E98E9EB7263B0ACE68E.jpg.thumb 1501022213_C567A42DA517CA47175BF5F4103F9644.png.thumb



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Your twin brother is losing his hair, get him on Fin Asap, Rogaine and Laser comb! Now you look a little less tan than your brother, get the hell away from the computer every now and then!


Great documented transformation, congrats Bro!





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Looking great...your terrific results certainly help anyone who might be "on the fence" about making a HT decision...I know it makes me want to make another leap into the doctor's chair...continued good growth!



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I modified the pic slightly to show the before and after date.


Thanks for the compliments guys. The frontal shot clearly is the best at this point...I'm waiting several more months before doing any other comparison shots.


LOL nobuzz...yeah....the first guy is one of my clones...he just never got the HT? :P


tisab...I'll try to wear the chain for the next one :P



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It looks great--a younger you..three years later..and you still have a lot of growing left. Congrats!


This is not scientifically proven;however, I heard there is a growth spurt when your postings exceed your graft count. icon_wink.gif


Keep up the great work.



My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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Damn! If you aren't the poster child for why this approach can work, I'm not sure who is! Looks really good Bill. Good luck with the next three/four months which should be exciting. The rest of us are WAY behind you, but seeing your journey gives us hope I assure you.

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You have been a big reason why I was comfortable with going forward on the HT. Seeing your HT in person and your guidance was a postive influence. Im excited for you to see what the next 6 months bring!!


Sat around 4ish to hang out sounds good. I will let Jackie know. Ill be in touch today.



DR. RAHAL - 4/4/07

3489 grafts - 7571 hairs

455 single hairs

1986 double hairs

1048 three hairs





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The guy on the right is a truly hairy beast! Duplication of expression was important, but it must have been awful hard to not crack a huge smile.


These pictures a great example of results that can be achieved by good planning/research and going to top notch doctors.



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Gotta add my $.02................it REALLY does look great. Very, very thick appearance front-on which is what everyone sees. I'm envious of the hairline, bro! Can't wait to see the rest as it comes in.


Glad to hear you'll be taking shots from different angles. IMO..........this is something that isn't done near enough. I believe to get a full assessment of what any HT has really provided pics from the front, sides, back and top should be included whenever possible.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Looking Good Bro'!!!!!!!


You know, I am very happy for you my friend.


I feel as if we have kind of "grown together" (in more ways than one!!) right here on the forum, along with several others.


Sometimes I take a look at what is being posted and I sit at my desk with a huge grin on my face or I chuckle a bit and everytime my fiancee comes in she takes one look at my face and I get the "Oh, it's your "Hair Buddies" again!!!!" LMAO!!!!


You guys?


Anyway, you deserve your new lease on life, you look great, and one day we are all going to get together and really yak about all of this stuff!!!!!!!


Much Love Bro'


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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You're right, you don't look like computer geek. You're looking great.

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Bill, You have always given me great advice & opinions & I just want to say I think you are looking great! Of course you were already a handsome devil before!

But seriously I think Pat should offer you a partnership in the forum considering you have more post then him! LOL!

I'm sure there is room for you in The Hairforce1!


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Yeah Bill, how do we know that second pic is not you when you were 17? icon_biggrin.gif


Next time hold up a newspaper so we can verify the dates.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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I didn't realize this post would get this much attention...


I'll tell you though...I'm a sentimental sap...I laughed and I cried (ok, maybe not cried, but maybe a few tears here and there icon_wink.gif). You guys (and gals) are the best.


As the months progress, I will certainly post pictures of the different angles...I just know there is more to come and don't want to post them yet. The hairline shot simply is the best by far right now. The directly over top picture definitely has a lot of thin spots and the crown...well, that will always be thin unless I get more work done in the later future (perhaps I will...but not for at least a few years).


It's YOU ALL who make up this wonderful community...and it's what keeps me coming back and posting. I am driven to help people because it's part of my passion...BUT what keeps me going even when I'm tired is the wonderful people I've met on this forum.


B Spot...what would I do without you dude? We have indeed grown together...knowledge, posts, fHAIR, and most importantly...friendship and brotherhood! Thanks for being a rock and fountain of information! Awesome stuff!


Hairbank...just like B Spot...another one of my brothers. We too have and continue to grow together! And as you would say....BROTHA!!!!! icon_smile.gif


Hairfree....dude what can I say? There's nothing better than in-person friendship...it's been nice being able to be here to encourage you, and show off my hair :P. But most importantly...to develop a friendship that extends beyond the boundaries of the computer screen icon_smile.gif. You rock dude, and your finance is cute too (shh, don't tell my wife I said that...j/k).


Janna...I feel like I've known you now for a decent amount of time...it's nice also to have SISTAS here as well icon_wink.gif. Of course, we know you can't bond with us in bald brother and sisterhood...but it's people like YOU who make it possible for us to get some of our hair back! You too have been a fountain of information and I admire your heart to help people neutrally. This speaks wonders for you and Shapiro Medical Group (yes, listen up any shameless promoters...this is what works :P)


Gorpy...I remember when you first started posting on this forum...and look at you all grown up :P. Ok, that sounds funny to say since you are older than me...but you know what I mean! It's always a pleasure posting and debating with you. We may not always see things the same way...but it's the differences in perspectives that keep this board alive and growing with information! Besides...we simply need a HEAD DENSITY ESTIMATOR!!! And it doesn't hurt that you are a connoisseur of fine Mexican foods :P


nobuzz...you have also been another rock on this forum...a regular member, and more important, my brother and friend.


Ok so I can't mention everyone...since I'm running out of things to say...but I'm glad I've been able to impact you and help you in some way and hope I can continue to do that icon_smile.gif. I also hope that you all stick around and become regular members of this forum too!



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Bill - That looks great! You look considerably younger in the 2nd photo with a thick hairline in place that properly frames the face.


I can't wait to see the final results!


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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Hey Bill looking great friend.

your last post here is a bit like an Oscar acceptance speech from someone not expecting the honor. you deserve the oscar for best hair 2007 :-)


HT2 2570 grafts Dr Feller

HT 2350 grafts Dr Epstein

Finax 1mg per day

nizoral 2% 3/week

MSM 3000 mg / day




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looking good buddy


The hairline looks super natural and frames the face well ( Dr. True did you right) .. NOW COMES THE DENSITY..


it's going to be a great 6 months!!!!!!





1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Thanks guys!


LOL Irish...yes, I guess it was like that wasn't it! Well, I don't know if I'll have best hair 2007, but even being somewhere in the running is good enough for me icon_wink.gif.




I attribute my hairline to all 3 docs...so yes, Dr. True did a good job too!


Any chance of sending me some of your pics privately so I can see the progress of your third HT? I know you are big on the confidentiality thing...so it's up to you. But since I already have your first to second HT pics, I'd like to see the final product. It's up to you dude.



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Looks outstanding just like everyone said. I know you are waiting on the fullness to build in, but it already looks great!


Thanks for being such a great guy and resource for all those like me who have had the need to ask a bunch of questions and an even greater need to get good answers! Good luck as your growth continues. We are all rooting for you!

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  • Senior Member

Whoa looks awesome. The hairline especially is placed perfectly: it doesn't even look like a maturing hairline at all. Is this how your hair looked before you started thinning? It must be an exact replica. Amazing.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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