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Failed Procedure

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SS, I too had a poor HT procedure with a Dr.Joseph Karamikian in New York City. Just had my 2nd procedure with DR.Feller to fix it. I took Karamikian to small claims court but it was dragged out and I dropped it. He kept sending a lwayer so at least he had to pay for that. I also make sure to tell my story on these boards every chance I get. You should do likewise; name this doctor so you can stop others from potentially having a bad HT.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Hi ss

sorry to hear you where the victim of a bad sugeon but herethere is right you need to name the doctor and supply evidence to back up any claim .


I hope your situation can be solved .



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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secret squirrel,


I'm sorry to hear about your unsatisfactory results; do yo care to post pre-op and post-op photos for us to evaluate? were your expectations realistic? Are you on finasteride to prevent future loss? after my first HT, I felt the results were unsatisfactory also; it needed more density; so I guess my expectations maybe were unrealistic; also the doc should have told me what density to expect; so I guess I was to blame and the doc in that scenario; anyway, I had another procedure by a coaltion doc to add density; anyway, maybe you need one more procedure to refine and add density; a lot of posters here have 2 to 3 procedures before they are really satisfied with the cosmetic differance; HT is not a one and done thing; I know going through the journey of a HT can be and emotional rollacoaster. I don't know your exact situation, as far as age, hair loss level etc. but there really are no other treatments other than finasteride, minoxidil, and HT, unless you want to wear a hair piece, which I don't recommend and most posters would not either. 10,000$ might have gotten you around 2500 grafts which really is not a lot unless you hair loss is very minimal. Anyway, you said you have no money left for this, but one more HT by a coalition doc may give you the results you are looking for; you can finance it and work you but off working a second job or whatever it takes---if you are happy it would be worth it in the long term; I'm not telling you to just go out and get another HT to fix things; I don't know your exact situation, but for me it made a huge differance.

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Guest wanthairs

secret squirrell.....


Im not sure how successfull the doc can be suing you if you speak the truth. I think you should name him and give us as many details as possible and if he does sue you we will defame the bastard as much as possible ....


Dont be scared of these butchers. They need to be put out of business for destroying peoples lives. GAME ON !!!

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  • Senior Member

hi ss sorry to hear you had a bad experience but you do need to provide some evidence of your poor ht ie photos and if your not prepared to name the doc could you say if it is a recomended dr on here or not.


you could always ask pat,Bill,b spot for advice in a private pm as they will try and help you all they can like the rest of us.

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Your doc is threatening you for trying to tell the truth? What a piece of work! Naming your doctor is not illegal at all. There are web sites dedicated to reviewing doctors and surgeons. It's not slander if you are simply naming your doc and telling what happened. We have movie critics, restaurant critics, etc. all they are doing is reviewing a service whether it's positive or negative. It's called freedom of speech. Honestly I wish my surgeon would have sued me because then I could counter sue him and maybe get an actual trial.


If I were you I'd go talk to Dr.Feller. he fixed up a bunch of former patients of the guy I went to. He will tell you if you did indeed get ripped off, and will suggest if there's anything you can do. He is a very compassionate doc and a straight-shooter.


Trust me, I understand wanting to put the whole experience behind you. It is traumatic. But you can really help future patients by telling your strory and yes, that includes naming your doc. In fact you don't even have to come out and name him, just put it in your signature, i.e.


HT #1 Sept. 2006:

Unkown number of grafts

Dr.Joeseph Karamikian


Fish oil

Rogaine Foam


I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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One ore thing, and Bill or Pat can correct me if I'm wrong, but we all use pseudonyms here. How the hell would your doc be able to prove it's even you? Bill/Pat, do docs have any legal right to ask you for a poster's identity?

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • Regular Member

You should have no problem from the doctor and the fact that he even mentioned suing you is terrible.


My suggestion would be to do what many of us have done on this website; create a hair blog or write an e mail stating the facts:


Date of Surgery


# of grafts

Pre & Post Op Photos


Every physician has poor results whether a coalition member or not. There is no guarantee of a successful result. However, it is extremely important to go by experience, honesty,state of the art and most importantly a surgeon with a superb track record.

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This "doctor" actually *threatened* you if you attempted to reveal the results and your level of satisfaction with your surgery!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


This is the lowest, most sleazy HT tale I have ever heard of; I hope you reveal the name so others might be spared going to this manipulative butcher. Also, if anyone is getting sued here it would be (and should be) HIM!


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Secret Squirrel,


Firstly, please check your private messages as I have sent you one.


I am saddened to hear that you have had a negative experience but even more deeply disturbed to hear that a hair transplant physician has threatened to sue you if you take your negative experience public. I trust this is not one of our hair transplant physicians.


An ethical physician would work with you to rectify your problem and dissatisfaction rather than make threats that would prevent them from being exposed. After all, a quality hair transplant physician doesn't have a 1000 batting average, but the elite are separated not only by their level of patient satisfaction, but how they handle their dissatisfied patients.


Presenting the facts of the case, number of grafts, number of hairs, physical and emotional experience, and posting pictures does not give the physician the right to file a lawsuit against you as long as you steer clear of defammatory remarks or false allegations.


Keep in mind that if you choose to share your experience publicly, the physician will have a right to come on to share his/her side of the story.


If he/she is one of our recommended or Coalition physicians, he / she will be asked to address this situation and account for the claims against them (including filing a lawsuit).


Best wishes,



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Secret, I don't think the doc can sue you if you were displeased with his work. I spoke out and many others have spoken out against unethical doctors. I think you'd being doing a great service in revealing your doc. Also, it would help to put up some pre op pics and post op in your defense.

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I agree with Anouar.


Even if after all is said and done the doc in question turns out not to be "unethical"...you still have a right to an opinion.

I find it funny but fully understand how people are afraid to mention docs names.


Only my opinion but Docs are like anyone else...paid to perform a service.

Lean on them...if you didn't pay him he'd lean on you....no ??.....I'm not bitter....lol.





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If somebody deformed my appearance, you better beleive I'm going to rat him out. You only have something to lose if you have a shit load of money. I don't think doc wants to waste money on a lawyer to try to get anything out of you. And if you do speak out, others might follow suit.

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SS (and everyone else),

Before we get all riled up, could you please supply pictures and the particulars of your case. Was this your first HT or was this a repair? How many grafts did you get, etc. Thanks!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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for this doc to threaten you with a law suit for merely mentioning his name and stating that you were unhappy with the procedure is nucking futs!!! Id be pissing blood and flames in absolute utter animosity for him! He took your money, did the procedure, and your unhappy with it. Now, he wants to "sue" you if you go public with it? How are you not supposed to go public with the surgery he willingly performed on your head? His threats are an absolute outrage. He has no basis. Give his name as that is precisely the purpose of this forum: to share our experiences (both good and bad) with hair transplant surgeons.


What basis does he have for a law suit? Absolutely none in my opinion. Contact a member of this forum who goes by the handle "bushy" if you would like a legal opinion, as it is my understanding that he is an attorney. I think this is total bull shit and he has absolutely no legal standing...makes me fucking sick! He screwed you over now he doesn't want to live up to it...

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i can't believe nobody else noticed this, but secret_squirrel, is it significant that you keep repeating the word "true" over and over again in your posts? are you refusing to name your doctor but dropping not-so-subtle hints via your repetition? let me be the first to say that this wouldn't jibe with what i know about the physician in question, so i don't believe any covert signaling is going on. but we have to make sure so that nobody's reputation is being maligned here unintentionally. all the more reason to name your doctor.

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Whereas I appreciate your observation, I do not think it is fair to make assumptions at this point.


Let's give secret_squirrel the opportunity to share his detailed experience, photos, and doctor's name.




I have no more detail than any of you at this time. Remember however, that though we are all entitled to our opinions, I want to encourage you all to remember that there are always two sides to every story. Therefore it is important to keep an open mind as details begin to unfold.


Secret_Squirrel, I still encourage you to post your experience, surgical details, and before/after photos publicly in order for us to make a proper evaluation and to advise you properly.


Best wishes,



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One of the most important functions of this forum is to enable patients to share their experiences - the good bad and the ugly - regardless of the surgeon.


It is your legal and moral right to do so.


But in the interest of fairness you should also be ready to substantiate your claims with photos and a detailed account.


This is an open forum and it needs to be fair to all parties - both patients and physicians.


If you have a substantiated and valid grievance I want to know all about it. If it involves a physicians recommended on this community and he or she proves to be in the wrong or acting to intimidate a patient their recommendation will be immediately suspended.


Those who have been active members of this community know this to be true.


Feel free to email me directly at pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com


Best wishes, Pat

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