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Mentor Real Hair Club Member

Mentor Real Hair Club Member (3/8)



  1. I'm impressed with Dr. Rassman's very matter-of-fact response to some of the armchair quarterbacking that inevitably goes on here. Unlike certain other doctors, I've never seen him take the bait. But anybody who thinks he's doggin H & W doesn't have very good reading comprehension. It's very clear what other clinic (or chain of clinics, now) he has in mind when he warns against sticking 3000 grafts in the first inch of the hairline entries. Cross-reference some recent baldingblog entries to that effect.
  2. C'mon, Bill. What the point in posting this result? This better not be a prelude to another "We want to add him to the coalition docs--want do you guys think?" thread. Sorry to say so for this guy, but nm315 pretty much got it right.
  3. lol, you frame the question and planting issue as if you already have an answer in mind, if you know what i mean. i agree w/ Dewayne about Alexander--he's explicit about his own artistic background, and he's not someone who legally changed his name to make you think he's really Italian in an attempt to ride the coattails of certain rather predictable but, alas, widely recognized Renaissance figures.
  4. so you two just signed up unsolicited to rave about Epstein at the same time, huh? and right on the heels of the recent controversy, too. interesting.
  5. No no no misterno. The only Shapiro you should be looking at in my opinion is the one in Minnesota. The great work of Dr. Ron Shapiro only gets done in a colder clime, not in Florida. PLEASE be certain you are not confusing your Shapiros because the consequences could be disastrous.
  6. This is the one and only "Johnny" Diep? Who like so many other doctors rotated onto Dr. Rassman's baldingblog masthead for a few months and then vanished without a trace? I think Rassman is disingenuous when he claims his member physicians (eg, Pak) do work just as good as his own (and I'm no fan of his, aesthetically, for the most part), but perhaps if you contacted NHI they might have some photographic evidence of Diep's ability, or be able to refer you to patients treated by him. Always love that euphemism "treated"....
  7. I'm not making assumptions, I'm simply pointing out the obvious and asking for squirrel's disclosure.
  8. i can't believe nobody else noticed this, but secret_squirrel, is it significant that you keep repeating the word "true" over and over again in your posts? are you refusing to name your doctor but dropping not-so-subtle hints via your repetition? let me be the first to say that this wouldn't jibe with what i know about the physician in question, so i don't believe any covert signaling is going on. but we have to make sure so that nobody's reputation is being maligned here unintentionally. all the more reason to name your doctor.
  9. sorry, but not one of those results on the web site looks satisfactory to me. that's my opinion, but there are so many superior doctors and only somebody who wasn't truly educated about hair transplantaton could express satisfaction with any of those "after" pictures.
  10. If you're not a shill, you must not be able to spot an advertisement masquerading as journalism. Looks like this is just another product that contains minoxidil as its "active ingredient".
  11. LOL, I have to agree w/ Bill that your statements about women doctors, surgeons, pilots, etc etc are pretty ridiculous. One has only to do a quick backsearch of your posts to realize you have some MAJOR issues with women, dude. Here's to some more hair helping you out with that....
  12. Then please by all means tell us where your *particular* clinic is and who the *particular* doctors you work for are. And post their results. You certainly have to do a lot of qualifying and bending over backwards in order to salvage your personal integrity amidst the disastrous Bosley record. Why do you even bother unless you're some kind of paid shill/damage control consultant for Bosley yourself?
  13. If your motive for being here is to rectify statements made to a prospective patient of yours about Bosley, I don't see how you can try to convince us that your post has nothing to do with your affiliation with Bosley and that it's all a matter of personal opinion. Your sign-off is pretty disingenuous, and you can't have it both ways. If you know of Bosley doctors outside the coalition who do good work, then, as B-Spot said, post their results so we can evaluate them. Otherwise, it's really bad form to use other people's pictures without their permission, post glamour shots of your own as some sort of provocation, and then put an "MS" behind your name as if that's any kind of credential. What does a master's degree in "the analysis of public opinion" enable you to discern that other experienced, articulate posters here can't? Nothing. And let me guess, you keep telling us you're going on vacation so we won't be surprised when you stop responding to this thread. You haven't revealed anything that anyone here doesn't already know, and your supposed concern for newbies is more like a concern for newbies still considering Bosley.
  14. i would avoid the generics b/c you never know if you are getting the real drug, but @ BeHappy, no, Avodart is NOT Rogaine!!! Rogaine is the brand name for the generic minoxidil, and Avodart is the brand name for the generic dutasteride. People don't alternate Proscar (another brand name for 5 mg finasteride) and dutasteride. They usually take one or the other and add Rogaine as an adjunct therapy, usually applied to the crown.
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