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Everything posted by Franklin

  1. I agree . I met him and some of his patients in 2003. He does great work. Definitely worth a consult.
  2. I agree with Bill on people making blanket satements. I think both do a great job in the right hands. I had small gauge needles from my last ht and my work was great. I have also seen presentations online from both proponents of small custom blades and needles along with results first hand from quality docs. So if you like the work you see in person from a doctor from past patients do you really care what he uses?
  3. I have seen this way too many times in 6 plus years on hairloss sites. People can say anything they want on the internet. It is up to the people to dig through what's real and what's not. The information is out there but you need to do the leg work after using the internet as a starter.
  4. Personaly I would only use beard hair for scars on the back of the head due to bad strip scarring and maybe blending back towards the crown. You do not want those thicker caliber hair mixed in the front with native hair in case of further thinning . I have seen first hand beard hair planted in the front years ago and it did not look good when mpb advanced.
  5. Rassman invented the name FUE. Not the procedure that is known today as Fue that was done years before.Respect to the site Doctor will not be mentioned. Never let travel be a deciding factor in ht. Results count . Do not let just words and pics make your descion. If you like what you hear then go out and investigate the results in person. LET YOUR EYES BE YOUR FINAL RECCOMENDATION!
  6. Welcome back Jason.Also like to add . I like the way Shapiro medical group is going about Fue.
  7. Yes. Forums are great for the start of your research. Don't rush into anything .My advice meet a few former patients before any ht is done.You need to talk to former patients that had the procedure done.There is nothing like seeing the results in person. Good luck.
  8. Ivyleager. " Placement 1.Each graft is implanted manually. It is very important to handle the grafts very carefully in order to avoid damaging them" They are talking about strip here. Many of these sites around the web. Point is grafts can and do get damaged either way if not handled with care . I will post the link if you want to read further in. http://www.hairtransplantsurge...transplantation.html
  9. Well than it could of been the techs on the last one handling the grafts. I know since I went to a local doc for my strip. He had a different tech each time. That was back some years ago when online information was not around.I know from researching ht's over the years getting a team of techs that have been with the same clinic lessen the chance for poorer yield. But hey in Ht nothing is a 100%. And yes Lesson the less they handle the grafts the better. But I had no such problem with Fue.
  10. Sounds like my story. But what you really have to do after gathering information (patient reviews e-mailing past patients etc). Is get out there and see what the docs work looks like in person. Telling our experiences is just a start. Let your own eyes be the final judgement on what to do going forward.
  11. My transplant was strip andthe yield was very poor. 800 grafts. It is not the strip technique that was bad it was the doctor and his skill. With that said my 1100 FUE grafts produced high yield. My advice through years of research. Go and check out docs that perform both procedures and view live patient results.I did this over 6 years ago and would not get a transplant again unless there were availiable patients to meet. Good luck and take your time in your research.
  12. You might want to check in with these docs seems they are giving it a go. "Dr. Jones met with Dr. Greco in Florida last week to discuss the potential of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as a hair loss treatment. Dr. Jones announced today that he will start treating patients with PRP some time this month, on a small scale trial basis. The process is fairly straight forward and non-invasive. It will be performed in his Toronto/Oakville clinic in Canada. Please note that the use of Platelet Rich Plasma for hair regeneration is a new concept. Dr. Greco seems to have some success in this area. However, there is no guarantee what kind of results (or side effects) one may expect from the treatment. The process involves using the patient's own blood as growth factors. It is a not a surgery. Dr Jones will be using the exact same technique and protocol used by Dr. Greco. At this point, he has ordered enough supplies to treat 15 patients on a trial basis. There will be a small fee for the procedure, but it is strictly to cover the cost of the supplies and overhead required to administer the treatment. Pictures and results will be posted on Dr. Jones' website
  13. "As the 'inventor' of the procedure who published the first authoritative article in the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery (2002)," This is half true. He is not the the inventor. But he is the first to publish a journal and making us here in North America aware of FUE.I have also had a consult with his then partner Dr. Bernstein back in 2002 to discuss Fue and his opinions on the procedure.
  14. Just goes to show you as I have learned over the last 8 years each clinic will have their own way of doing Fue and you have to keep on searching. Now in 2009 We have more options. Good growth to you and yeah I know what you mean about not having Fue in my first procedure it would have been the best option.For me in 1999.
  15. . Should be standard on all sites one would hope. Good post!
  16. Posted by Ailene, a member of our hair transplant community and personal assistant for Dr. Jerry Cooley of Charlotte, NC who is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. " we prefer the needles because the sharp point can be directed precisely and the larger caliber of the needle 'pushes' the hair apart, minimizing the risk of hair transplant shock loss. We use different size needles ranging in size from 19 gauge being the largest and 22g or 23g be the smallest." Thanks for posting this opinion Bill. Maybe that is why I had no shockloss? Anyway in the end it is all about the result.
  17. Just found this today. Don't really have a opinion on it so far just heard about it . But thought I would post it. http://www.prweb.com/releases/...cia/prweb1935614.htm
  18. Just found this today. Don't really have a opinion on it so far just heard about it . But thought I would post it. http://www.prweb.com/releases/...cia/prweb1935614.htm
  19. This in my opinion should be the last stop in your research and the most important before any surgery. Hairloss sites are a very good starting point but just the beginning. Good post Swagger!
  20. . Definately do this. You mean you did not before the first one? Where did you get your ht in london?
  21. You bet it's hard. But it is neccessary . You need to spend at least a good year or so getting in contact with past patients. It's not impossible since I did it. In my opinion if one does not do so than they are not doing themselves justice in there research and should not get a ht. This is elective surgery so what's the rush?
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