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Everything posted by Franklin

  1. This is from another website"Subject: "RE: ISHRS MEETING 2005" Previous topic | Next topic Curious Wed Aug-31-05 01:49 PM Member since Jul 21st 2003 100 posts #27920, "RE: ISHRS MEETING 2005" In response to In response to 6 Drs. Woods and Campbell did attend the ISHRS meeting in Sydney, including the FUE workshop. It's my understanding that the turnout for the FUE workshop was quite good. They did not speak but were invited to make a presentation at the ISHRS meeting next year in New Orleans. All I can say is it's about time for the invitation.
  2. Steve Scott your quote" I had 2000 fue," Dr. Sword does Fue(follicular unit extraction)??? That would mean no linear scar. Not many in my opinion are willing to put the time and effort into this to do it correctly. Or did you just simply mean you had 2000 Fu's follicular units?
  3. Ok once again it all depends who is doing a particular surgery. With Fue ok . This Dr. Minotakis. Here is a little quick backround of who he is from a websearch.Dr. Minotakis is the Medical Directory of DHI in Athens, Greece.I found this on a site when doing a search for Dr. Minotakis. Now this was taken from the 2003 ageans masters meeting. Maybe he is no longer with Dhi I am not sure. And at that time Dhi what was doing Fue for a few months maybe?????? and where is Dhi now? Their Fue really has no long backround to it so maybe I am not surprised if he was talking about how DHI does their version of Fue.Please do not take all statements on any procedure until you had a chance to see for yourself. I have seen a few different styles of strip and they do not produce the same results. And I have seen a few of the different Fue techniques and they are not getting the same results as other.I was not lured into to any salesmenship when I decided on getting my Fue. And if it was not for me going to seminars being in touch with former patients that had it done years before.And seeing real close up results I would have not gone through with it.I don't want to peruade others thinking but everytime I see comments on Fue like it is being performed the same by every doctor and those are the results you expect to get. I feel I have to give my opinion on this open forum as otherwise.That is just like saying going for a strip with this doctor and going with a strip with that doctor you are insured great results. Not true at all . Some strip docs are still using triple bladed knives to cut the donor strip and 18 guage needles. Just like certain Fue doctors are using different tools for there extractions.And different placing techniques.I would also like to add the following.Dr. Minotakis has never been a prominent FUE surgeon.? Who trained him? and how many procedures did he assist on before he began to practice FUE on patients?
  4. Markcia with all due respect your quote"Be aware FUE is still a newer procedure and does have a higher fall-out rate then the strip. This is to broad of a statement. I will repeat and I have had both strip procedures and Fue. All strip procedures and doctors are not the same.In strip they still use several different techniques to preform the surgery.You mean to tell me that Dr. X because he performs strip get's the same results as Dr. Y??? NO. And the same with Fue. I have gone to the doctor that has the most experience and plenty of consistent results to back this up.Yes there are now plenty of other doctors doing there version of Fue but one has to go see former patients and be able to decide this if he is consistent or not. I had little to no growth with my first strips why??? I believe it is due to poor tecnique. Now with Woods I had excellent yield this I believe is due to his hands on experience doing the procedure himeself and taking his time to insure the best possible yield.So Do I think all strip is not going to give great results? Of course not. In the hands of skilled surgeons (like we have here on the site.)As I said in a previous thread this rambling on Fue from these docs is not warranted nothing against them but they just do not have all the facts. I am nothing more than a consumer that did my homework went out to many consultations from the internet "Top Docs" and got what I was seeking a great transplant.
  5. This quote is from Dr. Swords website."The Follicular Unit Extraction Technique The concept makes sense, and it sounds great! Instead of making an incision in the back of the head, simply remove each individual follicular unit with a punch blade then relocate it to the areas of thinning and loss... all in one step. The problem is, it isn't quite that simple. Hair follicles don't grow straight up and down beneath the skin. They grow at angles, and each follicle can be at a dramatically different angle than the follicle next to it. It's virtually impossible to know for sure. Clinical studies have shown that 25% to 40% of all follicular units being extracted during follicular unit extraction are destroyed. They are simply cut in half. And since we have a limited supply of donor hairs, we can't afford to destroy even one unnecessarily. Additionally, the punch blade will leave multiple scars throughout the donor area. When follicular units are simply extracted from areas of the skin, the result is an overall thinning to the remaining hair. Follicular unit extraction procedures last, on average, 30% longer, cost more, result in less density and compromise the donor area. Every surgeon has this procedure option at their disposal; the vast majority sees that it just isn't in the patient's best interest to utilize it. Ok here is my opinion on this subject.This tune has been played over and over again and I want to say from my experiece it is B.S. My density has not been compromised at all in the donor I even had a few docs measure after my Fue procedure and it was the same as before due to the grafts being taken out in a manor spread out uniformly all throughout the donor.I have visualy inspected many patients of my doctor and there donors look great and yield was also. I had far better growth from my Fue than my previous strip procedures. Now that does not mean that strip is bad under the right doctors care but same goes with a experince Fue surgeon. These blanket statements like above from Dr. Sword are just old. And after 4 years of seeing these kind of statements it starting to get REAL OLD. Good luck with your choices.
  6. "Typical New Yorker... B.C. thought process" Hairbethere no need for this comment either!
  7. I am 42 years old and had hairloss not in typical n/w scale. I am now on proscar 1/4 every otherday and I happy to report no side effects and stabilized hairloss for now since procedures. You can do a search for my photos on here that tells my situation. Doc Woods because of your age and maybe not thinking you have stabilzed hairloss for now probably wanted to be a bit careful with you. But that can change also if he seen you in person and eveluated you under high magnification.As far as the grafts in the crown they had great yield just like the rest of the transplant he did. Good luck to you.
  8. Hawk a question. How old are you? And are you on any meds propecia or minoxidil? And do you have some photos so we can see your situation. I had some work in the crown and it fixed me up real good.
  9. First off I will adress mahair. Yes getting transplants for minimal loss might not be the best of ideas in general. I will agree. But here is my case. I am 42 years old and was thinning at a slow pace even before I used any treatments at all. I am now almost 2.5 years out from my Fue. 1100 grafts put in to a rather small thinning area I really do not fit on n/w scale. I am happy to say in my particular case it was a great success for me. I no longer worry about my hair. Take 1/4 proscar every other day since the transplant.I have been on minox short while with retin A (re-mox)And alternate with nizoral shampoo few times a week. Well this might not be a cure all in my particular case my treatment plan is working for me. I will also like to add that there is not only one way to approach a particular hairloss situation and if you look long and hard and do your research you just may find a great option for yourself. Just to add If and when I ever need more I have around at least 5000 more head hair grafts to harvest and that is not even considering body hair I do have some down the road. Young guy's should take a very cautious approach though in my opinion. DonorForHire I went to Dr. Ray Woods Australia . Great experince for me. And my hair is looking better today.Look on this site for a link to my photos in the Search feature type in Franklin photos you will see my 9month progress.
  10. Why does Epstein have to do a test for Fue? If I were you I would look around and see his patients that have had Fue at least as many grafts as you want to have, and then possibly go forward. I had successful FUE performed and a test was just not necessary at all.
  11. Hawk if at all possible can you post some before photos of the area of concern for you hairloss? 500 grafts is not a lot. The 2 procedures made a world of difference for me as I was just going in to add density to thinning areas. This will help all of us gage the results as time go on.We all have different goals when embarking on this ht journey. You are in great hands best of luck.
  12. Ok here is some genuine advice(no clinic name mentioned)Go and view patients final results in person. Let your own eyes be the judge. Good luck to you.
  13. Smoothy I am a patient of Dr. Woods. I understand how some people comment this way on Dr.Woods.I have had the opportunity to view many of his patients before I had my work done after my strip.And was satisfied he can do what he said. And he did.Also everyones hairloss is different and may call for different techniqueS.Myself I wish I had this (fue)before I had the strip procedure done. I beleive there is a place for both in the right hands.
  14. Hairapparent you should expect to see definately lots more growth and thickening. I remember 2 years ago when I had my ht between months 6-9 it really took off. I know how the wait is fustrating. Hang in there.
  15. Well I am just giving my opinion.I had 3 small strip procedures in the past and did notice some shock loss.I then went in January 2003 to add 1100 frafts to my density in a lot of exsiting hair.Dr.Woods buzzed down my hair used a very high powered microscope(zeiss scope)and used 23 gauge needles for my procedures.I had more grafts placed in smaller area this time around and the doctor took his time placing every graft in the recepient area that I was able to watch myself.I also chose the doctor that has been doing Fue for over 15 years so I had great confindence in my descion.To me it made all the difference in the world.I had a great result and great experience.
  16. Here is some very interesting info on Body Hair transplantation.For the first time a published article in a very prestigious magazine.The British Journal of Plastic Surgery.It is my understanding that it's not very easy to get something published there."Body hair transplants" Woods publishes a case study on chest hair grafts transferred to the scalp. Br J Plast Surg. 2004 Dec;57(8) 89-91. Chest hair micrografts display extended growth in scalp tissue: a case report. Woods R, Woods Campbell A. 35 Stockton Ave, Moorebank, NSW 2170, Australia. Conventional follicle harvesting techniques for hair transplantation are limited by the available scalp donor hair. The development of an innovative technique of microsurgical single follicular unit extraction has made it possible to exploit body hair grafts for scalp transplantation. This case study reports on 18 months of follow-up on a patient with extensive scalp scarring who underwent a transplantation procedure using donor chest hair. The photographically documented results show a change in the length of the chest hair measuring an average of 4 cm at transplant to 15 cm by 18 months post-transplant. The transplanted chest grafts provided an excellent cosmetic result for hair replacement. PMID: 15544779
  17. http://www.hairsite2.com/gallery/woods_franklin2.htm
  18. If anyone is interested I have some photo's of my procedures with doctor Ray Woods.You have to go to Hairsite.com front page.Or in the hairtransplant forum.Franklin 1100 grafts.Top Up!
  19. If anyone is interested I have some photo's of my procedures with doctor Ray Woods.You have to go to Hairsite.com front page.Or in the hairtransplant forum.Franklin 1100 grafts.Top Up!
  20. Here is my experience to share.I had absolutely no shockloss from my FUE.I have had strip and there was a difference for me.I beleive that having the docs use high powered magnification and 23 gauge needles and shaving the recepient site had a lot to do with no shockloss and having the doctors themselves place the grafts were the key.You will here other docs say that they don't use any of the above and they don;t beleive that this matteres.Well I can tell you to me it does and I did not have to worry in my case of the dreaded shockloss.And I had a decent amount of hair they were going into.All I have to say is Thank You Doctors.Woods and Campbell.
  21. Hey guy's just my 2 cents.But I went to 25 consults for ht until I finally decided what would be the best technique for my situation.After having strip I decided for me that to add my desired density and because of my hair charecteristics I would go with Fue.I contacted people who have had the procedure some 8 years ago and liked what I saw donor area intact no harm and was convinced.Yes I paid alot for it but my results I am happy with so far after 7 months and more to come.So there for from my expereince I thank and highly recomend Dr.Ray Woods and Angelia Cambell.There results have stood the test of time in my opinion.
  22. Friday, August 08, 2003 10:24 PM "My name is Paul V and my "before" and recent "after" photos can be found at http://www.hairsite8.com/htdocs/woods/paulv.htm I was a NW 7 and I saw Dr Ray Woods and Dr Angela Campbell in May 2001 and had three procedures comprising a total of 1500 grafts (ie. 3 procedures of 500 grafts each). At twenty (20) weeks after my surgery I visited Dr Woods at his beach-house clinic during which a series of "after" photos were taken of me in the presence of his New York attorney. Dr Woods asked me if he could use my "before" and "after" photos, and history, and present them to Farrell Mane. I agreed in good faith as it was my understanding that Farrell would use these photos in an honest and true context ??“ that is: 1. I was a NW 7 2. The "after" photos were taken at only approx. 20 weeks following my surgery 3. The total number of grafts was only 1500 It is my understanding that Farrell was made totally aware of these facts. I have recently seen my 20-week "after" photo on Farrel Mane's website and feel greatly dismayed, angered and disgusted at the way in which it was presented. The "before" photo and the above context was not presented and the way in which comment was invited and negative feedback not discouraged, I feel has left me exposed to open ridicule by the global public. The photo presented on Farrel Mane's website also shows enough of my upper face to enable recognition by the people who know me. Because I've been ridiculed I feel I have no option but to show my full face in true context. Farrell's claim in a thread associated with this 20-week "after" photo that it was taken at one (1) year following surgery is not the case as I understand that he was informed by Dr Woods that it was in fact taken at only 20 weeks following my surgery. I presented these photos to Farrel Mane via Dr Woods (as I do again with these latest ones) in the above context with the expressed aim and intention of helping others in a similar situation as myself. I went to Dr Woods as I believed that with my degree of baldness and lack of adequate donor site I had no other option available to me apart from shaving or close cutting and as I had tried that I was ready for a change in image. At first, Dr Woods was reluctant to accept me as a patient however, I persisted and on my second visit, he accepted my challenge to give it a go. Dr Woods made it clear that I was never going to have a full head of thick hair given my NW 7 condition however; his intention would be to frame my face and to give me a thin veneer of hair at the front. In this context the attached "after" photos are therefore a "work-in-progress" of which I am proud and happy. Having seen my 20-week "after" photo and the associated comments on Farrel Mane's site, I feel that the way in which it was presented is a severe case of abuse and misuse of trust and privilege and I am outraged and extremely disappointed that my photo(s) were not shown in their true context as was the whole point of this exercise. It is my understanding that Farrel Mane was in possession of the entire facts and the before photos however, chose not to provide them and thereby allowing further negative comments about me to continue. If Farrell Mane had made public the entire true facts at his disposal including my "before" photo there would be no issue. I gave Dr Ray Woods and Dr Angela Campbell my full permission to use any of my photos and my story in any way that will assist others in a similar situation as myself. Paul V PS. These after photos that I've posted today are taken after 24 months and approx. 5 haircuts. Paul V PS. These after photos that I've posted today are taken after 24 months and approx. 5 haircuts" Reply Quote Top Bottom Next Previous Edit [ FORUMS : THREADS : REFRESH : NEXT THREAD ] LATEST HAIR LOSS NEWS [bACK TO TOP] -Dutasteride Phase 3 hair loss trials cancelled again -Body
  23. Friday, August 08, 2003 10:24 PM "My name is Paul V and my "before" and recent "after" photos can be found at http://www.hairsite8.com/htdocs/woods/paulv.htm I was a NW 7 and I saw Dr Ray Woods and Dr Angela Campbell in May 2001 and had three procedures comprising a total of 1500 grafts (ie. 3 procedures of 500 grafts each). At twenty (20) weeks after my surgery I visited Dr Woods at his beach-house clinic during which a series of "after" photos were taken of me in the presence of his New York attorney. Dr Woods asked me if he could use my "before" and "after" photos, and history, and present them to Farrell Mane. I agreed in good faith as it was my understanding that Farrell would use these photos in an honest and true context ??“ that is: 1. I was a NW 7 2. The "after" photos were taken at only approx. 20 weeks following my surgery 3. The total number of grafts was only 1500 It is my understanding that Farrell was made totally aware of these facts. I have recently seen my 20-week "after" photo on Farrel Mane's website and feel greatly dismayed, angered and disgusted at the way in which it was presented. The "before" photo and the above context was not presented and the way in which comment was invited and negative feedback not discouraged, I feel has left me exposed to open ridicule by the global public. The photo presented on Farrel Mane's website also shows enough of my upper face to enable recognition by the people who know me. Because I've been ridiculed I feel I have no option but to show my full face in true context. Farrell's claim in a thread associated with this 20-week "after" photo that it was taken at one (1) year following surgery is not the case as I understand that he was informed by Dr Woods that it was in fact taken at only 20 weeks following my surgery. I presented these photos to Farrel Mane via Dr Woods (as I do again with these latest ones) in the above context with the expressed aim and intention of helping others in a similar situation as myself. I went to Dr Woods as I believed that with my degree of baldness and lack of adequate donor site I had no other option available to me apart from shaving or close cutting and as I had tried that I was ready for a change in image. At first, Dr Woods was reluctant to accept me as a patient however, I persisted and on my second visit, he accepted my challenge to give it a go. Dr Woods made it clear that I was never going to have a full head of thick hair given my NW 7 condition however; his intention would be to frame my face and to give me a thin veneer of hair at the front. In this context the attached "after" photos are therefore a "work-in-progress" of which I am proud and happy. Having seen my 20-week "after" photo and the associated comments on Farrel Mane's site, I feel that the way in which it was presented is a severe case of abuse and misuse of trust and privilege and I am outraged and extremely disappointed that my photo(s) were not shown in their true context as was the whole point of this exercise. It is my understanding that Farrel Mane was in possession of the entire facts and the before photos however, chose not to provide them and thereby allowing further negative comments about me to continue. If Farrell Mane had made public the entire true facts at his disposal including my "before" photo there would be no issue. I gave Dr Ray Woods and Dr Angela Campbell my full permission to use any of my photos and my story in any way that will assist others in a similar situation as myself. Paul V PS. These after photos that I've posted today are taken after 24 months and approx. 5 haircuts. Paul V PS. These after photos that I've posted today are taken after 24 months and approx. 5 haircuts" Reply Quote Top Bottom Next Previous Edit [ FORUMS : THREADS : REFRESH : NEXT THREAD ] LATEST HAIR LOSS NEWS [bACK TO TOP] -Dutasteride Phase 3 hair loss trials cancelled again -Body
  24. You probably know this but make sure you keep you head covered from the sun when you are at the beach even if you go wading in the water.Should do this for a couple of months but check with your doctor.Good healing!
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