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Everything posted by mmhce

  1. I am Going Bald Save ME, First of all, you need to establish if your hairloss is MPB or some sort of nutrient/mineral deficiency, or if it's radiation exposure...etc. Then if it is mineral deficiency, you can go ahead under medical supervision to supplement your diet with such substance. Biotin which is a version of Vitamin B, (I believe) cannot ON ITS OWN cure/help MPB.
  2. Bill and Raphael, I'm on MSM now for about a month and hoping that you're both right about this. I still have reservations about the rate of hair growth. I'm more inclined to believe the increase in hair diameter for reasons I've already stated (the rate of cell division). I'll just have to keep monitoring it.
  3. I doubt you can "train" the "dead" hair shaft above the hair follicle to go (grow) in any other direction, that determined by the direction of the slit and the direction of implantation.
  4. If all of this is true, then you are one of the few people that exist outside of 3 standard deviations. I do not understand how the use of finasteride can re-absorb water from the large intestine, and thus contribute to constipation. Finasteride is vital to retarding your hair loss. Consult your physician first, and then if allowable modify your intake of fluids per day. There have been cases of lower sperm motility and motivity in patients that use finasteride but this is rare. Just like your case is rare. I have the documentation some where and perhaps soon I'll initiate a thread and invite comments.
  5. This is so true! I feel I look much older with my NW3. Some people say I look older and some not. It's just that different people have different opinions and the off-colour comments hurt us all.
  6. Welcome to our community. Please post some pics of your hairloss. Why did you begin taking accutane in the first place? Thanks.
  7. I'm sorry Bill, but I really 've never had an ingrown hair. Thanks!
  8. Good information MattZ! You're right. I haven't seen you before!
  9. That's ok. My experience with minox ONLY REALLY was limited. I was advised by the doctor that minoxidil and finasteride should work synergistically for the best effect. You're free to garner responses from far and wide. But I am NOT referring to terminal hair growth. The quick effect I am referring to the sprouting of the vellus hair. 1cm/month is the growth rate of terminal hair. Vellus hair does not even grow to 1cm. Whether or not a patient vellus hair thickens into terminal hair is another matter. No. I am not confusing any tinkling sensation. I have photodocumentation.
  10. 40 sounds like a low number. I was told that the average from my surgeon will be around 65. Not that anything is wrong with 40. What did the doctor tell you about tension in closing?
  11. Dude follow the post-op instructions to the letter and even then, BE EXTRA CAREFUL! Gently massage slightly away from under a light shower with baby shampoo, nothing more. A lot of people are always EXTRA careful.
  12. That was years ago, but I believe I started taking minoxidil, just a few weeks before finasteride. Like I said the reaction was instant. Within the first couple of weeks, I could see and feel the vellus hair growing. Additionally, I started taking 15% minoxidil a few months later and again the higher strength minoxidil caused the hair to thicken in a matter of weeks. Unfortunately MPB will continue to advance in ALL persons and my hairline still receded even though slower.
  13. Unless you have an adverse reaction to finasteride, I wouldn't advise stopping it.
  14. Yes. I had a minoxidil only reaction. To me the reaction to the minoxidil was almost instantaneous....like a few days. Finasteride took longer.
  15. Other wise just drink your recommended 6-8 glasses of water per day and eat your bran. Did your diet change at the same time as when you started taking finasteride?
  16. lokingforsolution, Finasteride was developed to aid in the treatment of Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). As a side-effect scalp hair began to thicken, because the formation of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) was inhibited. These tests were conducted on older men. 35 yrs and older, I believe. There is no reason why the drug should not be effective in treating hair loss in older men. I know this might be a stretch of the imagination, but is it possible to continue taking finasteride(Proscar) and start taking Cialis or Viagra to aid with the erectile problem? I'm not a doctor, but maybe you could ask you doctor, get a response and publish it here. BTW get the scientific material referenced where it says that the drug does not work for me over 41 and publish that here too! Until that everything is just here say.
  17. You might be very right about that, but by manipulating the angle of the incision/slit, much like in the construction of the swirl in the crown, would this type of construction be possible? But I believe that it would be more applicable to those who already have wavy/curly hair. Those who are Asian may not be able to achieve this, nor perhaps want it. More comments are welcome.
  18. Comments anyone, or does this require a surgeon's advice? Thanks.
  19. mgem, I understand what you're going through. I too have struggled thinking how I would break the news to my loved ones. The response from them would inevitably "But we love you just the way that you are, and there's no need to change anything about yourself". But like most of us on this forum, you're a metrosexual, yuppie and/or just plain vain and you want to increase your beauty/sexual image. It's ok. But you need to find a way to tell your wife, because if she finds out any other way...you'll be in trouble!
  20. Congratulations! and how many did you have to remove?
  21. A micrograft is one or two hairs per graft. These are used in the combined follicular unit grafting surgical technique to define a subtle, "feathered" appearance to the scalpline and to any border of transplant with skin or in any low hair density situation. The one and two hair follicular unit grafts (i.e. the large percentage of them) are therefore micrografts. Micrografts that have been harvested from the donor from a cluster rather than from splitting a cluster apart are also follicular unit grafts. However, for example, if we split apart a three hair follicular unit to get a one or two hair micrograft, that micrograft would not be a follicular graft. The rare situation where one can intentionally make micrografts from splitting apart follicular units is the person with very strong, thick diameter hair whose thick diameter will not look as natural as quickly as when the diameter is compromised by cutting the follicle away from a tight cluster. Survival is compromised in this situation as well, however. Courtesy: La Jolla Hair Restoration A follicular unit micrograft is a follicular unit graft cut under a microscope which is state of the art. Mini/micrograft would simply be a minigraft being created under a microscope. Though use of the microscope here is appropriate, minigrafting is outdated. Courtesy: Bill.
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