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Everything posted by Eman

  1. Ask a friend if they know any nurses or you can go to your doc or a clinic. Or you can find a plastic surgeon if you are worried about those options and they would probably be interested in seeing a HT patient. May even do it for free!
  2. price is per graft in FUE, similar to FUT but more expensive.
  3. I used all natural aloe gel and that seemed to help a little, but as Joe said vitamin e oil is great too! Also, thanks and you will have great results as well!! My hair gets longer by the day and I am not sure what to do with all of it
  4. If you spent the time and money on a HT, giving your body a break for a couple of weeks (even a month) will do no harm to your workouts. I speak from experience as I am an avid weightlifter and enjoy basketball twice a week. It was hard, but it can be done and I actually made more gains from letting my body rest.
  5. Looks nice and clean, great planning for your future was done, and now the waiting game has begun. Happy Healing!
  6. Lots 'o grafts. You are going to have some awesome density when this grows out. Congrats!
  7. I think that your hair looks great and like all of us on this site we are our own worst critics. I would, in my opinion, not think about HTs at this time especially because you are young, have little loss (I assume the temples have always been like that?), and financially the amount you want to spend will NOT get you what you are looking for. First $2000 will get you on average around 400 grafts from any of the top docs here and that is having a strip procedure. That will give you very conservative improvements on the temples, but not be able to bring them forward enough to make you happy. I would say: Save more money, do a lot of research, wait years to see if you actually will have more loss, then decide whether or not to go through with this. Leave well enough alone (or so the cliche states)
  8. Looking really good early on. There is a huge difference between your pre pics versus the 18-week pics. More to come for you!!
  9. FUE is not scarless first of all. You can wear your hair shorter with a FUE procedure. And you can have strip after FUE. Strip is great for larger procedures, while FUE is great for smaller refining procedures. But FUE session sizes are getting larger with some of the recommended docs on this site.
  10. What type of procedure did you have? Who was/is your doc? Having another procedure a couple of months after the first is not typical. Give us a little more info and we can try to help.
  11. Many of mine had the kinked ends...not an issue. And growth is beginning at three months but probably nothing you will be able to really see.
  12. Laxity will have nothing to do with the amount of grafts that can be extracted. I do not believe there is any pre-work you can do to make extraction easier.
  13. some of the soldiers would fall out here and there early on, but like PGP and kaounis between three weeks and a month.
  14. This should bear a nice result...yes, too bad we as HT patients cannot fast forward to the beginning of growth and the end result. Happy Healing!
  15. Say hello to a nice looking buzz cut today and get ready to say a said farewell to those little guys for a good period of time. No more mirrors for you in the next couple of months...then you won't be able to stop looking in the mirror!!
  16. Starting to see some progress, which is super exciting, I know. Only fun times ahead!!
  17. Give Dr. Rahal a call and see what he has to say. Also, six months is early and you have many more months of growth ahead of you.
  18. Call your doctor. At 60-days you should have no scabs and redness/pinkness and that is it. Call your doc!
  19. shouldn't be a problem, as like you stated, you will have the initial shed that will last for the same period of time as the Propecia shed.
  20. I use Jason Biotin shampoo and conditioner. I like it because it is mostly all natural and it came recommended.
  21. got your hairline back with more density to come in the upcoming months!!
  22. look forward to following your journey too!! Take a look at Spex's HT Tips. Great resource for you and everyone prior to going into the chair.
  23. Good number of grafts, nice and clean work (as always from Shapiro!!). The hairline will really frame your face once it grows in. Keep us posted! Congrats
  24. I was tan going into the weekend before my surgery and the weekend before heading up to Ottawa I spent three straight days at the beach and got even more tan. You just don't want to burn your scalp or anything like that. My results turned out great. I have never heard of it being an issue prior to a HT, only after...
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