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Everything posted by Rachmunas4life

  1. Thanks for the reply! I too never go too short but the donor scar stretching concerns me, since I am young, scar easily and have a loose scalp. I am looking forward to your progress in the coming months!
  2. Your hair and hairline looks very similar to mine. What made you choose strip instead of fue? Dr. Ron is who I have chosen so I'd appreciate what you two discussed on long term goals as well.
  3. I'd go with recommended surgeons on this forum. Dr. Meshkin is well praised on here and I really like his results, although I do agree that being comfortable with your surgeon after the consultation is key as well. But then again results are key, and that's what Dr. M has on here. I also agree that traveling is never a bad idea. Lot's of surgeons offer traveling discounts.
  4. Any pictures before or immediately after surgery? Dr. Charles probably took pictures. Also at 3 months it's just the beginning of growth.
  5. I think he got a good result from the mediocre pictures he presented. What about a donor pic? I'm only an NW2 and 27 years old. When I was 23 I e-mailed Dr. Armani my pictures and he told me I needed 3,500 grafts. If I had that kind of money I would have done it, being uneducated and all. This is because of all the young guys on his fancy website getting results like I wanted. I didn't know about donor and that I may lose the hair behind my head and look like a fool the rest of my life giving up more than 1/3 of my precious donor! The other surgeons I spoke with or e-mailed told me to wait 5 years or more. That I didn't need one. Now after 4 years all the surgeons recommend no more than 1,500 grafts, and explained to me that it's better to save donor and fill in only what is receding now. But if I e-mail DR. Armani I wonder that he would say???
  6. I am a NW2 and can cover up my slightly receded temples keeping my hair a little longer. When I get fue done shortly I will have my hair shaved. I work out of my place and don't mind a little redness. Besides, I've always wanted to see what I'd look like with a buzz cut. So if I can get optimum results buzzing down, I will do it 100%!
  7. I have a similar experience with a different scenario. A highly respected surgeon told me in my in person consultation that he thought I wasn't a candidate for a transplant from the pictures alone. He had to see me in person to tell me I was a candidate and that the pictures were deceiving. So I agree that he should see you. That is unless you are a NW8 or are really young. Then I could understand.
  8. What it all comes down to is no surgeon is batting 100%. All the top surgeons are around 990%. It's good to see Dr. Armani get .0001.
  9. Have any donor pics? 6,500 fue grafts seems like a record on this forum by a few thousand.
  10. I wonder if and when hair cloning will be offered as a hair loss option, who will be performing those surgeries? Surgeons or someone else?
  11. Some advice for you: I wanted a transplant when I was 23 and was told by surgeons and this forum to hold off. I've stayed loyal to the surgeons and people on this forum to wait a few years (am 27 now). They also told me to get on Finasteride (propecia) over a year ago which I did. Just keep styling your hair so the receding areas aren't noticeable. That's what I've been doing and once it's impossible for me to do it I will then do FUE. I've actually been told that a 1,500 graft fue procedure isn't a bad thing for me now. I'm considering it for the summer. The choice you must take is "do you want to play catch up all your life with the hairs you lose?" I still haven't decided. Just for piece of mine that not all surgeons will tell you to hold off in your lower 20's... When I was 23, Dr. Armani told me through e-mail that 3,500 grafts would be ideal for me. It would also lower my hairline 2-3 cm. At 23 I probably would have gone through with it if it wasn't for this forum! I was immature and probably would have financed the whole procedure. Be careful! If you look on this forum you will see how many guys heads he destroyed. I'd listen to a coalition doctor!
  12. I just don't understand that he wanted to strengthen his hairline, yet he still doesn't have much of one from the pictures I've seen? Isn't it better to get more density in front and slightly less going back? Thanks doctor!
  13. WOW! FANTASTIC job Dr. Wong! This shows why Art Garfunkel pulled off an excellent transplant too!
  14. What were the differences between Dr. Epstein and Dr. Shapiro in each detail? I met with both of them by in person consultation a short while ago. Thanks and grow well!
  15. Those photos are all of young guys in their 20's. Is this the patient age Dr. Armani usually works on? It seems like it from photos on here and his website. It also looks like Dr. Armani lowers every young guys hairline 1-2cm with a lot of them being the straight across look (not all but lots). I'd also like to know where these guys have $20,000 grand to spend at that young age? I'm almost 27, make decent money and still am holding off due to the expense. I once sent my photos to Dr. Armani and he wanted to do around 3,500 grafts. All the other surgeons said 1,500 max unless I want to lower it 1cm for 2,000 grafts. 3,500 grafts would lower mine like 3cm!!! Am I missing something? I am also not going to Armani but I just wanted to share this.
  16. Here is where my pictures are; http://hair-restoration-info.c...60861/m/37510023/p/2 Feel free to PM me anytime with questions/comments. This is your thread so I don't want to talk too much about me. : )
  17. Maybe this is when I should schedule with Dr. Ron. Crosby and I could have FUE sessions the same week. I'll be 27 then and it would be a similar case. I'm not a diffuse thinner but I have temple recession (mostly on my left side). I've also been on Finasteride for 10 months. How many grafts are you getting? What is yours and Dr. Ron's game plan?
  18. The Shapiro brothers are my choice for hairlines. If I wanted a mega session I'd probably choose Dr. Wong.
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