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Everything posted by lorenzo

  1. DD214 I am sure your transplant looks good. Dr. Lorenzo is from Spain. 50 per cm is possible. This is a friend of mine from Venice look at his result as well as a patient from Spain http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/180221-dr-hasson-2967-grafts-fut-1-session.html#post2438495 http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/165656-dr-hasson-8402-grafts-one-session-11-months.html I actually help all the Italians. Thanks to the internet repair are becoming less and less. You can see my result from my personal website. www.contecapelli.com My father was also Sicilian (Enna) but also lived in Palermo. I have been to sicily 4 times and love it. My favorite city in the world is Palermo and love their beach Mondello.
  2. DD It is normal to defend you doctor especially when you are satisfied with your results. I have met all kinds of patients from other doctors. Some have great results and aren't happy other results don't look good but the patient is happy. I am glad you can now see that this poster result is somewhat barbaric. This doctor shouldn't be offering FUE at all. At $2 a graft I am sure he get enough business for his FUT. I help the Italians that come to Hasson and Wong that have to be repaired because they got too caught up with price rather than quality.
  3. FUT and FUE heal considerably different. FUT is a straight line and FUE are circles. I have posted two FUE photos. The first one has a lot more holes and they are considerably smaller than the posters. The second one shows you FUE with holes similar to this gentlemen. He left his hair long because he would never be able to cut it shorter. Both these result are not considered the norm when done by a competent doctor. This size of the scar is already established. If anything the hole may become bigger if the grafts beside them were damaged during the extractions.
  4. DD214 I have a lot of experience in hair transplants. His repair will probably cost him a lot more. In one year when you see his results you will understand. I feel horrible for him because he didn't deserve this. There aren't too many doctors that will be able to fix this mess.
  5. DD214 If you are indeed happy with your transplant then why doesn't the clinic only offer FUT. Looking at these result they should not offer FUE at all. Wait until they either have the money or travel. At the end it will cost this guy a lot more to repair. I bet if you ask him he would say if he knew what was going to happen he rather go bald. Next month I am going to have my second bone marrow transplant in the last three years. I am at one of the best clinics in the world. Thanks to the Canadian Medical system I do not have to pay the $500,000 USD transplant. If somebody told me they would give me $300K to have a transplant somewhere else I would refuse.
  6. There is no price that can justify a bad transplant. Donor hair is limited so every hair wasted or damaged is worth over $20 a hair to me because it will never be replaced. I help the Italians that come to Hasson and Wong and I have seen a lot of horrible repair patients that were conned because of price. Losing your hair is natural, having a bad transplant isn't.
  7. DD214 I am going to give you the benefit and believe you are a patient. Lets say to make things easy that this clinic offers great FUT. Their FUT results are 10/10 but their FUE results are lacking way behind. After looking at the pictures I have to say the FUE are 1/10, they look like a hair transplant from the 70's. Doesn't the doctor have a duty to tell the patient. We do great FUT but are not that good at FUE. After that don't you think the patient would either decide to get FUT or go to another clinic for FUE. Nobody can defend what we have seen. It look similar to the plugs from the 70's. DD214 obviously you are an intelligent guy so why not check out other doctors FUE result and see the huge difference. The patient is not innocent either because he didn't research enough and was convinced become of the clinics price. I really feel bad for him because what has happened to him is criminal in my opinion.
  8. I agree with Malcolm89 you cant defend against ignorance. DD214 either has very little understanding about hair transplants or he has interest in defending this result. His comments in my opinion are a lot more damaging towards this clinic than helping it. Wow it appears that 40% of your donor was damaged by the holes. I am shocked by the size of the extractions on your donor. I am concerned they damaged a lot more grafts on the donor then they actually used. After looking at the photo with the ruler it appears they gave you a density of about 4-10 graft per square cm. I took a look at their website and the first thing that you notice is $2 a graft. Very little towards the results but more towards the pricing. If you research enough you will notice that their results on their website are not flattering. Nobody that has even a little understanding about hair transplant can defend this result. All you can do now is wait and start trying to find a doctor that can repair this.
  9. I don't think any of these doctor are rising stars. I think they are established already in their comfort zone. All you mentioned are good doctors. Rising star is someone that is likely to be successful. Since your donor hair is limited why would someone chance their transplant with someone what is likely to be successful compared to someone that is. If the rising star is half the cost of an established doctor that is a risk some people may want to take. I assist the Italians that come to Hasson and Wong and you should see the garbage transplants I have see that come for repairs. Most of them picked a doctor based on price rather than results.
  10. Personally I prefer doctors that owe their own practice rather than hair mills that hire doctors to work for them. I am not saying Ziering is good or bad but find there is a lot of pride lost when you are an employee rather than an owner. You can't go wrong with True or Dorin but I would also look at other doctors in the New York area that are recommended. I am a big fan of Dr. Feller so you should also consider a consult with him if possible. Good luck!
  11. You have to respect the doctors decision. He may have decided after he posted that he didn't want to get involved and I don't blame him.
  12. If there were any keywords I don't think it would be published from the start.
  13. It appears you have a lot of thinning hair. I would take finasteride for at least a year before you consider a hair transplant.
  14. This is all about ego and not about fact. People opinion will not change regardless of how you present it. Right or wrong 95% of posters will not change their opinion. Posters pick and choose what they want to respond to making it very difficult for an actually person researching to understand anything.
  15. I fully agree with this statement. This thread now appears no longer to be about fact but about ego. It started off quite educational but the posts are about ego, If I was a newbie I would be turned off by a hair transplant after reading this.
  16. I am a result supporter. I like it when everyone get the best possible result regardless of technique.
  17. I fully agree that why I feel it was inappropriate to use it as ammo. Low blow in my opinion.
  18. Lileli I assist the Italians patients at Hasson and Wong. The garbage FUE that I see coming from Italy can be considered fraud . In Italy when you lose hair you go to a private dermatologist. Before they were trying to sell you their miracle hair products that could cost up to $400 a month. Lately there are all selling FUE even if they have no knowledge of hair transplants. One Italian that was a NW5 was told with 5 sessions of 300 graft he would be back to normal. After two session of paying $3500 he realized it was a lie.
  19. I hate conspiracy theory especially when they only comes out after and not during. Why not ask Bill and Pat privately. Bill and Pat were well informed of this and probably felt he would remain unbiased. Do you disagree with this or feel they were wrong?
  20. This post is getting ridiculous. From name calling to insults it is very hard for anybody reading this to make sense. After challenging the intentions of an ex moderator, you have now questioned the whole integrity of this forum. "Peanut Gallery" with "learning disabilities"??? Rather than being an educational discussion look what it has turned into. This is my opinion,
  21. 1. Does propecia and Rogaine work only on crown areas? And in what cases is the laser hat recommended? Propecia and Rogaine work good in most area but usually better in the crown. I have done Laser in the past and the only difference I found was in my pocket book 2. If you want to go over 2400 grafts, can this not be done using an FUT? As a poster said before 2400 is considered a smaller session. The doctor will look at what is possible, what you need, where your future hairloss will be and if you are taking meds. I was there a few years back to assist an Italian patient that received 9200+ grafts. 3. Why does WebMd recommend that doctor's use single bladed knife for excising donor strip? Single bladed knife is a lot better than double. This will give you less transection and a better scar. 4. Did you guys also feel that the consultant was being a bit evasive or was it just me? A good consultation should know what there competitors offer. I am sure he knew what is right and important and didn't have the proper answer for you. So I would say he was being evasive. Good luck!
  22. Turtle you result looks great! Citizen you are in good hands with Dr. Wong. I will be there with an Italian patient on Thursday, maybe I will see you.
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