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Everything posted by lorenzo

  1. It did look like bigger than 1mm punch. 1.2 is big and looking at the punch in the donor they could even heal a lot bigger if hair surrounding grafts were damaged. I don't think this is only a case of getting your money back. I don't think the $5000 is going to make up for the damage done. Depending on who you choose for repair this can cost over $30,000. You will not get close to that with gofundme page. Not only you need to get your money back but also the repair. I would not sign an agreement until I had a quote for the price of repair. Then only when they agree to pay for the repair I would consider it.
  2. I never knew you had a transplant I was only looking at where the hairline was located. I don't know who your doctor was but temples points are not easy to do. If not done right they can look unnatural.
  3. There is nothing wrong with where your hairline is located. I think you are lacking temples points.
  4. appstatefan247 It is not normal that Hasson and Wong didn't give you a response to your email. I apologize on their behalf. Regardless I am sure you will be fine in Turkey. I have not read any horror stories regarding seeing Dr. Koray in Turkey. It normal to be a bit worries but you will see everything will be fine. Good luck!
  5. Your hairloss reminds me of this Italian I helped. I have posted his pictures so you can see, he received 4911 grafts
  6. At the beginning everyone thought Rooney hair transplant was amazing. This was because he wore a lot of concealer. Now he isn't wearing any everyone thinks its a failure. It does look very thin but as stated he is going to lose a lot more hair. A soccer player that just retired told us that Alex Del Piero was loosing his hair and didn't know what to do to maintain it. He was not allowed to take finasteride because of doping issues. So I don't believe Rooney is able to use it. There is a soccer player named Antonio Conte (Italian national coach and maybe Manchester United future coach) that had two horrible transplants. He finally had a proper transplant to repair it. Soccer player are too busy to research and assume all transplant doctors are the same. I have enclosed a picture of Conte to show his bad transplant and his repair.
  7. I believe some of the doctors have consultants in Toronto. I believe Hasson and Wong has one can come see you and explain the procedure. The more consults the better.
  8. Don't fool yourself this kind of garbage still happens. Although maybe not in the same doll hair effects. Many people come out of a transplant looking worse. Any person with a medical certificate can do transplants without any additional training. This is why its important to choose a doctor that is good. Websites like this assist you in making the smart and right decision.
  9. I would say around 50% with have some form of swelling. This depends where the grafts are placed and how many grafts are placed. If the grafts are placed in the hairline at a good density then they usually get some form of swelling. The swelling is the liquid that is falling down and it doesn't hurt all at. This usually starts at day 3 and last around 2 days.
  10. I have heard of him. Kelowna is beautiful along with the other cities near by, If you haven't been there Kelowna has grown a lot over the last few years.
  11. Don't forget Vancouver Island. Victoria, Tofino, Campbell River and Parksville. Oh yes and my home town of Nanaimo.
  12. Dutchie I think the most important thing you did was find this website. Regardless if you have to fly or drive whats important is that you make a wise choice. I fully agree with Mav. Good luck!!
  13. Exactly! Want to add percentage of growth, staff, experience, type of slits used, amongst other things.
  14. It should be a tough choice, its a huge decision. Loosing you hair is natural, having a bad transplant isn't. I don't want to commend on any other doctor because I don't want to sound biased. This forum is great place to find information and be educated. I am sure the members of this forum will help you with any doubt or decision you have. Take your time and be confident of your decision.
  15. Dutchie Whatever decision you make be should be 100% sure. Since you have considerable hairloss ever grafts is important.
  16. HTsoon That makes a lot of sense. Apparently there is close to 20 million veterans. After doing some research DD214 has changed his stance to the point that he appears to now be on the patients side. He educated himself and understood that this was not correct.
  17. It seems like the same case. Especially when I read this. I thought it was the same but it could be someone different.
  18. I read this on rip off report, Over a year? If that is the case can you show your result? Ripoff Report | Colorado Surgical Center & Hair Institute Complaint Review Lone Tree, Colorado: 1261895
  19. It doesn't impact your appearance at all with that hair style. At the moment I don't think its the right time for a transplant. I think if you start taking meds you will probably be ok since you have a lot of hair.
  20. Its hard to tell with your hair covering your hairline but I would say NW2-3 at max. There is some thinning which means that unless you take meds to stabilize at 27 this will most likely progress. In my opinion should not consider a transplant until you have tried meds for at least 1 year.
  21. I don't think this is going to be an easy repair. He should start sending online consults to the doctors he is interested in and see what they say. Better to start early even though there is nothing that can be done until at least 9-12 months. In the meanwhile he should try to get his money back from his doctor.
  22. SanJar I do believe you can be repaired but there will not be too many doctors that will be capable in my opinion. If all the grafts grow the main thing is to make this transplant natural. Because the grafts are transplanted throughout your head this is a large area to transplant and after seeing your donor it may not be able to handle it. Maybe I am wrong but I only thing this can be done via FUT. You will more likely have to go to a doctor that is able to get a big number and is comfortable with this. Let say you are able to get 4000 grafts, this may be enough to camouflage the first 1/3 of your head (if all the graft grew). Then all graft behind this can be FUED out and also transplanted in the front 1/3. Then roughly a year later if possible you can get the midscalp and crown transplanted less density (its depends on your donor). I am not a doctor and this is my opinion. I just want you to see in my opinion what could be involved and to be careful what another clinic may tell you able your repairs.
  23. I think anyone that does proper research wouldn't have them on the list. This is the reason when you go on their website all you see is $2 a grafts rather than good results. Its human nature to try to convince ourselves that everything is true and golden when we may benefit from it.
  24. I don't want to make this a FUT vs FUE debate. At this moment if I had to get another transplant it would be FUT. Better results, and better growth.
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