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Everything posted by dakota3

  1. I've attached a pic below. Is 2500 grafts enough to make a good differance or am i being to conservative?
  2. The doc's w/ the most publicity arent posting! They have paid patient advocates that are here posting for them which is pretty smart if you ask me. The only doc i see on here w/ any consistantsy is Feller. So between him and Spex there isnt anyone on this forum that shouldnt have Feller cross their mind when thinking about a HT. Now thats not to say that these guys are the best, but generally speaking people go w/ the business they think of 1st. Its called branding. Its very powerful
  3. Bill, Do you use any concealer to help w/ appearance of density or is it straight hair commando. lol
  4. Edit.. Im not sure about the laser comb though. I've heard it doesnt help to much
  5. Got hair has given you some good advice. I would also say that starting to use Nizoral shampoo couldnt hurt. It says it's for dandruff but has been shown also to block DHT
  6. look into DR Rahal. He's around your area. If your looking for someone to make your scar appear more cosmetically pleasing I've heard Dr Epstein down in Florida does some awesome work. Dont let location come into play when it comes to getting a quality procedure though. Alot of people here have done that including myself and most of us regret it.
  7. nm315, Have you posted pics before? What age/NW level are you at? By no means should location be a determining factor, but where are you located? There are several doc's such as Feller, Shapiro, and especially H&W if you are looking for a large session. Keep in mind tho that everyone is differant. Not everyone is a candidate for a megga session. Contact jotronic, and or spex and they'll get you started in the right direction
  8. Thanks guys! Bill, when you look in the mirror do you see the same density as you see in pics? do you see more/less? I say that because i know cameras can be harsh on pics of hair and would like to know if what i see is an accurate description? Im going to H&W at the end of the summer to get 2500 grafts. I have about 25-30% of my original hair still left all over the top of my head and hope that 2500 will make a decent cosmetic differance. Bill do you take propecia/minox?
  9. avin701, Welcome! check out the "consult a physician" tab on the main page of this website. There you will be able to find a physician in your area. Just a suggestion though. From what you say money is not an issue (lucky bastard)so research docs all over and have more than 1 consultation. Staying local should be the last thing you should consider if you dont feel comfortable w/ your choices in your area. Hell i live in New Hampshire and i will be flying to Vancouver British Columbia for my procedure. Do TONS of research and pick the doc you feel most comfy w/
  10. Its hard to decifer what is what now, but i will say it seems you guys are much more concerned w/ defending your site now than you are answering the questions people are posting. Lets get back to normal huh?
  11. I was quoted having around 7500 grafts available. Assuming i will be a full NW6 will that be enough to make a good cosmetic differance or will i need to use a concealer to cover up what i will be missing
  12. I was quoted having around 7500 grafts available. Assuming i will be a full NW6 will that be enough to make a good cosmetic differance or will i need to use a concealer to cover up what i will be missing
  13. Never heard of DR Reys? Got pics of the donar site?
  14. Who are you having the HT with? Its not terrible. The worst part is when they give you shots to numb you up. After the 1st or 2nd shot you dont feel a thing.
  15. I think that if you shed that means it's working. The hairs that were on the verge of dying off will shed. While the stronger hair becomes stronger. I shed ALOT for the first month or so, but have not seen any shedding since.
  16. Keep your head up bro. I had the same experience w/ the Boston Bosley.How far along are you? How many grafts did "you pay for"? The good news is there are alot of people on this forum and thru-out the world who have had the same experience as you and i who have gone on to have great hair and restored confidence. Thats what keeps me going! Feel free to PM me if you need to talk to someone w/ similar experience.
  17. Thats a good point! If what Kevkristy is saying is true, this is a little concerning. The doc should be giving far more attention to him than to this thread.
  18. I would think that it would depend on how much you hairline was receded. Mine is receded and i have no plans as of now to have that area grafted. IMO it's far less important to have a great hairline but thin all over ,than to leave the hairline as is and go for a fuller look over all
  19. Congrats!!! I will say though that just because they call doesnt mean they arent a hair mill. The Bosley doc called me the night of my surgery
  20. there are a couple of people out there that questioning Dr. Epsteins work, however only 2 that i know of have posted pic's, and 1 of those people looked pretty good in his after pic to me. He's got an excellant reputation and stands firmly behind his work. Nobody can bat 100%, but I beleive he's a great choice. You'd be pretty hard pressed to find someone who's more honest and cares as much about his patients though. Im not speaking from actual HT experience w/ him but i have met him and he is a straight shooter w/ your best interest in mind.
  21. BTW i beleive you can start scar treatment right away
  22. Yes, Mederma is good, but for these types of scars it works very minimally. It's best for minor sarring. I guess if it makes it look a little better than its better than nothing.
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