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Everything posted by dakota3

  1. Putting $10k on your credit card wont hurt your credit, but not paying your monthly payment will. Besides putting 10k on a credit card w/ say 14% interest will end up costing you about $35k in 10 years when you are done paying it. Here's what to do! While 10k for 2k grafts isnt terrible it also isnt the cheapest you can get it. Like condoguy said Alexander is $4 a graft and IMO is top5 in the world. So thats 8k instead, Now if you wait say a year and are able to save $200 a month you are now looking at $5600. Financing that much at 24 months will only cost you about $250 a month assuming your credit is half way decent. So instead of paying $35k over 10yrs you wait a year save some money and pay about $8k instead.
  2. teach, Im sure that all Bosley docs arent bad, but Bosley is a big company w/ alot of overhead, and seem to be more concerned w/ taking your money than satisfying thier clients. Im sure you've heard the saying that 1 bad apple spoils the bunch. Your best bet is to do a search on the internet and this forum to find a quality doc. See the attached pic and realize why bosely isnt recommeded here.
  3. Not bad, but not great either. It seems that this doc may concentrate on covering the whole balding area and not on creating a "dense" hairline 1st . I wonder if this is the decision of the patient, and if he explains the importance of dense packing????
  4. Either this docs camera sucks or he's only batting .500 . This one looks good, but 2 for 4 is not good odds in the HT game
  5. This is a great result! This guy got over 1600 grafts less then the other patient w/ 5200 one of the other posts and looks like he has 2X the coverage. Either this guy is wearing concealer, the pic was taken in crappy lighting, or this is one lucky guy.
  6. I agree with everyone else! This poor guys donar supply is propably pretty close to used up and the results are not up to the standards we've become acustomed to. Hopefully these pics are immediatly following his 2nd procedure.
  7. Acilles, Throw away that provillus crap! Its all a scam. Propecia or proscar and rogaine are better and if you can go w/ the combo of proscar and rogaine it's a hell of alot cheaper. All of these companies claiming to cure hairloss use the same things. Minoxidil, a mixture of biotin, saw palmetto and other crap, put in in bottles w/ differant names, throw it up on the internet and prey on people who would do anything to re-grow thier hair. I was one of those people too! So dont feel bad.
  8. If that was all the hair a completley bald man could get than I'd rather go completley bald.
  9. Hatrick, Have you consulted a doctor about this. If not maybe you could PM one of the Doc's that frequent this site and get thier opinion! Just looking out after you bro!
  10. You know what You should do is offer the top Poster of the year a free HT! I'd make this my job! LOL
  11. Congratulations! Great choice! Keep us up to date
  12. BTW you can call Dewayne and I the Bobsey twins! LOL! Dewayne will get it.
  13. Hairnutter, Do a search on yahoo or google. Just type in the name of the product you are looking for. I've read 1 review on nanogen and it was positive. I have personal experience with toppik and it worked wonders for me. The trick w/ toppik is not to apply to much and brush as you're applying. I never had 1 person look agt me funny when i applied it. Hope this helps!
  14. I'll say that MHR is not the best choice, however I have a friend who had a procedure done w/ them back in 2003 and it looks great. It's all about the individual doctor and not who they work for. keep your head up. In 6 months you may look back on this and wonder why you worried so much
  15. Lets hope that hair cloning is in the near future! If it is then none of have to worry.
  16. Hairnutter, I've taken a look at your pics and Balody is right. I had a picture in my head of something far worse. In my opinion "from the pics" it looks like you only need additional work to fill in the voids so to speak. Im in a similar situation and have been told thats it's very easily fixed. I think if you let the hair grow out a little more than toppik can do a great job until you're ready to get the procedure.
  17. Bill, Unless Im mistaken Thininhouston is over a month post-op. That seems a little late to have scab's.
  18. Actually i think these are ingrown hairs which are perfectlly normal. Im not 100% sure though
  19. hairnutter, Man dont be so hard on yourself! Know that you are not alone. I have the same issue except my scar is 10 inches long ,no hair grew, and just the opposite happenend actually. I lost more hair and now shave all the way down. I tell people I was wrestling alligators in Australia w/ Steve Irwin and one tried bite my head off. LOL J.K Of course now he's dead so that wont fly. Have you ever heard of toppik? Its a concealer that works the balls. "the balls means 'great' here in Boston". This will buy you some time my friend. Im not sure about HT docs in the UK but Balody gave you some excellent names to start with. Look if we're gonna do this lets do it right this time right? So if it requires travel then do it. Most docs reimburse for travel anyways. Keep us up to date and try to be positive.
  20. What a glorious day that will be huh? It does appear that you could get away w/ lots of hair styles, just maybe not that one. You have a ton of hair now and your only at 6 months. It only gets better from here!
  21. Im gonna go with Nay! Although the hair is coming in beautifully. Its nice to be able to try differant styles though isnt it?
  22. Tou'che my friend! I see your point! He tells me he is a NW3 and got 2000 grafts.
  23. Isnt it great that we have such a large selection of doc's to choose from?
  24. Hairdew's got a great list! I'd also add Rahal, Epstien, Cooley, and True&Dorin. Do some research have consults w/ as many as you can and then make a decision based on your heart! I'd say you couldnt go wrong w/ anyone mentioned here.
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