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Everything posted by dakota3

  1. John, If you are that concerned about traveling "which is foolish now adays considering most docs reimburse for travel" BTW im not calling you foolish" than consider Dr. Rahal. He's got an excellent reputation and he's pretty close to you. Definatly stay the night of the procedure. 2 reasons 1 because even though you arent doing anything it is very taxing on your body, and 2 you can go back the next day for follow up and they can show and do your 1st wash. 2 birds 1 stone!
  2. If thats what makes you feel better than do it. Just be careful and do your research. When your done doing your research make your decision and go w/ your heart. Even if that means spending a bit more money to travel to a doc your comfy with. Best of luck!!
  3. forget about Armani if he cant do the procedure unless you pay extra. Also i guess he doesnt have a good track record w/ FUE. As far as Dr.Jones i've never heard of him so i cant give you advice either way. Use the search engine on this forum to see if any one has had experience w/ him. I do know that you are pretty close to Dr. Rahal however and he's got a great track record. BTW i dont even think you need any work done from what i can tell!
  4. Dewayne, I miswrote my last statement. I meant to say 1/2 a pill everyother day. I'd like to keep my prostate thank you. LOL
  5. Propecia is about $70 a month but you have to take 1 pill a day. So your option is still cheaper. Thats wierd because my insurance did cover proscar. I guess im lucky. 3 month supply for $10. I hope 1/2 a pill a day is alright.
  6. Guys, Im switching from Propecia to proscar today. Is there anything i need to do or know before i switch? Can i split the pill in half and take it every other day or should i split in 1/4's and take it every day?
  7. Thanks Guys!! Thats very helpful! So a skillied doc can put roughly 60-80 grafts in an area the size of a thumbnail.
  8. Can someone give me a size reference of a CM? I keep hearing docs say they can pack a certain amount of hairs into a CM, but im not sure what that looks like around? Hope that makes sense.
  9. Can someone give me a size reference of a CM? I keep hearing docs say they can pack a certain amount of hairs into a CM, but im not sure what that looks like around? Hope that makes sense.
  10. Thats pretty gross. Is that a joke? I wonder who would look at that and say "Ya now thats the look im going for"
  11. dewayne, Watch it! you dont want to become a junkie... with a full head of hair. LOL
  12. from what i've heard and read sleeping slightly reclined for the 1st few nights is recommended. Im not sure losing a couple of grafts is normal!
  13. shedding is normal. It is not considered a problem.. The hair that sheds is going into a resting phase. I know its not fun watching your hair fall out but consider this, your new hair cant grow in until it goes thru it's normal stages which includes shedding.
  14. Yes! You can do everything you did before at 5 wks. If you go out w/out a hat tho take precautions to protect your head against sunburn.
  15. beveroti, Thanks for the comment. I do plan on only doing the frontal 1/3 so it's good to know that 2500 would help. Hairbank, Im almost 30 and i've been on med's about 1.5 yrs. I will take some more pics and post them soon. Im shaved all the way down right now so it may be a couple of weeks before i can post those. I have to say though that the pic is pretty accurate as to my degree of hair loss. Before i started on meds i had more hair. I was one of those guys who shed after starting the foam and Propecia and it didnt all come back. Thanks for commenting
  16. OK! See ya!!! No seriouly though if you really and truly want to be a member hear you will just post some pic's and try to put this behind you. If you are for real people will see that and conversley if you are fake people will see that too.
  17. Dewayne, Although it's a noble geture I dont think you owe anyone an apology. You are however a bigger man for it! You are right though. The older you get the less "being bald" bothers you. Just last year I thought about it 24-7 and was depressed. Now even though i've had a failed HT it doesnt bother me half as much. I still think about it alot,but it doesnt consume my life like it used to, and Jupiter hopefully this is something you can look foward to. You are young and there is nothing wrong w/ that ( I wish I was 20 again) and I know these things seem life and death, but they really arent! Jupiter have you tried using Toppik? It works wonders for your hair and your confidence! BTW... If it makes you feel better in anyway than f#@k it use all the swears you want to! Your not in England entertaining the queen! LOL
  18. Limmer is in San Antonio i believe??? Dont let geograhy limit your choice on where to go. Most coalition docs have travel discounts
  19. azza, You look great! You had a large area to cover and w/ only 3800 grafts Doc Rahal definitly maximized coverage. How's your donar area? How many grafts do you have left? You still have 2-4 months left for maturation. Good for you!
  20. mobius, I cant answer your 1st question. Maybe a doc will chime in and give you that answer. I can however answer your 2nd question. No! there are too many potential risks (diseases,no growth,etc) to use someones elses hair. We'd all have a full head of hair if that was the case. I'm not 100% sure about using body/facial hair.I know you can use those hairs but it seem it would have limited growing potential.
  21. If only you could combine thier talents!
  22. Is there such thing as too much hair. LOL. Your gonna look like a rock star!
  23. lillian, Bosley was very highly recommended to me. Recommendations from anyone but patients w/ experience doesnt mean crap to me anymore.
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