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Everything posted by richie48

  1. hey fellow hair geeks I rung the brittania hotel this evening and thursday 17th april is a quiet night with a quiet bar area available for our meet . There is an NCP car park next to the hotel costs are ??4 for 2 hours or ??5 for 4 hours . The train station is a 10 min walk away . So the meet is at the Manchester Brittania hotel bar between 6-7pm thursday 17th april , hope to see you there . richie
  2. Pat or Bill Are you going to give any sort of official reply to these concerned posters on the future of ng2 expulsion , or is silence your only anwser , don't ever lose sight of the fact that it's the forum members that are ultimatly your bread and butter . You silence on this issue only raises more suspicion and is plain insulting , questions have already being asked as to what else is being censored ? , who else will be banned ?, how much freedom of speech do we really have on here ? And members are calling upon your sites credibility . Without all the facts or a credibly answer from either of you the whole thing stinks of over moderation and bully boy tackticks . Your site = your rules , maybe ...... but start to alienate your members and you don't have a site . respectfully richie
  3. Hey hairbank Thanks for your explanation ,just checked and my scar runs just below my bump , you can see that much more clearly in my side pic , right in the center of the safe zone . My concern is that baloby's scar looks very low , much lower than mine ,almost as deep as the nape of his neck . I'm hoping Billorus or balody can shed some light on why this is . Hairbank what do you think of the hight of his scar ? richie
  4. cheers big guy It still looks very low to me , maybe Bill could comment and clarify why this is . richie
  5. Hey balody I'm confused , I've just checked your blog ,and i've got some questions . Your pics on this thread show your old ht #1 which I believe is over 18 months old , not sure exacly , the area which is 4.5 months is at the back , with some small infill bits , is that right ? Your post title is a little misleading as your pics fail to show your second transplant , the pic below shows were you had work done on your 2nd 4.5 month old ht What your showing is your older ,grown out , and previous transplant results which have already been established . Also in your top outside pics you appear to be wearing product ,can you clarify this for me please ? And this pic has me worried for my own scar , your scar seems very low and mine is alot higher as in these pics first balody's scar then my own Please could you and maybe Bill comment on the difference on hights of the donor areas . Balody please don't take this personally I just want some clarification for newbies who may mis-understand what your showing them . thanks big guy richie
  6. Dear Pat I'm replying with all due respect as this is your forum and your rules , I don't wish to start an online arguement but wanted to air my opinion openly after we have exchanged private pms in the past . In the past few months we have seen three forum members removed or threaterned with removal for speaking up . My issue is with freedom of speach and opinion on a public forum , Frog was thrown off for speaking out about issues with concern him , he was accused of having an agender and removed . I was threatend with removal and accused of having an agenda , this was not true , cleared up and I'm still here . Notgoingtogobald was removed when his opinion of only two top docs was questioned by you , I don't know the details of your pm , only what info you have disclosed , so can only comment on that , then your top poster was removed because of this . My concern is that these expusions or threats only drive opinions underground or leave your posters not wishing to share thier experience whether good or bad , and all experiences and opinions should be made public knowledge to help hairloss sufferers make informed desisions ,don't you agree ? From time to time Notgoingtogobald had some strange and very much outspoken posts but he also asked some cracking good questions and because he hadn't had any surgery done himself didn't have any affiliation or feel the need to defend his choice of surgeon , he only defended the surgeons he believed produced the best and most consistant results based on his knowledge gathered from your own site . Does that make him an his opinions ,a product of the sucess of this forum ? Removing and threatening people who are outspoken or share bad experiences , in my opinion , will only create one sided views , for the continued sucess of a public forum both sides of any arguement or "controversial" opinions must be heard . I would like you to reconcider notgoings expulsion , as I , and I apriciate I'm only one guy , kinda liked his line of questioning and his strange sence of humour , love him or hate him , agree or disagree with him , did contribute honestly and regularly to this community . Your sincerly richie
  7. hey mike weldone bud , hasson and wong are world class , you sound like your done your reaserch well . you really can never do enough research , good luck but your in the best of hands .hurry and get some pics up bud , i wanna see ..... i wanna see hahahaha h richie
  8. hey bigchuckymac I put it in the experiences bit because I was asking for experiences from former patients I dunno then , I've pmed Bill to ask ,nevermind , here will do . a confused richie
  9. Hey i've been moved and my links have gone , whats the crack !? The venue is looking increasingly like the brittania hotel in central manchester , they can be conntacted here http://www.thebritanniahotelmanchester.co.uk/ between 6-7pm in the bar thanks guys richie
  10. hey fallenstar and balody I'm trying to drum up interest in a uk patient meet up in the uk , it's in manchester , due to being central ,on april 17th ,the link is below http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=151750 notgoingtogobald my friend hahahaha yes that is me in the loo hahahahaah and i burnt my fuckin ear on the candle ! hahahaaha cheers guys richie
  11. hey fallenstar and balody I'm trying to drum up interest in a uk patient meet up in the uk , it's in manchester , due to being central ,on april 17th ,the link is below http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=151750 cheers guys richie
  12. Hey guys On the back of Bills new forum headings I also think a presedent should be set were by all hair transplant pics should be outside in clear sunny conditions . Below are my examples of good clear shots and the usual dirge we so often get presented with ................ i'll let our good forum members make up there minds on this one , feed back welcome hahahahahaha The above examples are clear with good lighting and outside , nothing to hide ........ The following shots are the usual dirge ! PLEASE NO MORE OF THESE CANDLE LIT NIGHT TIME SHOTS USING A PANASONIC CINICAMERA FROM 1963 hahahahahha this is my hairline the wimnortNpole clinic did 72 grafts into my N-W7 OR THIS , showing the crown ...... I hope all members take note hahahahahaa this is not aimed at anyone really , just a bit of fun richie
  13. Hey guys On the back of Bills new forum headings I also think a presedent should be set were by all hair transplant pics should be outside in clear sunny conditions . Below are my examples of good clear shots and the usual dirge we so often get presented with ................ i'll let our good forum members make up there minds on this one , feed back welcome hahahahahaha The above examples are clear with good lighting and outside , nothing to hide ........ The following shots are the usual dirge ! PLEASE NO MORE OF THESE CANDLE LIT NIGHT TIME SHOTS USING A PANASONIC CINICAMERA FROM 1963 hahahahahha this is my hairline the wimnortNpole clinic did 72 grafts into my N-W7 OR THIS , showing the crown ...... I hope all members take note hahahahahaa this is not aimed at anyone really , just a bit of fun richie
  14. hey nathen here are a few links to infomation about the clinic you mentioned , please bud do alot of research , and i mean alot of research before you make the same mistake again http://stophairlossnow.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=777&hl=wimpole http://stophairlossnow.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2544&hl=wimpole http://stophairlossnow.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=755&hl=wimpole http://stophairlossnow.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=995&hl=wimpole also i wouldn't let geography be an issue when i came over to New York to have hair surgery with Dr Feller in november 2007 the exchange rate was only slightly better than now ,the UK?? was 0.475 to the US$ . That ment you could get US $2.1 to UK ??1 . Dr Feller did 2100 grafts and charged me $7850 ,that worked out to be ??3728 . My flights with british airways and my accomadation for four nights was approximatly a further ??800 That is $3.70 or ??1.77 per graft . As a direct comparison against UK prices ,in february 2007 i was quoted ??1750 for 500 grafts at a hair medical centre in the UK ,this was later reduced to ??1500 . at the time there was some confusion over whether this was for strip or fue , however since then I have been informed by the clinic that they do not offer fue . but even at ??1500 that would have cost me ??3 per graft ,that is $6.30 per graft . for me , as a uk patient it was lot cheaper to go to the states and see Dr Feller than to stay in the UK . so it total it cost me just over ??4500 for 2100 grafts in New York , i had a strip method although Dr Feller does do fue it is more expensive and you have to fit the criteria , as in hair density , laxity of the scalp and hair chariteristics , spex can explain it better bud hope that helps bud richie
  15. hey air1 fancy a trip to manchester on the 17th of april ? http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=151750 check it out bud richie
  16. hey bud here's a link to my growth from 1 month through till 5 months so far . http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/content.asp?CopyID=1420&WebID=714 good detailed pics , also check out my blog too for more pics good luck but i think your right were you should be richie
  17. Hey spex Jesus bud ! it would take you forever to put that lot up into blogs Am I write in thinking this is'nt only your job and you do actually have a permanent job to do aswell ? And twins ! What a nightmare , don't envy you buddy richie
  18. hey tom hahhhaaha I appriciate your honesty , no problems brother . scar looks good bud easy richie
  19. Hey guys Just read this on another couple of sites and thought it was a very good idear , I fully credit chucky/bigmac with the idear but I for one think it's top notch , plus I'm suprised I've beaten him putting it on here hahahahah sorry bud . I know it's short notice but the plan is for any former patients from any hair surgeon , all are welcome ,to showcase (or pimp themselves)to any prospective UK newbies who are interested in seeing results in the flesh , think of it as an school of HTs open day hahahaha. Any clinic representatives and show cases are welcome , aswell as anybody interested to share there experiences , you may just want to chat to like minded hairloss sufferers and ht veterans . It looks like the start times are going to be around 6pm- 7pm and we wish to meet in cetral Manchester , a few sugestions for a venue have been made already with over night accomedation too , good for chucky to down a few hahahahah , and when decided I will post it up on this forum asap . I believe spex has been roped in , many of the forum regulars will have heard of him , I think stevo lives in Manchester and I'm only an hour or two away so I shall be there also . For any UK guys or girls suffering from hairloss it's a good opportunity to find answers for your hairloss condition . Top idear bigchuckymac all welcome hope to see you there richie
  20. Hey guys Just read this on another couple of sites and thought it was a very good idear , I fully credit chucky/bigmac with the idear but I for one think it's top notch , plus I'm suprised I've beaten him putting it on here hahahahah sorry bud . I know it's short notice but the plan is for any former patients from any hair surgeon , all are welcome ,to showcase (or pimp themselves)to any prospective UK newbies who are interested in seeing results in the flesh , think of it as an school of HTs open day hahahaha. Any clinic representatives and show cases are welcome , aswell as anybody interested to share there experiences , you may just want to chat to like minded hairloss sufferers and ht veterans . It looks like the start times are going to be around 6pm- 7pm and we wish to meet in cetral Manchester , a few sugestions for a venue have been made already with over night accomedation too , good for chucky to down a few hahahahah , and when decided I will post it up on this forum asap . I believe spex has been roped in , many of the forum regulars will have heard of him , I think stevo lives in Manchester and I'm only an hour or two away so I shall be there also . For any UK guys or girls suffering from hairloss it's a good opportunity to find answers for your hairloss condition . Top idear bigchuckymac all welcome hope to see you there richie
  21. Hey tom , I'm confused . Are you sure that was a number 2 gaurd ? The hair looks too long , below are my pics shaven with a number 2 gaurd after only 28 days , look at the difference in hair lenth . richie
  22. Hey guys I have finaly created a web blog , with some minor teathing troubles hahahaha Anyway it's up to date with many top , clear and honest pics ,outside , close ups , wet dry ,before and after comparative shots . I hope you will take a look , I've also tried to link it from my profile but that hasn't worked just yet . Take a look comments welcome , I've tried to be as honest as I can be . richie
  23. hi god hahaha my names richie on this and other forums , I suffered alopecia areata in my early 20's after I had shingles , adult chicken pox . alopecia areata is when your immune system thinks your folicals are antibodies and attacks them , basically your immune system is confused , after it attacks them your body recovers and most times your hair will grown back . I was left with a patch ,20mm in diameter ,near my crowns , i have a double crown , which unfortunitally never regrew , not even on meds , for years my pals named my triple crown . It wasn't a problem at first because the rest of my hair was thick and healthy . By my late 20s I had started to thin around my crowns due to male pattern baldness so after 18 months on meds , proscar ,to stablise my hair loss I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in nov 2007 . Dr Feller show no concern due to me now been healthy and I have recovered from the alopecia areata, and the blood still flows to the new grafts when transplanted , like any other hair transplant . John fustiante , guitarist with the red hot chilli peppers is rumoured to have had a similar proceedure to fill in a patch due to alopecia areata from drug abuse in the 90s . Below is a link to my 5 month update pics to show dr Feller's work http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=151577 hope that helps bud richie 2100 crown grafts Dr Feller nov 2007
  24. hey air1 thanks , hopefully over the next year things will become un-noticable ..... hahahaha banish that shitty bald patch forever ! I'm more than happy with my progress so far bud , right were i should be richie 2100 slow growing crown grafts Dr Feelgood last year
  25. hey honey it can be but only in certain circumstances , womens hair loss can be cause by different thing like contraception pill , thyriod trouble and more . equally as distressing if not more so , try posting this question on its own thread in the questions and answers part of the forum , more traffic there so more people can see and maybe help you a little more , this forum has some women who have had surgery , ask janna who works for shapiro , search her name , she post pics of a lady on another site so may be able to help you . hope that helps richie 2100 crown grafts Dr Feller nov 2007
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