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Everything posted by richie48

  1. Hey spex Thanks for the comment . My left side has come in alot stronger than my right side , I had origionally lost more hair infront of my right crown , I have a double crown crown , this was completely bald over a good fifty pence size with miniturization over the rest of my crown crown area . As you can see in the before pic my hair lenght is approx 4 inches , well this had been growing for the same amount of time as the hairs around my crowns , however due to miniturization these hairs had grown no longer than 1 inch . As my new transplanted hair grows in it is mixing with the exsisting hairs and giving the image of the "bald area" shinking towards the "thinest" area of my hair , which is on the right side , I hope that makes sence hahaha My hair had just been washed and has layed were it natually falls , so no comb over going on hahahaha and you can clearly see my new crown swirls Dr Feller has created . richie
  2. Hey emperor I too am interested what happend to this poster and his thread , I'm sure Bill will explain in due course . Sorry to hear that about your scar bud , many guys on here have had scar revisions or grafts put into there old surgery scars , some using fue , mayby , cost permitting you could try looking into it . I'm sure you have researched this for yourself though , thanks for clarifying about your scar history bud and I hope , if you eventually find your scar to much you can get it sorted . good luck richie
  3. hey emperor I saw that too , I think the scar was from an earlier surgery and nothing to do with Dr Feller . The Dr then corrected this poster and the thread vanished , Bill may be able to shed more light on it ? You said you had scar stretch , was this with Dr Feller ? I think you better make this statement a little clearer as it could be mis-interpreted by newbies . cheers richie
  4. Hey guys I tried to recreate an origional pic before my ht , I was fed up with harsh outside sunny pics , so i have compared like for like and I can DEFINATLY see were i am going now hahahahaha I like these pics hahahahaha before and after 7 months with 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in nov 2007 A much happier richie
  5. Hey guys I tried to recreate an origional pic before my ht , I was fed up with harsh outside sunny pics , so i have compared like for like and I can DEFINATLY see were i am going now hahahahaha I like these pics hahahahaha before and after 7 months with 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in nov 2007 A much happier richie
  6. Hey guys Thanks for the comments , uncjim hope your growing well bud . I keep reading that the crown takes longer , does anyone know why ? Maybe a doc could chime in with the medical reasons behind it , I keep seeing all these 4 and 5 month fantastic growing results in the front third just recently and it's really beginning to bug me that my crown seems to have slowed down . I had a flourish of growth around 5 months and now , well I'm not sure that it's not just me not noticing much going on , but it seems to have slowed down . And I don't spend loads of time studying it either hahahahaah before anyone tells me to pu the mirror down hahhahahahaha The other thing is that I keep taking these increasingly harsh , but extreamly honest pics outside in the sun with a top notch digital camera and I don't think this helps either hahahahaha ....... even my girl tells me it looks better in real life , I know she is suppose to say that , but she is really honest and if it looked shit i'm sure she would be the first to tell me hahahahaa I may take some well lit indoor shots to show a comparison because I know there is a definate cosmetic improvement because people , who know nothing of my proceedure have noticed a difference and , in some cases even commented hahahahaha One pal of mine even said "have you got more hair or something ?" hahahaha I replied "yer I've had a transplant" He just laughed and said "yer right , whatever dickhead !" in a non-believing manner hahahahahaaha hahahaha text book ! later guys richie
  7. Hope nobody minds but I'm bumping this as I was reacenly asked for my full history from another UK newbie looking to go abroad . cheers guys richie
  8. Hi guys Just a quick 7 month update , I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in november 2007 , things have slowed down recently , how ever you can deffo see an improvement and in the last pic , from eye level you can see what a good cosmetic improvement i have after just 7 months . My hair is clean and combed to show my ht area ,these shots are taken outside in the sun , harsh hahahaha Immediatly post and pre surgery. wet before and after 7 months before and 7 months after . eye level shot thanks guys richie
  9. Hi guys Just a quick 7 month update , I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in november 2007 , things have slowed down recently , how ever you can deffo see an improvement and in the last pic , from eye level you can see what a good cosmetic improvement i have after just 7 months . My hair is clean and combed to show my ht area ,these shots are taken outside in the sun , harsh hahahaha Immediatly post and pre surgery. wet before and after 7 months before and 7 months after . eye level shot thanks guys richie
  10. Thanks for the update balody . We may not get on but i still appriciate the update , your crown is filling in from the edges , like mine is , deffo an inprovment from the before shots . Have you any pics of the infill bits between your first ht and your native side hair , how are they matching in with regaurds your first ht . cheers richie
  11. Hey clive ! Weldone buddy and welcome to the brotherhood , good to see your research paid off and you went with one of the best , ace ! I had no idear you were going in the chair so soon ,easy to go abroad wasn't it and I bet you even saved money ? Really chuffed you got sorted . keep us updated with some pics as soon as you can , now for the hard part , the shitty wait hahahaha take it easy and find something cool to do for the next 6 months atleast . good luck bro richie
  12. Hey tofueornottofue Weldone on your recent ht with one of the worlds best ht surgeons , , you have nothing to worry about and from now on your future will be rosy . Welcome to the brotherhood and remember , do try to post some pics , it's always more interesting with pictures and they do speak a thousand words . good luck richie RESEARCH = TOP SURGEON = TOP RESULTS
  13. Hey guys ! Just found this old pic of were my baldness had got to and it really shows just how far i have come in only 7 months ! I think this is a better comparison , well chuffed ! richie
  14. Hi guys Sorry I havn't been around much lately , been busy at work and getting ready to go racing again , it's mad how you actually start to forget about your proceedure more and more as time goes on , happy with my progress , the harsh sun light pics really suck though hahahahah . Immediatly post and pre surgery. Before and 7 months later . Wet before and 7 months later . And the outside in the harsh sun shot , bastard ! hahahahah Always honest richie
  15. Hi guys Sorry I havn't been around much lately , been busy at work and getting ready to go racing again , it's mad how you actually start to forget about your proceedure more and more as time goes on , happy with my progress , the harsh sun light pics really suck though hahahahah . Immediatly post and pre surgery. Before and 7 months later . Wet before and 7 months later . And the outside in the harsh sun shot , bastard ! hahahahah Always honest richie
  16. hey jim hahahahahaa thats ace weldone hahahaa i love hearing stories like this , top story richie
  17. Hi all To sum up We have established these Drs to be both knowledgeble and willing to post , even with obvious past history issues . We have established Balody is happy with his scar position , that is a good thing . We have also established that Allen's ,the topic starter's ,scar is low . We know that medical text books are to be followed and donors taken from upon the nunchal bump are surgically accurate , as per the text book . We can clearly see both Dr's agree that there are exceptions to this text book rule , namely if the patient is an exceptional case , due to low crown resesion , risk of further loss , scar becoming visible , as this has happened to a patient who posted on this thread . I have evidence that regaurdless of these photo inaccuraces , Balody has admitted himself that his scar is low over on another forum , I have taken the time to screen save this admission incase I am asked to prove myself . What STILL hasn't been answered though is why Balodys scar is low AND if Balody's case is an "exceptional case" to warrent the low scar ? Bill please could you reconcider leaving this thread open until Dr Farjo can answer this question ? thankyou richie
  18. Hi riccy Listen bud this desision to have a ht should not be made when your panicking , the word desperate in your post scares me . I think you should just take a time out to clarify things in you mind before you rush in and make a mistake . Hair transplantation can be life changing for better and worst , calm down and do as much research as you can you have to be clear in you own mind on why you are doing this , it is a long term thing , not a quick fix . RESEARCH = TOP DOC = TOP RESULTS good luck with your research bud richie
  19. Hi all I thought I better post after it was me who inadvetadly started this . With respect thankyou Dr Farjo and Dr Feller for an incredebly informed and honest debate . Dr Farjo , before you leave for Rome would you answer one final question ? Could you explain the photo above , I can see only a finger , is this were the scar is , as on the other photo which I have put next to yours ,with balody's head at the same angle , you can quite clearly see the scar looks alot lower than were the finger is placed , I accept balody has shorter hair in the first pic , but this difference cannot be put down to the angle of the photo , you can clearly see balody's thinning crown area for comparison . Balody I apologise in advace for using your photo again , but is is in the interest of this debate . Thankyou richie
  20. Hey bud Sorry to hear about your problem , Bill has offered some incredibly sensertive and well thought out advice ,please listen to him . Coming from a bad divorce , ht stress , general alone time and trying desperatly to impress this girl are all factors which pscycologically could ,and more than likely did effected your performance . Sides from propecia are rare and it is more than likely that its from mental stress rather then physical . Try all the advice from the guys above , however Bills advice is the most logical . good luck richie
  21. Hey guys ! I am back online after a short break , I'm deffo going to be there and if it was a succesful as the last one it will be worth going to . I hope more patients from different doctors can make this one , as its always good to get as many propectives as you can . For any newbies , most of these guys are cool and just in the same shitty position as yourselves , please try to make it as these meets are extreamly informative and just go to show how shit baldness can be beaten PAH ! to male sucks like shit baldness . hahahahaha See you guys there . richie
  22. hi 16inchscar So Sorry to hear of your awful predicament , some of these surgeons have no fucking morals , its as simple as that , wankers deserve to be shot ! Between sharing your story and sites like this doing there best to educate we can try hard to out these below par clinics , and try to stop any newbies making the smae grave mistakes . You mention you're worried about further loss showing your transplant , perhaps you should try meds to keep what excisting native hair you have to disguise the damage as best you you can . Thanks for sharing your story and I hope my suggestion helped a little . richie
  23. Hey guys Most of you know I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in november 2007 , for those of you who don't feel free to check out my weblog . I was asked a while ago for more recent pics of my scar , well below i have provided some . This first pic shows , in great detail , trichophytic closure of my scar , if you look carefully you can see the hairs growing through the scar , this "breaks" up the apperance of the scar against your native skin . In this picture I have attempted to show the scaled size of my scar using my girlfriends favorite giraffe ruler hahahahahaha , you can clearly see even at its widest the scar is less than 4mm wide and in some places only 2mm wide , this is after only 6 months . In this last picture taken a little further away to add some real life clarity , you can just see the slight pinkness to my scar , you can even see where it ends and my native skin starts . These shot are as honest as there come and truley show how neat a surgeon Dr feller is . And yes those are some of my many trophies in the back ground and the rolling stones rule hahaahahaha richie
  24. Hey guys Most of you know I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in november 2007 , for those of you who don't feel free to check out my weblog . I was asked a while ago for more recent pics of my scar , well below i have provided some . This first pic shows , in great detail , trichophytic closure of my scar , if you look carefully you can see the hairs growing through the scar , this "breaks" up the apperance of the scar against your native skin . In this picture I have attempted to show the scaled size of my scar using my girlfriends favorite giraffe ruler hahahahahaha , you can clearly see even at its widest the scar is less than 4mm wide and in some places only 2mm wide , this is after only 6 months . In this last picture taken a little further away to add some real life clarity , you can just see the slight pinkness to my scar , you can even see where it ends and my native skin starts . These shot are as honest as there come and truley show how neat a surgeon Dr feller is . And yes those are some of my many trophies in the back ground and the rolling stones rule hahaahahaha richie
  25. hey Qbert67 I like looking at crown work as i had my own crown done with Dr Feller in nov 2007 , your loss pattern is alot like my own , I had 2100 grafts in a slightly smaller area . The work looks really good , typical of Dr wong , Hasson and Wong are two of the worlds best so you have nothin to worry about at all , the crowns are notorious for slow growing .....PAH ! to slow growing crowns hahahaha , your in for a top result and You will be extreamly happy in 12 months , I'm at 6 months with good progress , check out my blog to see what to expect . I you measure the area then use the mathematic formula to work out the square area in cms , pie times radius squared this will then help us work out your density per cemtimeter squared . If you do could you please let us know the density , thanks bud richie
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