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Everything posted by richie48

  1. hey abby Its a shame you couldn't make the meet but i did ask you a little late , hope everything is going well for you and your surgery . Here is a link to a topic about the clinic you mentioned , its very recent and an interesting read http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=144474 Hope that answers your questions bud richie
  2. hahahah Bill what about posted the most pics in the last month ? Now that is something I could win hahahahaa paperazzi richie
  3. hey hairnutter I've replied on your other thread bud good luck richie
  4. Thanks uncjim Thats a really kind thing to say , I try to be as honest as I can be with my pics and as informative as I can be with my help and advice ,I'm happy with my progress so far and I do have a really good cosmetic improvement already , even had a few comments , things like you look well hahahahah if only they knew . The spot is still thin but getting better day by day , I also hope people will take my lead and post good honest outside pics in the sun , I have noticed recently more and more people are taking them type of pictures , and thats a good thing , and your right it only goes to help others gain good honest infomation to help make educated and informed desisions . I'm hear to help and educate though my own experiences and we even arrange meets in the UK for veterans and newbies to see results in real life situations . here is a link to the last one we did in Manchester UK http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=146128 Thanks for the compliment bud richie
  5. hey balody I know we don't get along and have our differences in the past ,and I mean this only in fun , that pic sure is funny and you kinda look like a serial killer hahahahaha richie
  6. thin I was still shedding upto 6 weeks later , and then i still had transplanted hairs which didn't grow or shed , then over 2 months later they fell out . Bills right , you will shed nearly all your transplanted hairs bud , sorry but thats what happens . richie
  7. thanks flyby yes i ahve ajd a good result at the front , i do try to tell people that often as the general consensus seems to be that it doesn't work for the front third , in reality propecia was only tested on the crown in clinical trails so the manufacturers could only state that it works for the crown . i am a clear example that propecia can , with some people work at the front . thanks bud richie
  8. hey hairnutter I'm from the UK and after several years of research and several consults with top clinics I traveled to the United States to have hair surgery with Dr feller in nov 2007 . More infomation on scars and repairs can be found here http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/746...861/m/1951080673/p/2 Dr Feller goes into exteame detail with good clear explanations and photos to demonstate his point . I hope you find the courage to step back into the HT areana after the damage you have spoke about and remember do as much detailed research as you can , this will help you make an educated and informed desision . RESEARCH =TOP DOC = TOP RESULT It really is that simple my friend Good luck richie
  9. Hey crown royal I had very similar work done on my own crown with Dr Feller in november 2007 , please check out my blog for some cracking pics of what to expect , by august I will be 9 months out so a fair head start hahahahaha see what i did there ? hahaha Try not to worry about anything as Dr Feller is one of the worlds best . You mentioned your scar , well Dr Feller has written extensivaly about the subject here http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=145612 and here http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/746...861/m/1951080673/p/2 As for the amout of grafts , I measured across my bald crowns , I had a double crown , then used the mathatical formula , pie times radius squared to work out the area in centimeters , then I divided that by the number of grafts quoted to find out my finished density per centimeter sqaured , anything over 60 grafts per centimmeter sqaured is good and dense . I also agree with Bill and think the meds are a good idear , check out this link to see my own med progess with goo clear shots http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=148052 Justgrow , you also have made a very good choice in surgeon , good luck to you both in july and august richie
  10. Plugs buddy ! Like the guys have already said , what an improvement over the dodgy plugs ! unreal , hasson and wong are just too good . Well done for putting you faith back in the ht industry , that takes guts after your previous experiences . I look forward to your next update Thanks richie
  11. hey guy I wear my hair longer ,surfer style so when I went to Dr Feller for my ht in nov 2008 I discussed this with him , I stablized my hairloss with meds for 17 months before hand . After placing 2100 grafts in 35cm sqed on my crown in a square shape it was Dr Feller's intension is for more then 60grafts per cm squared , this will match my excisting hair and , when fully grown out compliment my surfer type style . below are two links , one for a long haired guy ,fully grown out , with pony tail and my own 6 month update http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=154021 http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=148052 also check out my blog listed above hope that helps bud richie
  12. haahahhahaahahhaha fact hunt hahahaha say it fast ! say it fast ! mint ! cool name hahahah richie
  13. hey hipbread Are you from the US or the UK ? I only ask because I'm from the UK and can help you with my own GP's contact details to supply proscar , if your from the states I'm sorry but I can't help you . hope that helps bud richie
  14. Hey garage Glad your own ht experience with Dr Hasson went well . I take 1.25mgs of proscar per day with holland and barrett hair and nail formula , this is just a vitamin suppliment which grows hair real quick hahaahhaha I don't drink alchohol or smoke mucky tabs , I do drink lots of water constantly abit and allday , habit and health reasons . I have never suffered any side effects , my doctor and my brother are also on 1.25mgs of proscar daily and have never suffered sides also , my doctor , who supplies me with it ,has taken proscar for over 8 years . good luck brother richie
  15. noelio many of the posters above are exactly right , stick with the meds , propecia or proscar for atleast 6 months to a year to give any ht a really good foundation to give a good overall cosmetic result , your hairloss needs time to stablized on the meds before even entertaining thoughts of a ht . Research as much as you can , on as many forums as you can , remember RESEARCH= TOP DOC = TOP RESULTS It really is as simple as that my friend , i have posted some pics of my results of just taking meds , throughtout my two years of researching hairloss , I' have seen many good results from diffuse thinners like yourself and I , take a look the link is below , scole down it for the med pics http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=148052 good luck richie
  16. azza i have followed your progress since your first post , at first you seemed to be alot of time to grow in and had some concerns over shockloss , from your pics i think you did suffer alot of shockloss over your scalp and in later pics you can see your hairline growing in better . It is good to see that finally after 11 month you have gained a excellent overall cosmetic improvement , your hair , certainly when combed forward is a world away from you before shots , i think you may be a little hard on yourself because i see a deffinate improvement to your hairline and over the top of your head ,i even showed my girlfriend , who by no means is an expert but i feel she offers clarity in certain circumstances because she lacks our often over critical eye , her opinion was simply wow ! This is how the public will see you as a young lad without any clear signs of any hairloss , a that my friend is a world away from your post op pics . good luck az and remember , we , as hair transplant patients are often very critical and in some ways almost over educated to the point of obsession . Dr Rahal in a very good surgeon and you have had a really good overall improvement , i look forward to your next update richie
  17. Hey thanks spex I was asked on another site about how ravaged my hair was over the top of my head so i have produced some pics to show just how diffusely thin I was . below I've supplied 3 pics june 06 before meds ............. nov 07 before surgery 16 months on meds ............. and may08 ,6 months after 2100 crown grafts and these pics from the front , not perfect pics however you can clearly see how thin the top of my hair looks , hahahaha my girl looks like that in real life , she just hit me for saying that hahaha bless I was a real good responder to the meds , look how thick my hair looks in the nov07 pic just before i had surgery , this is after almost 18 months on meds , it is deffinatly worth giving them a try , if you are unfortuniate to suffer sides , any issues will return to normal after a week or two off them , deffo worth trying , I have seen better results from diffuse thinners from meds , based upon my research online . richie
  18. Hey guys Most of you regulars know I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in November 2007 and I've just hit the 6 month mark , things are getting better by the day . Still not perfect and in the harsh sun my scalp is still visible , these shots are honest and outside in the sun , man the sunny shots really suck hahahahahah . I know I'm right were I should be in terms of 6 month progress and I've even had guys at work commenting how healthy I look hahahahah , healthy !!! ...... If only they knew hahaha From anyview , but right on top , my hair looks thick and in good condition , this is a good cosmetic improvement and adds to the illusion of density that forum members talk about , even at for only 6 months I'm well happy . Immediatly post and pre surgery. Below are before june 2007 and 6 months after my surgery may 2008. Scar after 28 days and now , this shot also shows how good the cosmetic improvement from eye level is . Wet in june 2007 and now may 2008 , my hair is shorter , but you can clearly see my thin crowns starting to "shrink" . And the money shot , close up , outside in the sun . I have tried to be as honest with these shots as possible , taking pics in the sun really sucks , but these forums and the infomation given upon them should be an honest and accurate account in order to reflect the reality of any hair surgery. Thanks guys richie
  19. Hey guys Most of you regulars know I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in November 2007 and I've just hit the 6 month mark , things are getting better by the day . Still not perfect and in the harsh sun my scalp is still visible , these shots are honest and outside in the sun , man the sunny shots really suck hahahahahah . I know I'm right were I should be in terms of 6 month progress and I've even had guys at work commenting how healthy I look hahahahah , healthy !!! ...... If only they knew hahaha From anyview , but right on top , my hair looks thick and in good condition , this is a good cosmetic improvement and adds to the illusion of density that forum members talk about , even at for only 6 months I'm well happy . Immediatly post and pre surgery. Below are before june 2007 and 6 months after my surgery may 2008. Scar after 28 days and now , this shot also shows how good the cosmetic improvement from eye level is . Wet in june 2007 and now may 2008 , my hair is shorter , but you can clearly see my thin crowns starting to "shrink" . And the money shot , close up , outside in the sun . I have tried to be as honest with these shots as possible , taking pics in the sun really sucks , but these forums and the infomation given upon them should be an honest and accurate account in order to reflect the reality of any hair surgery. Thanks guys richie
  20. hey Bill Thanks for the answer , I see how that could get in the way of a discussion ,good idear about a list though , is there any other way to keep info given freely be the docs to stay at the top of the page ? Info like this is priceless and when doctors post it , it's accurate and credible . I think some way of keeping some info at the top is a good idear and certainly needs thinking about . thanks Bill richie
  21. Bill Is there any chance this origional post from Dr Feller could be posted in the stickies at the top of the experience page , it's a really serious topic and is a must for any newbies doing research . Just a thought as you were recently asking for new topic headings , and I think this is well worth keeping . thanks richie
  22. Hey kiss My names richie48 on the forums and I'm from the UK , after over a year of research and no less than 6 consults around the world I had a hair transplant with Dr Feller in november 2007 , my blog address is under my name on the top left . I know from my own experience that it's always going to be difficult to believe typed words from anonimous guys in cyberspace , this is were your own research comes in . Search as many doctors in the new York area on as many forums and one name come to the top over and over again . Dr Feller has a reputation as one of the worlds best for a reason , he has earnt this reputation over many years of top results , and the easy thing is it's all here with clear photos , patient testomonies , close up videos and many hundreds of happy patients . Research is the key my friend , don't take anyones word for it , find it out for yourself and make your own informed and educated desision . RESEARCH = TOP DOC = TOP RESULTS It really is that simple , good luck my friend . richie
  23. Hey Mick Thankyou for taking time to reply , much appreciated , and thanks for your kind offer to take your place as patient coordinator at Farjo, however I will have to decline , as tempting as it is hahahaha . Its a shame that since this debate has been very helpful to many that you have actually chosen instead of finally coming forward to explain and help clarify your patients scar position and getting involved in the debate, which would have helped you. You have chosen instead to have a little dig at me , rather than make any attempt to back up your clinics result with any information which i think may have helped to stem any confusion . With all due respect , may I make a suggestion that you, yourself , try to be a little more interactive on the forum and responsible for your clinic before you retire and not leave these questions surrounding your patients for others to answer , this only leads to speculation . I have seen on another forum that balody has now stated his scar is below the bump , so at least we are finally getting some clarity . I look forward to anymore information . your sincerly richie
  24. hey bud It's really queit simply RESEARCH = TOP DOC = TOP RESULTS even a poor ht will yeald some growth , however in my opinion there has to be a good cosmetic end result , because after all that is what we are putting ourselve though the surgery and down time . I'll just link you to this thread from dr Feller http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=145612 in it he describes how surgeons must take the minimul risk to increase the odds for having an outstading result , very clear and writen by one of the best in the business . Its deffo worth a read hope that helps richie
  25. hey Doc Another top post , thankyou for taking time from your busy schedule to clarify thing further from the origional post and answer my questions . I am happy that your attitude to the HT industry is one of education , compassion and integrity , these attributes only com firm my choice in you as my own surgeon . Thank god I found you hahahaha richie
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