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Everything posted by Baboon

  1. @AB2000 Thanks for sharing your results! Looks like you have covered really good on your head. Now obviously trying to increase the density further. From what l see from the pictures the BHT looks really natural. They are a bit more curly compared to head hair, which at least to seems as your natural head hair also is curly? Seeing in real person, how natural do rate the BHT hairs, do you feel there is no or minor difference? Would be great to get your own assessment so far. thanks a lot!
  2. No worries, easily happened, easily fixed! 😊
  3. Thanks for sharing! Looks nice and clean. Would be great if you can start your own thread so we can follow your case😊
  4. Would be great to see some pictures😊. Can you pls your story? Thx
  5. Yes, correct, should be coming additional density in the coming months. Usually the transplanted hair grows in gradually. I am also considering Dr.Cinik but need to use BHT quite a lot. I following him to see his capabilities for BHT transplants as well.
  6. Looks great results so far! I think you should expect further growth until 12/18 months.
  7. Looks good. Was those 3000 grafts head hair or BHT combined?
  8. Looks great! How your back head? Can you take a pic showing the graft extraction area? Thx
  9. Looking forward to follow this thread! Looks good so far.
  10. Looks great so far! You can expect growth and additional density to fill in up to 18, 24 months. I think you should wait further until making the final assessment.
  11. Looks really good for only four months! Good to hear from you again, I was wodering if you were going to update your case.
  12. I am sorry to say, but during the more than five years i have been reading these forums, I have yet to see ANY great or even good result from a doctor from UK or even Europe for that matter also. Baboon
  13. In that area you have Dr.Armani and Dr.Rahal. Dr.Rahal is situated in Ottawa. You can check out my result with Dr.Rahal, My HT with Dr.Rahal I am thus far really pleased that I choose Dr.Rahal. If you have any questions, just ask me. Baboon
  14. Michaellovesnyc, Your hair looks great, you must be pleased with that hair. Do you feel that you are done, or have you gotten hair greedy and want more hair
  15. NN, Thank you for your kind comments, yes l sure hope that l keep most of the grafts. Kg007, I think they all three of them are good strip surgeons. Dr.Armani is sometimes too aggressive and unetichal in his thinking. Dr.Hasson doesn'r produce in my mindset that narual hairlines. I think Dr.Rahal does the best hairlines in terms of naturalness which was my most prominent goal. As a bonus he's the cheapest..
  16. TomA, Yes, the shedding has alredy begun. I remember the last time l shedded almost al my newly planted. We'll see if l keep them or not, l will keep you informed! Michaellovesnyc, Thank you, I am quite extaic myself l must say.
  17. Bill, Yes, perhaps its to eraly to be growth already, but l have kept a great deal of the new hair. Either way it sure does look promising. Thank you and l will keep you posted Baboon
  18. My Stor with Dr.Rahal I have reached 3,5 weeks post op from my experience with Dr.Rahal, check them out and tell me what you think. I am alredy seeing alot new hairs poping. I will soon start using some Roganie Foam. I tried for days the regular Roganie but that damn crap increased the redness in my recipient area. Baboon
  19. My Stor with Dr.Rahal I have reached 3,5 weeks post op from my experience with Dr.Rahal, check them out and tell me what you think. I am alredy seeing alot new hairs poping. I will soon start using some Roganie Foam. I tried for days the regular Roganie but that damn crap increased the redness in my recipient area. Baboon
  20. Hey fellas, I have updated my gallery with 3,5 weeks progress photos. Check them out and tell me what you think Baboon
  21. post some more pictures so we can see your donor area. From that pictures it looks as you are quite bald, but its hard to determine how bald you are. Baboon
  22. NN, Thank you, yes there was a need for that amount of grafts if you what l mean.. Nobuzz, Thanks, Yes, Dr.Rahal cut out the old scar and at same time managed to get over 3600 grafts which l thinks is really good. We'll see, maybe l go back next year to remove some more of the old grafts.
  23. Bill, Thanks alot! Yes, l agree Dr.Rahal is a fine surgeon. I didn't reliaze how bad to old work was until l saw the post op pictures that Dr.Rahal took in his office. The left side was really pluggy and unnatrual. Luckly l found Dr.Rahal who did a great job fixing it. Hopefully the front thrid are done now and l can concentrate on the crown next time. I will keep you guys poste for sure!
  24. Hello everybody, Just got back from Dr.Rahal where we managed to get 3683 grafts. I took the flight to Ottawa and landed at 16:50 the day before surgery. The customs asked what the purposes for my visit and l showed them the letter of invitation that Dr.Rahal had written and all was good. This was the first time l went through the Canadian customs so that was a surprise with all the questions but it was no problem. I gave Dr.Rahal a call that l had arrived and checked in to the hotel. Dr.Rahal was done with today's surgery so he came and picked me up at the hotel. Almost directly after l started to speak with Rahal felt l that he was a very good guy. He was very friendly and open, all my nervousness disappeared immediately. He showed me where the clinic was so l would get there in time the next morning, some fast food restaurants and some shopping malls. I think it was great of the good doctor to meet up. I felt relaxed knowing all things were in place. At the morning 7:15 I went to the clinic and met up with Adrian, Dr.Rahal's patient coordinator, which gave me a smile as soon as l walked through the door. Adrian is also a great guy, we sated down and chatted about things and went through the various forms that has to be filled out. I then meet with Dr.Rahal again, he almost directly started draw a hairline on my head. I think he adjusted my hairline almost 5 or six time to get it perfect. As you can see in photos l had previously approx 2000 mini grafts from a clinic called New Hair Clinic. It's quite obvious what sub par work they did, especially if you look at the hairline design which somewhat strange. I had some two and three hairs from the last surgery which we discussed if would keep or remove them. We agreed to keep them and see how it looks when hair has grown in. I then meet the rest of team, Dave, Fiona, Amy, Barbara and Linda to name a few of staff (they are more but l can't remember of their names are. sorry..=)). They were in total more than twelve people working with only my case, which is quite impressing. At approx 9:00 we got started with the surgery and Dr.Rahal started to shave some of donor area to be able to cut out the strip. Then there was the best part NUMBING SHOTS, WHEEYAA!!! I remember the last time l had surgery the numbing shot hurted as hell and was then quite drugged as well. This time it was more of a bee sticking; it was a lot better than what l remember last time. Dr.Rahal commented on how good my scalp elastic was. It was as soft as cutting in butter he said. I started quite early doing the scalp exercises which sure helped a lot!! So, do you scalp exercises a couple of times a day if you are going to have strip surgery, because it makes a lot difference. The technicians started to dissect the strip and in the mean time Dr.Rahal started making the slits. Dr.Rahal planted at 70 grafts/cm2 at the hairline and the dropping off as went towards the middle of my head. We hoped to get 4000 grafts but since my density in donor area is average and l had a scar from the previous surgery l were pleased that we got anyway 3683 grafts! We decide to plant them all at the front third of the scalp instead of sprinkling some grafts at the crown. I'll come back at a later date to fix the crown. We later decide it would be better to punch out some of the old two and three graft and to higher the hairline for more natural design. We'll see how that looks when the hair has grown in, perhaps l have to remove some more of the old grafts. The punched out grafts were then dissected and replanted. All of the technicians were very friendly and chatty. We talked about everything from how Canada is divided into two parts based on which language they speak, what the average house cost in Canada is and so on. The time really flied by and at 6:30 the surgery was done! I felt great that surgery was done. It wasn't too bad since I had couple of brakes during the day, whenever l felt to. My neck got rather stiff at the end so we took some short brakes to adjust the chair. After l got a surgical cap on the good doctor drove me to a Thai place for some food, you get some food during the day but you are somehow hungry even you just have laid still in a chair. He then drove me to the hotel. I had my surgery on Thursday and for every of the following days, even on Saturday and Sunday Dr.Rahal checked upon me, either gave me a call or came and picked me up. I felt that l was in very safe hands; l always had Dr.Rahal cellular phone number if there should have been any problems. The aftercare and the support l got was of world class, me and Dr.Rahal had lengthy talks about his view of placement technique. All my questions were answered without any rejections. Again time flied by and whoops it was Monday and it was time for me to go home. I spend quite some time at Dr.Rahals office since my flight were was at 18:35 and l had to check out from the hotel at 12. I got the chance to meet two of Dr.Rahals patients, one guy which were 8 months post op. He had a great density in the hairline already at only 8 months. If my result turns out was good as him l will be very happy. Then there were a guy who was at 1.5 year post op he had also a great result but his density was little to small for my taste but again the design of the hairline was marvellous! Also it was impossible to find his scar, usually you can find small patches in the donor area where you can see that something was done, but in this case it wasn't possible! Even Dr.Rahal had a hard time finding his scar; during the time l was there he didn't manage to find it for me! It was time for me to go home, but it felt sad since everybody was so nice, l whish l stayed a few extra days and visited some parts of the town, l will do that next time l go in. One of Dr.Rahals staff drove me to the airport made sure that got in to the right check in desk. I went through security check and they didn't ask me to remove my hat, if they did Dr.Rahal had prepared a certificate to handle such inquires. I was in waiting hall when l suddenly remembered it was time to apply some more Vitamin E oil to my grafted area, unfortunately l hade put all of that in my bag. I called Dr.Rahal which thought it would be best to apply some since l had a 16 hours flight home. I then went back to the check in desk where one of Dr.Rahals staff had dropped me off. Shortly after my conversation with Dr.Rahal, she was there again and she had brought with her a bottle of vitamin E oil. To get one of your staff to deliver just a bottle of vitamin E oil speaks volume of which level of care Dr.Rahal and all of his staff put in to make you feel comfortable. Thank you Dr.Rahal and all of you staff it was truly a pleasure meeting you all. It feels that the five years that l have spend researching has finally paid off!! Now the waiting time begins, l will try to make regular updates as my hair progress down the road. I have updatated my gallery with pics! /Baboon
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