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Everything posted by wylie

  1. Hallelujah! I had just read something contrary to this and it gave me a sinking feeling that Finasteride was mentioned as "perhaps" causing tumors that are more aggressive in prostate cancer patients. The story itself was about more men just living with prostate cancer that is deemed to be the less aggressive type. This is good news.
  2. Regrowth in the front? Wow, thats amazing. I honestly have not heard of this happening before. I hope that you start taking pictures now of your present state to compare to your end state. And please share your results
  3. Dude lost it. And that was before he got pissed off, cause I'm not the only one who didnt understand a word from the guy. Babbling is fine until you start freaking out and threatening people then its time to quit being nice and allowing someone a forum to vent. I hope the guy is alright, and I do mean that. He sounds like he needs some time on the couch
  4. If you are not pleased with the results of two previous surgeries, do not get free work done, its likely to worsen the situation and surely wont help. You need to consult with other Dr's and stop seeing this guy. Dont consider future work with someone who has failed the previous last two attempts to meet your expectations. And if that is the case you are now trying to repair something. So dont make it any worse
  5. The old plugs were once 5 mm in dia., 5 mm!!! Man, add a cornfield of those and you got problems. But the "mini-micrographs" of the 90's are laughable in comparison to today's refined technology.
  6. Aquarius has left the reservation.
  7. To think the guy first had the audacity to wear it playing football, and then to get upset when his teammates find out about it makes for some real comedy. Poor guy, what did he expect, to keep it a secret? Lerts face it: Some HT's are just like wigs, people notice but dont say anything about it. Furthermore, many people realize you look better with it and leave it at that. I work with a guy who wears a wig and he looks great with it on. It's not like its a secret. And if that guy had to be tackled to find out if its a "system" then its a damn good one. They must be making strides in the hair system business
  8. The comb was from Wired Technologies I bought on eBay. And no, I not only didnt use it, I immediately threw it away when I discovered I wasted $50.00. You know you've been had when the felt lined box is nicer that the product (as if it makes it seem more valuable) And another thing, it was not a "comb" but around 8 very hard plastic bristles that I was worried might actually cut my head if running it through my scalp/hair too quickly. The more expensive models are probably nicer and may even act as a brush (and may even help stimulate growth in some people) The only other thing is that if different brushes attached to the thing (it came with no brush) I couldnt tell. The directions were barely legible as the Chinese guy writing them likely had ESL.
  9. I wanted to see what $50.00 gets you, it gets you some contraption you immediately pitch into the trash. I'm only saying this so no one else goes out and wastes $50.00. The thing is as ridiculous as anything I've ever tried for hair restoration. "Lasers"? Ummm. okay. If someone says so. It looked neat in the dark for about 10 seconds. Then into the bottom of the can it went.
  10. I was never sure if he had a bad plug job but it sure looked like it. Either way, I see him now and dont think he had them as from the HD commercial I saw of him their must be some miracle procedure for plug removal.
  11. More photos that look impressive. However, the camera can be very kind if photo angles, hair type and other factors combine to make things look better on film, so to please try and share some close up photos of some of these patients as well. It's nice to see close ups.
  12. At only 1500 grafts this patient will need future work. I would suggest to this patient that he see someone else AFTER his session grows out completely. Please take photos and share with us his progress. And to the doctor who posted his photos, I appreciate your willingness to share your work and be upfront about it, I believe that if you are honest and continue to work with your patients best interests in mind and continue with your education and careful study, as well as knowing you are practicing the most modern techniques available and learning the many subtleties of this type of work that you can be successful in the end and have many happy patients, good luck to you. (And I hope you try mentoring, somewhere, under the tutelage of someone who has work that withstands scrutiny, anyone who is this informed on this type of surgery expects a complete inability to see a HT that is detectable at all. You have a long way to go it appears.) I hope you get there without butchering someone in a larger session. I do hope this patient is ultimately happy with his results
  13. Looks nice. Much fuller and I can see why someone desiring a full beard would be very pleased with that
  14. Dr. Mohmand Looks great, very nice work, thanks for sharing with the forum.
  15. Excellent posts, HLBD. This Neosil compound sounds promising in its own right. If its true that these Pennsylvania researchers have discovered a compound that regrows hair (w/o the pigment) in mice when wound repair takes place then it seems to me finding a means for application to take place is not that difficult to solve. Either way, it seems there are more than one promising discoveries awaiting trials. We may at least be seeing a more effective replacement for Rogaine in the very near future.
  16. Wow, that made me smile. Seems thats exactly how Rogaine was found to regrow hair, by accident. I don't know if the story is really as optimistic and factual as that but it damn sure was great to read that, I second the poster who thanked you for that. I'll watch the video later. From recently seeing a mans finger regrow (from the first knuckle to the tip, including the fingernail) in only four months I know that science has recently crossed over into some pretty exciting discoveries. And you can bet whatever compound is successful in regrowing hair will be "secret" as it unlocks untold wealth for whoever is the first to find it.
  17. Well, this may (or may not) be the right place for this but I saw an interesting report tonight on some kind of celluar experimental medicine that was sprinkled daily on the end of a finger that was severed and..............it regrew. Certainly the future holds regrowth and if a digit was regrown, I'm hoping (hoping!) hair is not far behind. (Give me a sprinkle a day to keep the bald away)
  18. Can't add anything relevant as Nervous Nelly sums it up right there. Have a good one (and it sounds as if your judgement is quite sound.)
  19. Very, very important to read this and understand it. It cannot be overstated that marketing does not make someone any better than another. Many of the best physicians do not aggressively advertise their work, and many of the inferior physicians do. You have to review photo albums, see patients, and most importantly, seek out others who have gone this route, if only through a discussion forum like this one, and educate yourself. Taking all this into consideration is crucial in making an informed choice. Some physicians who post on this forum are the very best at this you can find anywhere, but you should always find someone who you can match their skill to what YOU want to have them do for you. Once you have found that, you have likely chosen the right doctor. Thats the most important decision you have to make. After that, the rest is easy.
  20. Wow, those are great pictures of regrowth, thanks for posting these, those pictures are almost too good to be true. I would hope that I regain some regrowth anywhere near what some of those patients have. Not using the foam but I plan on switching over to this after I've given the liquid version of Minoxidil at least a year's use.
  21. Squeezed alot of grafts into such a small area. The kid was barely receding. Was it Armani specifically who did this? Damn. Thats awful young to make a decision like that. Shouldnt have happened at all. Hope his new look lasts but at least he said he knows he will likely be spending more $$$ in the future.
  22. Good to hear you are having success BeHappy, like Minoxidol and Rogaine, results will vary. Some people may very well respond to the lasercomb, and others will not, and I for one will give it a shot. No one thought Rogaine would make hair grow on patients, either, and then voila!...we have this new FDA approved drug that regrows hair! I still have to convince myself to spend more money on a dubious and unproven hair regrowth product, but if it wont hurt (and could help) its worth the relatively small investment.
  23. Good luck man, your case will be one that many would follow with interest based on your doctor alone, who's name I have never heard of before. I'm glad you are happy with this surgeon and I cannot tell from your pictures whether or not you are a fast shedder or I am looking at someones initials in another language on the top of your head. My guess is those empty areas visible are where you already shed. I cannot see why it would be anything other than that. If it is, than your doctor owes you a detailed explanation why. But I wouldnt worry as I saw his pictures on his website and he's a coalition doctor so he is obviously good at what he does, his work is impressive from looking at his photo gallery. Congrats. Keep us posted with your results.
  24. I no longer am comfortable in public places or brightly lit rooms without a hat. I wear one everywhere now. I'm hoping that I can gain a greater measure of confidence in my existing hair with two relatively small procedures (500 apiece) but honestly it's all about fooling myself, it wont ever be thick. Maybe when I'm an old man and my hair is white I can finally feel comfortable without a hat on. I cannot believe how many quacks are in this business. While a majority are unethical (arguable/debatable I know) and are more interested in a payday (this is elective surgery, afterall) those who consistently post positive results on this forum are not. And many you've never heard of are ethical and skillful. But many find out they are not, and they find out like Brian after the fact. For doctors like these, the almighty dollar trumps everything. However, when you hear about some of the results people get, you have to wonder why some doctors don't at least refund every penny the patient/victim spent on the session(s)? That would require the physician/butcher admitting their mistake and that aint gonna happen.
  25. Oh man.... Just when you think it cant get any worse, you go and read something like this: If those butchers didn't lose in court, no one will. That's willful deception and negligence and if that lawsuit didn't succeed, I'm not sure any ever would. Clearly, the playing field is tilted in the surgeons favor, even if he/she is not a surgeon but a garbage collector.
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