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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Balody, My assertion falls under what we Yanks call, "The Common Sense Doctrine". Reputable publications/websites like Consumer Reports do not accept independent advertising. It has the potential of compromising your objectivity and/or integrity. Common sense dictates that you will support the very people responsible for your continued existence. Why do you think politics in the US is so screwed up? Our "represenatives" sell their vote to the highest bidder. Let me pose four questions? 1. How often are the "recommended" HT physicians investigated by the creator of this site. Does he routinely check to see if they have been sued for malpractice? If so, how can I locate their malpractice history on this website? 2. Has an HT doc ever been removed from the recommended list (or website) based on negative feedback from a patient(s)? Would you remove someone who helps you pay your bills? 3. How do they monitor the results of patients unfamiliar with this website? Do the HT Docs supply the website creator with a list of patients for review. We all know that photographs are not an accurate depiction of results. 4. How does the website creator differentiate between who has been paid to submit false positive recommendations and genuine patients? Remember...challenge the unchallenged.
  2. Balody, Just frustrated with the nonsense. I received about 2000 from the older micro, mini techniques. The results are not bad, but the reality of HT surgery is that the expectations rarely meet reality and the inital projected costs ($10,000) for me have doubled with no end in sight. HT docs seem like glorified (wealthy) con artists who manipulate our vanity for personal enrichment. My results are not bad, but where does it stop? If I could start again, I would get out the clippers and do a Bruce Willis. I think the HT docs should be held accountable for truth in advertising. -Density is nominal if your balding is considerable -The results are not natural in direct sunlight -They rarely post their cost per graft on their websites (because the estimate significantly exceeds the quote) -It never ends (until your donor hair or bank account is depleted) Thanks for tolerating my ramblings.
  3. Here is the reality of hair transplant procedures...DON'T!!! If I had it to do all over again, I would clip my hair close and forget about it. Here is what they don't tell you... 1. The estimated cost will always be significantly lower than what you eventually pay. Most HT Doctors do not list their costs (why is it cloaked in secrecy). They can at least tell you the cost per graft, but do not. 2. If you are above a 5 on the Norwood scale the density will not meet your expectations. 3. Even the best transplant will not look natural in direct sunlight. 4. Don't believe the moderator's rhetoric, this site is a glorified advertisement for Hair Transplant Doctors who pay a fee to advertise here. 5. You will continue to require transplants for the rest of your life...it never ends (or until your donor hair is depleted). 6. Keep your hats, you will still need them. 7. HT Docs are skilled "used car salesman" who manipulate your vanity to charge outrageous sums. You deplete your bank account while they drive away in their Mercedes.
  4. DON'T!!! If I had it to do all over again, I would clip my hair close and forget about it. Here is what they don't tell you... 1. The estimated cost will always be significantly lower than what you eventually pay. 2. If you are above a 5 on the Norwood scale the density will not meet your expectations. 3. Even the best transplant will not look natural in direct sunlight. 4. Don't believe the moderator's rhetoric, this site is a glorified advertisement for Hair Transplant Doctors who pay a fee to advertise here. 5. You will continue to require transplants for the rest of your life...it never ends. 6. Keep your hats, you will still need them.
  5. I realize that we live in a very litigous society. However, there are "butchers" out there posing as reputable hair surgeons who literally scar people for life. Has anyone succesfully sued a surgeon for malpractice. We all know the ideal situation is to avoid these "doctors". For those who have been victimized, the monies obtained from a law suit could pay for your corrective surgery. Your thoughts?
  6. I realize cost should be a distant second to a natural hair transplant accomplished by a skilled surgeon. The reality is that the majority of persons seeking transplant surgery do not have unlimited resources. I don't see Donald Trump posting on this site (although he should be). Even reputable surgeons like Hassan & Wong come off looking like used car salesman when they refuse to divulge the cost per graft of their transplant procedures on their website. We all know that the cost will vary depending on the number of grafts (this is common sense), however offering a cost per graft can help a person estimate the projected expenditure. Stop the nonsense and clearly post your prices. You are skilled surgeons and should not be con artists. My original estimate of $9,000 (for subpar work) has grown to $20,000 and counting. Tell the truth...it is your ethical obligation (and stop hiding the costs from your prospective patients).
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