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Everything posted by gillenator

  1. On average shock loss occurs approximately 4 weeks post-op whether its in the donor area or the recipient area…keep in mind there are exceptions, it can occur as early as 2 weeks post-op or as late as 8 weeks.
  2. Shedding and shock loss are 2 different things…but they behave intermittently and it’s the resting period that lasts approximately 90 days after the shed.
  3. Transplanted hair is not as susceptible to shock loss as native hair, especially native hair that is diffusing.
  4. The regrowth is just beginning at 3-4 months post-op.
  5. With shedding, there usually is more hair lost in the cycle as compared to losing several grafts.
  6. Cardio should be fine a month post-op and maybe consider a multi vitamin while you are dieting.
  7. Well, there are variations between individuals post-op however the norm is that many of us experience most of the crusts start coming off approximately 2 weeks post-op and most of the graft hair stubble is in each crust…so the graft hair stubble has shed and the follicles will rest for 3-4 months before a new hair shaft emerges…it’s hard to say how many of the grafts shed 2-4 weeks post-op but on average it’s about 60-70 percent.
  8. It all depends on when this is done post-op…IMHO, hot compresses are not necessary but if it were me, I would wait until the full regrowth of my grafts have occurred and even then, a warm compress not a hot one
  9. What we do know for sure is that all living hair follicles cycle between phases so eventually the shedding of the grafts occurs when the underlying transplanted hair follicles go into their respective resting/dormant phase…this occurs intermittently some sooner, some later, but it will eventually happen…the main reason why most of the transplanted hair follicles go dormant is because of how they are responding to trauma and the fact that their corresponding blood supply is interrupted.
  10. It is way too early to judge density at day 12…wait a full 12 months.
  11. The transplanted follicles will go dormant eventually and the grafts will shed…they do this intermittently and should start very soon.
  12. First of all, please post some photos of the entire area…can you share who the doctor is, name of the clinic?…without knowing who it is you are referring to makes it difficult to know the experience and skill of the doctor. In addition, it’s difficult to know the instrumentation he used or more specifically, how invasive the procedure was…one good thing is that 10 months have passed and hopefully most of the trauma and inflammation have decreased enough to accommodate a repair that won’t have compromising issues with scarring, blood supply, and yield. The real key now is that you choose a proven surgeon highly skilled in FUE repair and has many examples to show you…you have done research since making this mistake so obviously you have learned and I only wish the best for you moving forward.
  13. Good point to cover your head if you’re walking in the sun!
  14. You are just fine…after 3 days post-op, your grafts are secure enough…walking is fine at this point, and although it will mildly raise your blood pressure, it will not pop out your grafts…walking is one of the best forms of exercise!
  15. IMHO this is good advice, and the systemic effects of any drug go far beyond the potential sexual side effects everyone focuses on…I have complete blood work done every 3 months without fail and so far so good…been taking low dose finasteride since 1998.
  16. IMHO, 3 days post-op is enough time as I concur the grafts are secure enough by then.
  17. Usually when the use of minoxidil post-op is recommended, the purpose is to jump start the regrowth of the grafts…minoxidil has been noted to improve hair shaft diameter, some are of the opinion that many of the hair follicles remain in the growth phase for longer periods as well.
  18. For me it was between months 4-7 that I experienced the most regrowth.
  19. In general terms, most individuals will be able to resume normal activities in 4 weeks or so, most of the scabbing, crusts, sutures, will be gone and any post-op trauma, inflammation, swelling should also have subsided.
  20. Everything sounds right on cue, including the shedding of your grafts…it is not unusual for the grafts to continue growing before they shed…the grafts go into a resting phase for several months before they cycle into a new growth phase.
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