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Everything posted by gillenator

  1. Your results just keep getting better and better as time passes…am so happy for you brother!
  2. Doing great FUHT work does not necessarily equate into doing great repair work, and scar revisions are difficult situations and not many have the potential to have a favorable outcome.
  3. There’s definitely a visual improvement!
  4. Yes of course this occurs much more often than we think or believe…let’s face it, money talks to lots of doctors who know exactly what they are doing is wrong and unethical but hey, the industry is unregulated and if the patient loses that hair 5 years or so down the road, why blame the doctor?…it’s just genetics and surgical restoration is subjective at best, right?….🫨
  5. The key is to make sure the epidermis is completely healed with all scabs and crusts removed…for most individuals this will take approximately 4 weeks or more.
  6. OMG, what on earth were the reasons they gave you for such a discrepancy?!
  7. This happens far more often than we think…with FUE it can be grafts that were transected or damaged during the extraction process.
  8. More than a few men experience donor thinning as they reach above say age 50…and some have a regressive safe zone as they get older…so this can be subjective and there are no guarantees.
  9. The beginning stages can be the hardest to wait for growth.
  10. I can understand the reasoning for establishing a baseline however the bloodwork will not help to “predict” the efficacy of the drug…you just have to take it for at least 6 months minimum.
  11. Oh, that’s good it’s working…sometimes a simple reboot clears things up.
  12. Maybe ask Melvin to see if there is a glitch with your messaging function.
  13. It can take as long as 4 months for the new growth to break above the scalp line so give it another 5-6 weeks more time to see.
  14. I have been involved in this field for 5 decades and seen many and I do say many repair cases and Gatsby’s results are some of the best I have seen!
  15. Send focused pics of the area to your surgeon and request their opinion.
  16. Definitely keep an eye 👁️ on this because if it manifests into a broader area and/or if any seepage occurs, that would signify an infection and antibiotics would be needed.
  17. IMHO it would take many more than that because a new hairline is being built and that requires many single hair grafts.
  18. Definitely talk to Dr. Robert Dorin with the Hair Loss Doctors.com
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