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Everything posted by hairman4321

  1. it does lack density, but i'm sure it frames your face quite nicely at least
  2. @ptm1988 can you explain what is meant by Density - 80/65/85 ? Why are there 3 numbers?
  3. people complain about their hairlines looking too symmetrical too haha, you can't win at this stage in the game. month 6 is more where its at. if you feel you really need a minor alteration don't forget that is possible too.
  4. what sort of pillow would you recommend for a side sleeper after the two weeks?
  5. damn that was a lot of swelling! interesting how some doctors don't get the swelling, that would freak me out. maybe more cos it was over two days? design looks good anyway. your profile photo makes me laugh
  6. looks like you've got good hair quality for a HT - gray (thicker) / slightly curly. good choice of dr. good luck!
  7. Oh thats super interesting, where did you hear the hairline density is 50FU? That sounds a lot less. I wonder if this is because of balding starting there, or if its naturally lower even during puberty before balding. I guess since there are more singles in the hairline naturally, it would look less dense than other areas anyway - but I suppose this wouldn't explain why the FU count is lower. Do you know why they had to remove some of the hairs the guy got at 90-100fu?
  8. Haha, was it not super hot with the scarf on your head in Thailands heat?
  9. Interesting. Do you know where I could buy such a thing for our purposes?
  10. Hmm not sure we looking at the same math. If your native density was 100cm2 and your transplant was 81cm2, native density is 19% more. But that's assuming your native density is on the upper end - if its middle of the line, its only 9% more. Not sure that would be detectable with the human eye, definitely wouldn't call it massive. One way to tell though... wanna shave to a 0 and take photos? 😂
  11. my honest opinion is that it looks unreal at how real it looks! you were completely bald in that frontal area and you've got enough density from one operation so that it looks undetectable, a good hairline design, and its only 6 months! You might keep seeing improvements for another 6 months if i were to be super nit-picky, and i don't think you need it - IF you go back for the crown, you could ask for a little more density / more irregularities in the hairline. just because more density is always good and it could be slightly more irregular, if you look at it under a microscope like we are. but honestly this is 10/10 work, couldn't have asked for a better one-off procedure. and its only 6 months! but yeah wait a full year, see how the finasteride goes for the crown (that might help fill it in to the extent thats all you need)
  12. do you think? I'd say not really, when 80-100 is 'native density' and you're inside that band. I've been thinking I wonder if there's some sort of free / more natural concoction people could take which wouldn't have the potential side effect profile of viagra / cialis / oral minox. I'm thinking maybe something like a raw garlic clove once a day, beetroot powder, and topical minox.
  13. interesting - i am using topical dut too and it may have made my eyes dryer. I had dry eyes before taking it though, so hard to confirm if it got worse or not.
  14. interestingly, even 81 grafts seems a lot less than your native density. Which is weird, as native density is usually 80-100 grafts. Unless you just have extremely high native density? or perhaps its just becuase the hairs look shorter in this photo or something. your actual result looks incredible, congrats man.
  15. I'm in a similar boat to you, i'm 32 soon and have similar NR 2.5-ish temple only recession. I only started blocking DHT 3 years ago, but even before starting my hair loss seemed to have slowed down a lot naturally compared to early 20s. I just didn't want to risk losing more. I think you have not kicked it down the road, you've avoided it during the roughest years. The body naturally produces less hormones due to aging as we get older, so I think the worry is less as we age. There are stories of people losing their hair at 50s and 60s randomly out of the blue, but I would imagine in most cases they faced some stress in life or had to take hormones for some condition to cause that. Or maybe even just accidentally supplemented something incorrectly, took too much calcium with no co-factors, something like that. This is just my personal speculations though. In saying that, and I can't see the relationship between your current hairline and your facial features, so take this with a grain of salt, but if I were you I wouldn't go the aggressive route. In your bottom photo you've got two lines drawn, I'd just go for the first one. That's what I plan to do with my hairline. Whenever the hairline is lowered below the native hair it starts to look unnatural, and it will look sparse by comparison. If the first one goes really well, you can always get the second one later if you're still keen.
  16. they have two options: Ethanol, Propylene Glycol, Emulsifiers OR Ethanol, Glycerin, Emulsifiers the one i'm using is the propylene glycol one
  17. I'm using the topical dutasteride from minoxidilmax - it seems to work quite well for my hair, noticing slight regrowth even. i have had some minor sides, increase breast sensitivity initially and i feel like i hold more fat there now. not gyno in the sense that there's no hardening behind the nipple or anything like a "boob" look, just more fat being stored on my pecs. it is a minor side effect that i'm OK with, but it means it must be going systemic somewhat. for comparison, i had a lowered libido on oral finasteride (1mg 3x a week), so i am getting less side effects using topical dutasteride than when i was on oral finasteride. i've decreased my dose to just 0.25ml of the liquid dropper twice a week.
  18. I'm using the topical dutasteride from minoxidilmax - it seems to work quite well for my hair, noticing slight regrowth even. i have had some minor sides, increase breast sensitivity initially and i feel like i hold more fat there now. not gyno in the sense that there's no hardening behind the nipple or anything like a "boob" look, just more fat being stored on my pecs. it is a minor side effect that i'm OK with, but it means it must be going systemic somewhat. for comparison, i had a lowered libido on oral finasteride (1mg 3x a week), so i am getting less side effects using topical dutasteride than when i was on oral finasteride. i've decreased my dose to just 0.25ml of the liquid dropper twice a week.
  19. @johnnyrotten1999 - what would be the difference between a non-shaven FUE and a shaven FUE? I would have thought nothing, just that non-shaven takes longer (and therefore costs a bit more) because the doctors have to move the other hairs out of the way when they extract them.
  20. I would have thought with your current hair at age 35 on dutasteride its probably unlikely you will lose much hair at all if any - most aggressive hair loss happens in the 20s without a dht blocker, does it not? Someone correct me if i'm wrong!
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