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Everything posted by jjalay

  1. I would strongly suggest you to speak with your doctor about this, this could be simply because you have sensitive skin but this could also be an allergic reaction.
  2. Have you asked for possible cancellations where he can fit you in?
  3. I"ve only seen mediocre to bad results from dr wasserbauer and at this price point its crazy. Avoid her. YOu have much better options in canada and in the us. DO a research on doctors on this forum: https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
  4. Avoid estenove, they are a hairmill as many in turkey and you are putting yourself at high risk being butchered. All the information they have provided you like 80 fu per cm with the dhi method, the ice method (lol) and the microscope method are nothing more than marketing gimmick with the only purpose to mislead innocent patients. You have diffuse thinning on the hairline and midscalp and you will need an experienced doctor who can transplant between existing hair without damaging native follicles. If you decide to proceed with a hairtransplant you should firstly do a throughout research about doctors and results and then proceeding. If you are looking into turkey good budget options are dr gur and turan from fuecapilar. Other options inturkey are pekiner, keser and dr bicer with a little higher price. Other options for a tight budget but with really good results is dr Maras at hdc clinic in cyprus. This is just a starting point for you. You can look at the recom. doctors in this forum and begin your research from here: https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons Dont go blindly to an unknown hairmill where unexperienced technisians will perform surgery on your head.
  5. I dont think there are many options in turkey that are doing better work than dr Nader. If you go cheap on this you might not be very happy with the result. Good options in turkey are doctors like Pekiner and Keser but they will cost you as much as dr Nader. ANother budger option in turkey that is cheaper is fuecapilar with dr gur or dr turan.
  6. At this age and with this type of hair you really dont need a hairtransplant. I mean where are you planning to put these new hairs because you already have a full head of hair?
  7. Can you post some pictures of your donor area too? Its hard to make a recommendation without seeing the donor area. In your case and at this age i would do the hairline and midscalp with 3000 grafts and plan a surgery for the crown many years later down the road.
  8. Between those two hasson and wong is a much much better option in my opinion. If you are considering an fut megasession you really dont need to think twice, dr wong is the best choice you can make.
  9. Brother your hairline looks great. The angles of the grafts at the temples are wrong and you have a few multigrafts but this doest stand out. With your hair i wouldnt proceed with a hairtransplant, you dont need one. Save this grafts for the future if your hairloss progresses.
  10. Wish you all the best and hopefully you can repair any damage done.
  11. This is at 7 months , i dont know how he looks now but if it stayed like this this is a case of poor growth, its not that these 8300 grafts were not enough. Also the survival rate for beard grafts is really not the same with scalp hair, in the most cases around 60-70% of these grafts will grow. Except from deciding about the technique fut vs fue the most important part is to find the right doctor so that you can have the results that you want. There are risks with both methodes fut or fue. With fut if your scar streches or if the transplant fails you always have the option to do an fue into the scar to cover it up abd buzz cut yiur hair, or even with smp. With fue if you co for such a large procedure there is always the possibility of overharvesting or that the fue scars will strech. In these scenarios if the ht fails and you will need to buzz cut your hair there isnt mch that you can do, except from smp into the donor. What i am trying to say is that both methodes have risks, but its easier to do a repair if something goes wrong with fut, rather than if something goes wrong with fue.
  12. It looks as you have retrograde alopecia and signs of thinning in the donor area. If you are considering a ht you should start finasteride and give it at least 12 months to improve the donor.
  13. You have a big number of chunky and double grafts right in the front of the hairline. Did you get an explanation for this from your doctor?
  14. Where does simvastatin fits to hairloss or scar reducing as medication? This doesnt make any sense at all.
  15. Avoid cosmedica, they are a hairmill and in a case like yours you will probably get your donor area butchered with them. You are a NW 5 with diffuse thinning on the top and the best choice would be to follow the two procedures approach. In the first session to do the hairline and midscalp and in a second session to use what is left from your donor and to combine it with beard grafts for the crown. Yous donor is not that strong so you cant expect a full coverage with high density in the whole area. Living the crown a little bit thinner as the frontal part wond be an issue and fot this matter you can always use some dermmatch or volume powder for the crown. I think bot gur and turan are at the same level so you cant go wrong with either of them but in you case i would choose the package where the doctors does the extractions and incisions.
  16. 1)less than 6 months 2)less than 12 months.
  17. If you have dermatitis i would reccomend to talk with dr de freitas about getting on miedication about it. Are you using Nizoral for this?
  18. As long as the incision is made parallele to the follicle the risk of transection is preety low. And it also depends on the native density that you have on the crown now and how your hairloss progresses. I can send you a video with dr wong explaining this.
  19. Have you tried shaving your head? Honestly man you have a round head and i think the shaved look with grown beard would be perfect in your case.
  20. I havent seen so mny results from dr custodio but from what ive seen so far the hairline work looks good, but dont know anything more about him. If you are looking for hairline work i would choose de freitas, now the waitling list is another thing. Have you asked abot a possible cancellationwhere he can put you in?
  21. Why so many grafts used? Check out this case for example, its guite similar to yours and this was done with 2077 grafts:
  22. In couple of days you wont be able to see nothing, donor looks great.
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