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Everything posted by jjalay

  1. Yes otherwise this would not be possible. Unless you want to intentionally remove a big amount of hairs and overharvest the donor area, but then you will have to shave the hair on the donor area to cover this up. When this is a possibility for you you might want to have a consultation with someone like pitella.
  2. 40 to 45 cm2 should be more than enough but as i said if you have thich hair 40 is enough, with thin hair 45-50 is enough. You have to understand that most good doctors dont work like that. They are placing the grafts inder magnification and according to that they are placing grafts and calculate the density. Nobody says i will do 40 or 50. And of course you can always start with a first pass with lower density to increase the survival rate. After that you can always add and improve density. There are many options. But its not wise to go with density over 50 on the hairline, this might impact the survival rate.
  3. You have time before getting into second surgery. I suggest you do that, you dont have to lose anything and repairs sometimes are not that easy.
  4. If you get some new growth except from the transplanted hair because of minoxidil yes. But you already take finasteride and stopping minoxidil wont affect the positives that you see on your transplanted hair because of minoxidil(like early growth for example).
  5. If your doctor recommended it and you dont have any other health issues taking it you can add oral minox. for the first 6 months after ht.
  6. This is something that depends on the quality and thickness of the hair and it is individual for every patient. If you have thin hair you need more grafts, if you have thick hair you nedd less.
  7. Patients selection is important for cases like yours where doctors like pitella or zarev are willing to operate. That means in the most cases they have a good donor area of the scalp and body hair too. You have to mix these two to have a natural result. Your donor area seem really sparse, if you only use beard or chest hair with a hairtransplant the result wont look natural. Its not something you want.
  8. After 11 weeks i think you can start with your usual shampoo after consulting with your doctor.
  9. You really dont need dermarolling. The only thing that it does is damaging your skin and causing microscaring.
  10. Have you tried different hairstyles to coevr it up? This is another case from the same doctor with the same problem as yours, aka multis on the hairline. But he is able to get away with it by bringing the hairs on the right and a little bit on the front: If you are in the Uk before jumping into another surgery i would suggest you having a consultation with someone like edward ball or raghu reddy to be sure about your options. Bisanga and Lupanzulal are also into such repairs. I really think that your hairline is already way too low.
  11. It mostly depends on the clinic you went to. Where did you had your procedure done?
  12. Aroung 1500 grafts. Unshaven fue wont be any problem because your temples are empty.
  13. Dr manni mittal is another option you should consider in the uk. With dr reddy and dr ball these are the best options in the uk i think.
  14. Its the slits that determine the angles of the implanted hair.
  15. Its always better to start finasteride before ht and give it at least 6 months to see the results of it.
  16. I guess he wanted to make his teeth look as in his young age. Dr. Acar promised him they can do that.
  17. Bruno pinto in portugal is another good option, egually good with couto.
  18. Being completely honest your donor looks sparse. If i were in your shoes for fue i would look at someone like Zarev or pitella. The other option is to speak to a doctor about the option of an fut as first surgery and then fue in combination with beard grafts for the crown. Laorwong is a good option for that.
  19. If you are looking for a clinic close to argentina felippe pitela in brazil, dr camacho in colombia and alba reyes in the dominican republic are the best options you have.
  20. Do a better research. You wil find many bad results from this clinic in this forum. If you are looking for a budget option in turkey better to choose dr gur or dr turan.
  21. Keser in turkey is a really good option for your case but dont limit yourself with location. Other good options for your case are for example dr Laorwong in Thailand, dr Bisanga in Belgium or dr Maras in cyprus. They are relatively affordable and they are all recommended in this forum. Once again do your research about doctors not clinics before making your decision.
  22. Just some examples with the first case being a horror story. If you do some research you will find more cases like this. If you ask my opinion i would never choose a clinic where you dont know who is going to operate on you and the majority of the money you are paying are not going to the doctor who will operate on you. Do you research and then make a decision about a doctor, not a clinic.
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