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Everything posted by jjalay

  1. He stopped the surgery because the patient had a lot of miniaturized follicles and in this case this is what an ethical doctor should do. Pekiner only does one patient per day and he is focusing on quality not quantity, and this is why he is booked for more that a year ahead. If you go to one of the hairmills on turkey you will get your termine in two months and telephons via whattsup with the "consultant" anytime you want. But the result is going to be dissapointing.
  2. If this is the final result yes there are many doctors that will give you a refund. If the doctor is ethical enough he should do that if you dont want to proceed with another surgery. You should definitely get in contact with the doctor and ask him for a possible resolution.
  3. Have you talked to the doctor about this because it looks as you have gotten zero growth? Did he gave any answers because he is recommended also in this forum? I think you should push hard to get your money back, this result is not acceptable.
  4. In turkey fuecapilar, dr bicer, dr pekiner and dr keser are actually the only good options you have. All the other clinics youre mentioning are hairmills, avoid them. If you live in australia you can also look at dr laorwong and dr pathomvanich in thailand. They are affordable and in my opinion better that the options that you have in turkey.
  5. Dr gur and turan are much better options than yaman. Yaman had many bad results recently with overharvesting the donor and bad growth. Also technisians do a big part of the surgery,avoid him. DO a research in this forum too and you will find many bad results.
  6. I dont know why the link has been removed but the name of the woman was morgan maria ribeiro. If you do a research on this in google you can find all the information.
  7. I think the waiting list to get this treated in the uk takes to long. This is why she choose tukrey and because of the cost. But letting this patient with this symptoms travel 3 days after surgery and without even realising what is going on is really criminal.
  8. I agree with you, if you take 50-60% of the grafts out it might look ok in the 30s but after 10-15 years it might end up looking absurd. I think its important to focus on the graft survival, not the number of grafts extracted.
  9. I think your hairline is preety low. You should ask for a second opinion and ask them to show you examples where they did such repairs before proceeding.
  10. If you are looking for a cheap hairtransplant in turkey avoid these hairmills you have been in contact with. Some good budget option in turkey are dr turan and dr gur from fuecapilar. Have a consultation with them to see what they have to say. Other good options are doctors like dr Maras from hdc in cyprus or dr sikos in budapest. You can have a consultation with them too.
  11. You have many doctors that do afro hair like your case. Bisanga, Mwamba, dr Turan from guecapilar, Lupanzula, Pitella, are just some examples. You should do more research to this. Except from this you should also know what kind of procedure you want to have. Fut or fue? SOmetimes with afro hair the grafts cannot be extracted with fue and the doctor who you will choose has to be able to see this and offer alternatives. If you want to have a succesful ht in the future you should invest time to learn more about this, research is really the key.
  12. This is a case from HOI, again a hairmill i would recommend to nowone: If you do a proper research you will find a lot more cases like this. You might get lucky and belong to the 10% of the people that are going to these clinics and get a decent result or you might get your head destroyed. Again a hairtransplant is not as simple as you think and you need to do a proper research for this. If you just looking for something cheap and you are fine to become the guine puig having 20 year old technisians learning on your head you can go on with it. But you should know that you are putting yourself in a dangerous position too, even getting disfigured. If you are ok with that and you can handle this situation you can go on with it.
  13. Your hair looks great and most people with hairloss would kill to have your hair. Sometimes you think you want something better and with the wrong decisions you end up with something that is worse or that you dont like. I really believe that at this point you are not a candidate for a hairtransplant. Stay on medication and enjoy your hair. In the future if your hiarloss progresses you might want to consider a hairtransplant but proceed only after you do a throughout research on doctors and clinics. This forum is a great source for this but you have to take your time and see as many results from different doctors as possible.
  14. Still your hairline looks perfect to me. If you are thinking going to asli tarcan probably you are about to make the biggest mistake of your life, they are probably the worst hairmill in turkey right now. they steal your money, destroy your donor and give you a hairline where you would wish you could go back to the way you looked before. This is a small example of their work: Just to let you know there is no doctor watching your photos there. These are all salespeople working on comission.
  15. You have a noticable gap on the midscalp, is this because you still have native hair on this area or what?
  16. At 21 you are too young to get a hairtransplant and most of the good doctors will decline you. Can you post some photos or your NW level?
  17. He has explained his concept about row implantation in this forum in another thread. If the patient doesnt want that he doesnt do this either.
  18. I would not jump into a second surgery before the 12 month mark in your case. Honestly i dont know if its better to add more singles in order to repair this or to remove many of the multigrafts and replace them with single grafts. You hairline is already low enough and in order to camouflage this properly you will have to bring the hairline another half cm low, this wont age nice. Before making your decision you should have a second opinion from doctors that specilize in such repair cases like BIsanga, Lupanzula in Belgium, Edward ball, manni mittal and raghu reddy in the UK. You dont have to lose anything and its always better to make an informed decision knowing all the aspects. If you decide to go with the same clinic aske them who will perform the surgery on you and to show you examples of similar cases like yours where they have managed to do a repair. If they dont have such examples, run for the hills.
  19. I really dont want to transition into a woman to become my hair back, oestrogen medication for hairloss is really an overkill and dangerous maybe.
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