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Everything posted by Smoothy

  1. Afflication is a MAJOR threat to UFC. Donald Trump bought 60% of Afflication which is the largest MMA clothing line surpassing TAPOUT last year in sales, and added a fighting promotion division. Trump worked with Mark Cuban to sign the rights to Randy Couture, then proceeded to sign Fedor and Silva from Cuban while negotiating fights of Afflication in the future on HDTV PPV which Cuban owns! Then Trump signed Tito Ortiz, Fedor little brother, Nick Diaz, Nogitora Gomez who was Pride lightweight champ-signed w/UFC then blew knee before ever having match, Trump has also signed Andre Arlosky (the past 3 UFC heavyweight champions!). Most are fighting on the July 19th card PPV. I think Fedor will beat Silva like he beat Mark Coleman 2 yrs ago (even though Silva is 14 yrs younger than Coleman) Fedor will submitt Silva. Silva's only chance is to fight like he did against the Obedobe submission champ Monson where he avoided takedowns and just jabbed all night-- not exciting but he won. That is Silva only chance. People forgot Fedor fought Matt Lindland Olympic Gold Medalists and good MMA fighter last year (won via submission), and he fought 4 months ago to a no-name but ALSO he has been fighting SAMBO for Russia which he is champ for 5 yrs. So he is in shape. SMOOTHY Propecia/Rogaine MSM/Saw Palmetto Nioxin ZRII
  2. If you look into the PI (package insert) most statins have a very small % of side effects with HL. But would you rather die of clogged arterties or live long with HL??? Try changing statins maybe Lipitor or something. SMOOTHY Propecia/Rogain xtra MSM/Saw Palmetto Nioxin Zrii
  3. Hard to tell, maybe FUE with no line scar? SMOOTHY Propecia/Rogain xtra MSM/Saw Palmetto Nioxin Zrii
  4. Many women hairloss is hormonal, most women after childbirth experience HL and some with hormonal chances w/age and birthcontrol pills. One might look at a lower dosage of birthcontrol pills if they take them, get protein treatment once 6 weeks from salon, try Rogain foam in spot areas, and make sure you take your Omega vitamins-- females need them more than males. SMOOTHY Propecia/Rogain xtra MSM/Saw Palmetto Nioxin Zrii
  5. Every person is different. Just like any medication, some work on some people better than others. The key is getting more rogain absorbed into the scalp and the compounding agents all work differently in doing this and some work on surface area DHT. I would recommend researching the top 10 compounding agents with Rogain, then testing each for a week then getting the best. Personally, if you can not take Propecia, studies have shown MSM/Saw Palmetto/Zinc/B6 combo inhibits DHT like Propecia but to a lesser degree. Might give it a try.
  6. Didnt know Joe Rogan would lead to UFC MMA discussions and didnt know we had that many MMA fans as members!! Favorites and Bests are 2 different things. Current Best has to be in order all weights Fedor Eleminko BJ Penn GSP (BJ dominated in fght 3 yrs ago w/split dec) Frank Shamrock (will not fght UFC cuz of White) Fabor Anderson Silva Best all TIME Gracie (15 yrs ago the best, beat fghters 100lb bigger) Ken Shamrock (in his prime no better) Mark Coleman(only guy UFC and Pride Champion) Fedor Eleminko (31-1 says it all) BJ Penn (as a lightweight in late 90's couldnt be touched-- now he is middleweight) FAVORITES: Ken Shamrock-- got to love,put MMA on the map! Tito Ortiz-- Showman deluxe &dates Jenna Jameson Mark Coleman_-Love this Olympican ground/pound Randy Couture-- winning in his 40's- class act Frank Shamrock- best all around skills Bob Sapp-- 7 yrs ago was a 375lb muscle BEAST Gracie-- never heard of submissions- amazing Josh Koscheck-- Best Potential ever but started late great showman for TV Josh Barnett- love his KO's Dan Severn- wrestler turn brawler in 90's SMOOTHY Propecia/Rogain xtra MSM/Saw Palmetto Nioxin Zrii
  7. Nice confirming link on Rogan! He always had receeding hairline even on Fear Factor but combed forward so hard to tell if HT-- then last UFC event they must have had ultraviolet light or something as you could easily see new hair growth coming in as well of how thin it was (maybe he didnt use the concealers that night????) SMOOTHY 5 HT Propecia/Rogain xtra MSM/Saw Pallmetto Zrii
  8. Compounding pharmacist can add hundreds of agents to rogain to alow for more scalp penetration. It varies, Whatever you use stick with it for at least 6-9 months to see effects. If it works, stay with it until it doesnt. SMOOTHY 5 HT Propecia/Rogain xtra MSM/Saw Pallmetto Zrii
  9. My guess is NO HT-- just slicked down-- but who knows with actors on screen and all the coverup they use? Smoothy 5 HT Propecia/Rogain xtra MSM/Saw Palmetto Zrii
  10. You cant go wrong with Shapiro-- I love the work he does. Smoothy 5HT Propecia/Rogaine xtra MSM/Saw Palmetto Zrii
  11. It is a personal decision and one that should only be shared if you choose so. You didnt lie by saying you are going to Canada to see people you know (as in doctors). By ommitting is not lying. If asked directly about HT, then you have a decision to make. Dont worry about the small stuff. If it is not family, then it isnt anybody's business.
  12. Every PBM or prescribion drug plan is different. Some will pay for Propecia, some generic with co-pays, and some not at all unless you have BPH. If BPH then 100% of plans usually cover either branded or generic. If you have insurance it is worth running it through you pharmacists (best odds is 5mg which is used in BPH patients)
  13. I echo Dr Beehner's comments. If you have very thick donor and Norwood 2, then crown coverage might work but for most, focus on the hairline and frontal core-- with a good doctor no matter your hairstyle (unless combed forward) you can comb back over the vertex. I would never recommend a person younger than 35 get crown work as they would have to expand with the additional loss in furture yrs and could run out of donor. USE IT FOR THE FRONTAL CORE!
  14. Watch UFC live tonight and look at Joe Rogan. He has had some HT and looks like recent HT as it looks like its just coming in. He has always had receeding hairline and comb foward but in past looked thicker (probably Dermamatch and Toppiks). Now with lighting and HD, you can see where he does have some cover up but new HT coming in.
  15. Dr. Shapiro gets my vote- just awesome for me
  16. Vary rare, but you could have hit a plateu phase. Try changing to xtra strength rogain or rogaine foam to give scalp different delivery system. This might help. Also make sure you are taking your Propecia as well since the combo therapy has greater results than mono therapy with one or the other. Also, it might not hurt if your system has adjusted to rogaine-although rare- to stop for 4 weeks and restart (I personally do this a couple of times a yr with Propecia).
  17. Dont look for cost as a decision. Look at quality of surgeon. Then if you have a group like 5 you narrowed down, then consider cost as last option. Also, many surgeons, like Shapiro will give discounts if you take a last minute (cancelation) appointment. Or if you need a couple of sessions for your desired result, then if you book both sessions (like 9 months apart) at the same time-- a discount is given.
  18. Sounds like you have done your research. Personally I went w Shapiro and have been 110% statified with natural hairline apperance results. I think the thing is to do complete research, look for a surgeon who has done it a long time and is regconize by other HT peers. Shapiro has personally done HT for other HT doctors-- so that says a lot. Also look for publication articles about HT specifically the area you want like hairlines. Have Consulation before making a committment. Good luck
  19. Bill, Been busy as heck. Just got back in the states in Jan after being in Europe a couple of years. Suprise to see you as a Moderator, guess Pat got too busy-- but then again you were always one of the more active members on the forum with good candid insight. Nice to see your happy with all your outcomes. Now that I am back with better schedule, I will jump on the site more often. Take care.
  20. 24 is the perfect age to start Propecia. Do the following which will slow down or stop HL and maybe regrow. Then if you go HT, do plenty of research and get a top notch reputable surgeon--no mater geography. Propecia and Rogaine xtra stregth or foam Multi vitamin with Zinc Saw Palmetto Zrii which has Alamki fruit in it Nioxin Shampoo and Conditioner which works on DHT on the scalp level. Start this now and in 3 months you should notice a lot less fallout and probably healthier looking hair. Then research HT if that is the route you take.
  21. 30's is probably the best time for HT as your hairloss has probably started to level out and your donor density is about where it will be the next 15 yrs. As far as hairline, it depends on your surgeon-- get one who has great success and publications on hairlines-- DO RESEARCH! Then it depends on your donor. I would recommend focusing on hairline/temple/frontal core first then leave the top/crown area last depending on donor availability. If you havent already start taking the following supplement to limit or stop future hairloss and help regrow your HT. Propecia and Rogaine Multi vitamin with Zinc Saw Palmetto Zrii which has Alamaki Start now before your surgery to get a jump start. Use Rogain on recepiant site to help speed up growth and reduce dormant period. Good luck
  22. Remember and most good surgeons do this, as you get older your hair naturally gets less dense, so you want to transplant accordingly with strategic placement and density for apperance 5-10plus years from now. (I had my first when I was 24 and probally about 4 years too early) The other 4 HT blended everything out and Shapiro on the last 2 made everyting 100% natural
  23. Not questioning your selection, but would advise you to do A LOT more research on doctors and peer reviews of the surgeon you pick. You do not want any mistakes or for that matter have surgical depletion of your donor hair without cause.
  24. Bill-- we go back a long time together on this forum as well as long time HT success stories. I understand your comments, and I am just relating a new element that took me by pleasant suprise with benefits of my hair. I have been a promonent of Propecia plus xtra strength Rogain for hairloss along with NO2 for some. 6 months ago I came across Amalaki fruit for overall health and Zrii is the product with the most Amalaki--- I AM NOT SELLING IT, JUST USING IT and sharing my success I have had the last 6 months combining this with Propecia and Rogaine (I dont Sell Propecia or Rogaine either but it has been wonderful for me). Adding this 3rd supplement has just optimize what I have been getting for 10 yrs with the other 2. Thanks for your feedback and comments.
  25. Crown is the last area to cover since it can easily be covered by other areas of hair. When you do crown work, the pattern with the least amount of hair required for the optimal fullness look is the SWIRL pattern-- its natural and with expert placement covers crown well.
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