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Everything posted by BaldGuy

  1. I don’t think 3 is a lot since he isn’t doing the extraction and implantation. Incisions do not last long time. Also His 6000 grafts procedure is splitted in a 2 day session (3000 graft each day). top surgeons like Freitas and Lorenzo do 3-4 patients per day and they only do implantation and their price is 3-4 times higher than yaman.
  2. In dr yaman patients threads I have seen patients telling there were in total 2 or 3 people per day which is perfectly normal. In one dr yaman’s thread there was only one patient that day @Timothy top surgeons like Freitas, Lorenzo etc do 3-4 patients per day and you pay 3-4 times higher price than yaman.
  3. well Dr Yaman does a few patients per day, Usually 2 patients per day but it can go up to 3 sometimes. Other known surgeons do 3-4 surgeries per day too like Freitas Lorenzo. Look at the thread below, @Timothy was the only patient of Dr Yaman during his operation. Also on this thread there were 3 patients in total
  4. I would say that Yaman is a great option. I have seen great work from him and he does a few patients per day doing the incisions, plan, design, measurements of donor and recipient area for each patient seperately. Nobody can give a 100% guarantee for great results, even in the best ones that you pay a huge amount of money there will be some not good results.
  5. Happy growing...everything looks perfectly normal. You will start seeing result at 6 months and final result at 12 months. Best of luck. How much did you pay for your hair transplant?
  6. Happy growing man. Dr Yaman is a great surgeon for higher norwood cases like yours. Both plan and deisgn look very good. Can you tell us how many beard grafts had been used? I wish you all the best !
  7. Well you need 3800-4000 grafts for frontal third and midscalp and 2500 for crown area.
  8. in fact topical minoxidil will speed up your growth...many patients who get topical minoxidil after hair transplant see their growth faster than normal. It will also help your growth by adding more blood supply in your scalp. Do not do microneedling !
  9. Redness is a good sign that growth has already started...I would suggest you to add topical minoxodil 2 times daily for extra blood supply!
  10. Between entry level package of Eugenix and Dr Yaman i would definitely choose Dr Yaman. The entry level package has a new doctor with low experience and with no results posted similar to yours. While yaman has big experience as he is doing surgeries for many years and he deals with all the patients of his clinic. He has done many cases to higher norwood patients.
  11. Its too early to make judgements at 17 days post op. You have to wait till 6-7 month to judge, shock loss in donor can always happen and it takes some months to recover. So just be patient
  12. Even with short look it looks great with natural angles. I believe you are going to get a great result ! 🤞
  13. Yaman is the best between the clinics you mentioned. Otherwise you could look at clinics like Dr Turan, Dr Gur and Dr Demirsoy which are affordable and great options too within your budget.
  14. Dr Turan's prices are the following: Up to 2250 grafts: 3350€ Up to 2500 grafts: 3700€ Up to 3000 grafts: 4000€ 2 days surgery Up to 3500 grafts: 4400€ 3500-4500 grafts : 5000€ While dr Gur has also a standard package (in which one he doesn't do extractions, be he does incisions ) at 3500 €, while his vip package is charged per graft and its more expensive.
  15. Yes a hair transplant would change your appearence, and you should proceed with the hair transplant. With the 4500 grafts that dr yaman suggested, you should only focus on frontal third and midscalp and leave the crown for possible next procedure.
  16. Your result is awesome man. Dr yaman did a really good work on you...very happy fro you! P.s. after hair transplant its good to let your hair grow, since by this way it gives you more coverage, you dont have to cut it.
  17. Nice natural looking result. What was the cost for your second hair transplant with dr altan ?
  18. Looking very good for 4 months 👌...Let your hairs grow now, and do not not shave the recipient area.
  19. happy growing..The work looks really clean. I think you are going to get a great result! I will be following, thank for sharing your journey with us
  20. Happy growing. Great surgeon choice ! You will see a big difference with that hair transplant but keep in mind that your area is huge and you need as much grafts as possible , so you will need another one procedure for better coverage.
  21. Eugenix is the clinic with the most experience in transplanting beard grafts with success. In most cases Eugenix doctors use beard grafts, which is not happening to other clinics. Mwamba is a good choice too.
  22. Dr Demirsoy's clinic is called Armamed. If you google it you will find his website. I dont know if he has a whatsapp or not but you can contact the clinic through email. His email is : info@armamed.com.tr
  23. For month 2 it looks on the right track. Be patient a few more months. Dr Yaman is great doctor and you will be fully satisfied at the end. 👍
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