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Big Rome

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Everything posted by Big Rome

  1. good question, I have also been wondering this, I want to know if a second hair transplant can increase the density of my first by implanting grafts next to the already transplanted hairs…
  2. literally just seen this on Twitter, that’s truly an awful job, got to be a Turkish hairmill or a UK clinic lol 🙈🙈
  3. go on Gatsby! gone from no hair to Afro lol 🔥🔥🤩🤩🤯🤯 brilliant transformation 👏🏻👏🏻
  4. As far as I can make out it doesn’t matter what ethnicity you are, the density isn’t going to be the same as native hair… maybe closer after a second transplant
  5. just been back to page 1 to look at what you started your journey with… WOW, what a transformation 🤯🤯🤩🤩 hope you are extremely happy with the new look champ 🔥
  6. yeah that’s the only thing unfortunately 😞 with hair transplants you get what you pay for though I suppose
  7. I’m not sure about the price range with Bisanga actually, I think it’s around €4/5 per graft though but I could be wrong
  8. respectfully, none… Bisanga is a wizard with the blonde haired guys, do some more research I would say 👊🏼
  9. Thank you for your response, always appreciated, it was actually you guys who kindly evaluated my images and quoted 1500/1700 grafts 😊 very pleasant people at Eugenix
  10. Thank you for all your feedback & estimations, much appreciated.. the reason I ask is, I assumed I would need around 1200-1500 grafts for the work I wanted… One well known DR advised I didn’t need any surgery, another reputable clinic on the forum advised 1500-1700 and one of the most reputable clinics on here, also recommended, advised I would need 2400 grafts to my surprise 😞… as far as I can see it’s just hairline temple work so I queried this with them this week as I disagree (hoping they re-evaluate)
  11. Hi All, was just wondering how many grafts I will need to lower the hairline ever so slightly and add more density to the current hairline (awful density due to previous failed transplant). The temples will need some slight work, mainly on the right side. Mid scalp & crown are fine, just hairline & temples. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 2 images dry hair & 2 wet.
  12. some great questions asked here, the hair on my hairline is long, always wondered if SMP would look silly underneath the long hair, quiff or slicked back!
  13. this is really sad, breaks my heart that shoddy DR’s get away with ruining peoples lives, whatever the outcome may be for you I wish you happiness and a result you can live with if you eventually trust another DR. This forum is a great place to look around before you make a decision 💙👊🏼
  14. yeah iv also heard he only does 2 a day TOPS… maybe @Melvin- Moderatorcould confirm?
  15. in all honesty, I’d steer away from the UK. Sad to say there isn’t many decent DR’s and the very few decent ones charge too much, can go to europe and get a world class DR for the same price if not cheaper! do your research and have a look at some of the above mentioned DR’s in Europe.. Bisanga, Freitas ECT.. 💙
  16. have you showed these images to the Dr at the clinic? this doesn’t look great at all for 6 and a half months man 😞
  17. Hi @Melvin- Moderator, I have just been on the website but they are all sold out… do you know how often they re-stock?
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