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Big Rome

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Everything posted by Big Rome

  1. a lot of more experienced members on the forum swear by @Eugenix Hair SciencesI’d have a look at them to begin with
  2. chin up bro, I’m 1000% sure he will be able to rectify things and give you the hair you wanted first time round, he’s incredible tbh. will be worth it in the end I’m sure
  3. you got a sick hairline bro, leave that alone 🤣🤣💙 see how you feel when you’re closer to 30
  4. from what iv seen on here of his work, he is TOP notch! Really good DR.. go look at @Sitries1cases
  5. easy buddy, I am also from the UK & would recommend looking at some MUCH better clinics in Europe for the same price and even cheaper! There are a few decent clinics in the UK but in my opinion they are no match for the European DR’s.. Bisanga, Pinto, Freitas, Ferreira, Mwamba the list goes on 🤣
  6. i think it’s around €3.5 but could be wrong
  7. did you go to the clinic in Porto or was the consultation online?
  8. the conservative hairline looks good on you in my opinion, what UK clinic did you go to if you don’t mind me asking?
  9. some of the more experienced gents on here will comment to confirm but if the Fin & Dut were doing their job I would defo drop the oral Min but that supposedly causes a shed 😞… where are you having your HT done if you don’t mind me asking?
  10. @Fue3361 think this is the case you’re referring to lol! glorious density
  11. sorry to hear about your situation, the Fin & Dut not enough anymore? would have thought those two combined would have you in good nick
  12. wouldn’t trust anything manufactured by Pfizer tbh but that’s another topic of discussion 🤣
  13. guys a class act, in safe hands with DR Bisanga 👊🏼
  14. poor guy has hardly got any forehead, just eyebrows and then hairline 🤣🙈
  15. great topic 👏🏻👏🏻 Couto - Temple work 🔥🔥🔥 which doctor has the best density hairlines do we think?
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