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Everything posted by RTC

  1. Do it in stages.. maybe get some to cover the front first and attack the crown later. But yes, without the money to fully see it through, it will be difficult. Do not go to a hair mill unless you want hair so bad that you will wish you were bald again.
  2. @DrTBarghouthi Sorry to bombard you but it's not often I get to discuss things with a Dr who specialises in hair! I appreciate I may also be asking things that are not 100% clear nor fully established within the literature or daily practice. In regards to the below, mean sperm count was still lower than baseline at 24 weeks after stopping Dutasteride. Could this suggest that once a steady state of Dutasteride is achieved in the body, the 'washout period' should be significantly longer than alluded to above (5-6 weeks)? https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/8917/smpc
  3. If you are not comfortable it's always best to start conservative and move up
  4. Does anybody know how long you'd have to stop dutasteride before trying for a baby and being confident there would be no ill effects? I would never forgive myself if I caused harm to the baby because I didn't stop in time
  5. I would advise you to check out Dr Bisanga of BHR and Dr Mwamba at FUEClinic in Belgium. I feel you will probably get better VFM abroad. I am from the UK and will be having surgery with Dr Mwamba in June, although that's partly due to the nature of the surgery (repair of a previous procedure).
  6. This is a good question - I'm not sure Would be a good idea to email info@fueclinic.com and ask them there
  7. Would your opinion change if using Dutasteride? That's a more solid plan right
  8. It depends on the strength. I got the 0.01% strength, so the dose is 2ml once per week after dermarolling. For my first application, I used 1ml, and I did not apply it straight after dermarolling, I left 8 hours in between. I may increase this to twice weekly if no side effects.
  9. I think dermarolling is a good way to try and approach scars etc, try that too
  10. Diep seems to have consistently poor quality output not befitting a supposedly top doctor.
  11. The reason is because buzzing your with a solid hairline and dense hair looks way way better than a balding man buzzing his hair. Not all buzzes are created equal tbh
  12. If you can fill in that whole crown area more and maybe shorten the hair in that region, it will improve it vastly.
  13. Can you link to a good pillow Narmak?
  14. Very harsh, Derek offers a wealth of information, based on his own and other people's observations, and always advocates being responsible with bloodwork etc when trying new drugs / routines
  15. Who was the clinic? As far as I know, scabbing is not indicative of any particular outcome either way, I could be wrong
  16. Not sure what's going on here? Can you show us the donor after Bisanga donor repair attempt
  17. Shaving down to zero or very low numbers is often more difficult due to scars, differences in density between different areas etc, especially if you have a botched transplant. Likewise with skin fades. Sucks because when I first got a transplant, I did it with the intention of buzzing it very low but having a great hairline to go with it.
  18. Thanks Narmak You may be right Thank you for your sensible outlook as always
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