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Everything posted by RTC

  1. Damn that's very very low. I too am worried about the effects of TRT. But I would defo try boosting it naturally first before going down that route. I'm also going to send you a link to a product called Sigma which Derek from MPMD just released, he did a two hour breakdown on it and it's for people like me and you who don't want to go the TRT route yet.
  2. I don't think you're allowed to share links here so I'll PM you
  3. I listened to a podcast with Dr Andrew Huberman and Derek from More Plates More Dates. Amazing turnaround from a month or so ago when I felt like I had zero lividio and energy. I'll be doing bloodwork soon to check my levels.
  4. Name the clinic please - why make a warning like this without naming them?
  5. What about liver protection, what do you use
  6. Are you taking any Estrogen blockers with anavar and any planned PCT?
  7. I think I have boosted my Test really high over the last month, to the point I got a wet dream yesterday, even with regular release Chelated Magnesium Zinc Picolinate Sunlight exposure in the morning (got this from Dr Andrew Huberman) (this is huge!) Better sleep Vitamin D3 Regular lifting (but I was doing that anyway, have lowered my reps to between 4-8, which is more conducive to a rise in tesosterone) Just ordered Boron and going to test my levels next month
  8. Definitely interested to see what the Dr has to say about this..
  9. I agree with J.A.C - this seems to stem from the Arshad threads. It's quite concerning that he has had two pretty poor results in short order with no real explanation why. This forum is great because it has real results from real people, so you can get actual proper advice on who a good surgeon is and what kind of results to expect. However, a doctor is only as good as his last transplant, and if he has more than one bad result recently, this should call his credibility into question. Users should also be able to point this out without being vilified. As we have seen with the Covid BS of the last two years, the more you censor differing opinions, the more people stop trusting what you say. Let's keep this an open and honest forum where everybody can say what they feel, as long as they are being respectful. If a surgeon is producing bad results, I want to know about it before I decide to book with that person.
  10. Nice thread, will keep my eye on it, his prices sound reasonable too
  11. The top looks almost exactly like mine... Sparse hair and low density, and hairs implanted at the wrong angles on the sides so the hair ends up sticking up. Seek a repair in my opinion
  12. OP did the Dr ever give any explanation as to why the first one wasn't successful?
  13. I keep seeing loose fitting cap mentioned - but wouldn't a loose fitting just fall around the ears? Also, @DrTBarghouthi- is regular sun exposure without burning ok?
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