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Everything posted by RTC

  1. That really doesn't look that bad at all.. You can see some small donor scarring near the bottom, (i.e. the outline of a scar) Have you had your beard grafts extracted? You could use that to re-stock the donor area maybe
  2. Sorry to hear about your experience, I hope this one pans out better for you
  3. Have seen two other reviews about this place elsewhere, and needless to say they were botches. Avoid this mill. You got very lucky
  4. Excellent work, great results so far, well done to @DrTBarghouthi
  5. Once a week for a couple of months now, never any bleeding apart from yesterday. Surgery scheduled for end of June tbh
  6. Very negative reading.. now I am worried I have caused micro scarring that's going to inhibit growth of my upcoming surgery. I have been doing it once a week maximum with a 1.5mm roller.. Yesterday I went a bit more aggressive and had some slight bleeding spots.. hopefully I haven't messed up anything in advance of my transplant
  7. So even though there is plenty literature and research on the topic showing benefits, dermarolling is not good for you?
  8. Same - sounds stupid and irresponsible
  9. For reference - a little bigger than just a dot for sure
  10. Hi everyone, Ive been microneedling with a standard dermaroller for a couple of months now, 1.5mm x once a week. Today I pressed down a little more aggressively and got some bleeding behind my frontal hairline, a couple of larger spots. Has anyone else bled when dermarolling and seen results.. I'm worried I've caused scarring that may affect my future HT result
  11. Dutasteride and finasteride in the same formula?
  12. Damn.. bad donor.. but yes they should be held to account and give you a free donor fix for sure
  13. Microneedling apparently can help sort out these issues
  14. Good result, you have good quality hair which helps
  15. Having read those threads, don't go to Yaman.. I don't believe doctors showing such negligence should still be recommended on here.
  16. Have a look at Dr Resul Yaman and FUECapilar (Gur and Turan)
  17. Where is it? You should defo clarify exactly what he's proposing first
  18. I totally understand what you are saying.. I think Yaman could be a great option. Did he propose a specific plan?
  19. Eugenix also obviously brilliant but there's the whole thing of having to travel to India etc.. might ramp up costs significantly
  20. FUECapilar would be an excellent choice Yaman is not the most consistent, but I think for what is being proposed, he could do a decent job for a reasonable price.
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