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Everything posted by mafpe

  1. if you're getting married next year, you can also opt for hair piece for the period. as most have pointed out, your balding is very aggresive, and it's possible that you'll continue to lose the hair after HT. imo, if you do want to go through HT, please come to term with the possibility of you losing the hair, and only having them on... borrowed time. it's only a possibility, and you might or might not lose the transplanted hair on the coming years, but i think you should know before really making a decision. since it's your marriage is august, i agree with your assesment that you best have the HT by january at the lastest since it needs time to grow. so, if you end up picking a long queue doctor, you start wearing wig/hair piece some time before the marriage to get used to the feel and so that people don't just get "surprised" that you have a full head of hair, and prevent possible accident such as it slipping due to you not being used to having one on top of your head. congrats on your coming marriage!
  2. like the poster above me said. if you want the "HT capital of the world", it's turkey. but picking clinic at random in turkey would lead you to a hair mill due to marketing. same thing like how people try to get treated of their sickness in singapore, america, german, etc etc. just because the country have a leading expertise, doesn't mean all their docs are expert. there are more on those countries, yes, but there are also a ton more of unqualified one.
  3. dr zarev seems to have stellar work and rep for high NW, but most i have seen from him is on a "virgin scalp", but seeing the number of grafts he's managing, it should be a good pick. do notice that it is harder to work on an already worked donor however, since they have to make do with the pattern that is there provided, instead of just doing their regular most efficient pattern. you also might want to fit farm for the same reason. that way you can actually get the coverage you want. this method will cost you a lot more though due to relocating the grafts. unfortunately i don't know much about fit farming to recommend anyone.
  4. You already used almost 5.000 grafts, a poor pick would make your donor look overharvested. i suggest you look for doctors that are good in repair or are capable with working with harvested donor in order to preserve your donor look. To begin with, having a high NW from 5-7, you actually need more than 6.000 grafts for a normal HT look, which is still somewhat see through.
  5. you might want to get to clinics with lower recommendation rating if that's the case, maybe yaman if you're using the recommendation list, since he does quantity. most newly recommended clinic will get a sudden influx of traffic, FUEcapilar and bicer for example, due to the amount of choice made here, and that if they are recommended, it means the said clinic is starting to use expense for marketing leading to more booking. it's pretty hard to look for non marketed and highly rated clinic though. most of them either are less renowned, or are famous enough to not care for marketing since they have a queue even without marketing.
  6. if you can tolerate the meds, yes. it would strengthen your existing hair, meaning perhaps it could prevent shock loss damage.
  7. it's really negative here due to the high expectation and standard of good result that most of the members expect to come out of skilled hands. if you ask me, it's better than untrained or newbie tech from a random hair mill as it eleminates human error factor, but the big punch size and inability to be flexible, only limited by the parameter that is set, means if the patient graft and follicle is out of the range of the norm, failure is likely the result. as of now, it's insufficient to replace decent/experienced tech. if developed properly and intensively, however, i do believe mechanical extraction could be far better than manual extraction. until then though, it's best to steer clear.
  8. Can't "exactly" tell you why, but there are several things that comes up to my mind as possible causes : Patient factors : - General health concern, from the skin, bodily function, blood flow, oxygen level. - Recipient condition, scar tissue, skin condition, sickness/disease/genetic problem. - Very aggressive balding / shock loss factor, etc that we have no real idea of. - Lifestyle and diet. - Medications - Degree of movement done during operation, stress level which cause body to recover sub optimally. Doctor / Tech factors : - Transection of follicles. - Poor graft handling, including and not only of squishing of the follicle, dehydration, temperature killing the grafts, bad solution coverage/content. - Long time handling / grafts being out of the body for too long. - Incision transecting existing hair leading to killing the native that is affected. - Rough Implantation which might kill the grafts. - Wrong depth on the implantation, leading to pitting / tenting. - Wrong depth on the implantation, grafts unable to survive due to not enough blood/oxygen flow. Post Op : - Smoking post op, or any action that would decrease graft survivability / success rate. - Lifestyle and diet. - Graft handling, especially on the first and second week. - Medications, possibility of infection / fungal infestation. - Temperature and care toward the graft, example being if the head is exposed to sun or hot water / hot temperature in general. There should be some more, but as of now those are the factors that comes to me immediately
  9. 3 month update Most of my native hair have shown regrowth, so most likely no significant permanent shock loss, if there are any. I cannot judge the area that is not the front as those area are not barren to begin, with a somewhat ... healthy amount of hair. The front however, is growing pretty nicely that i'd consider myself to be a somewhat early grower, and i think at least 1/3 of the hair has grown. Many of the multigraft hair seems to be... clipped, but healthy, as in there are many multi grafts that seems to yield less, which i don't know if they just haven't grown, or if the transection is quite high making many becoming less in the hair count. there are a few front spot with doubles, and possibly a triple, but i doubt it'd be much of a problem. all in all, pretty happy with the progress, and is looking forward to the future.
  10. go with who you are more comfortable with. but if you want dhi method, go to fuecapilar since demirsoy only do pre made slit.
  11. not sure about the %, but i'm usually with opinion of : 6 months, you can start to tell if the HT is successfull or not, but it's not definite in case of late growth (the difference in month 6 and 8 is quite massive in many cases). 8 months, usually here you have the bulk of the result ready, it's quite likely if there is minimal to no growth now, it's a failure. (if there are new sprouts, then that's a good sign that they just started growing) 12 months, the usual benchmark of waiting, most people agree at 12 months, is basically "end result". not counting early or late grower, because these are the average. late grower isn't that common. i think early grower is somewhat common, where late growers are on the rarer side. there's hope you're just a late grower, but from what i see usually early grower tend to have decent result, while for late grower is a mixed bags of good and bad.
  12. people been looking for hair loss cure for more than a century, with all "promising cure" being a total dud. finasteride wasn't even thought for hair loss, it was actually a med for prostate, which in turn researcher noticed it's beneficial effect for hair. we simply got lucky. i hope there would be the cure, and bless whoever find it, and he'd be fooken rich if he patented it since there's no shortage of rich balding men. realistically though? minox, finas, HT might be the only effective treatment for our lifetime. but hey, we found out microneedling helps, maybe something else will come up.
  13. looks good, the lace would show a little if you style it up, but it's not that noticeable. you owning it makes it better since you're comfortable with it, you won't be thinking on how to keep it hidden or if anyone know. grats man
  14. not water, finas can dissolve in alcohol, but not water from what i read. no idea about it's validity however. many claim that dissolving it and applying does the work, but i don't know the real effect, and doctors keep mum about it, since some doesn't know or doesn't want to deal with possible liabilities, and other who knows, sells their own topical.
  15. shock loss is usually temporary. but if the affected area is very weak, it's possible that they will be lost, either due to transection on the implantation, or permanent shock loss. imo it's best on fully bald area unless the balding one is already scarce, as your surgeon can easily pick sparse area to incise since it's kind of barren, minimizing the risk. risk is still there, but it's easier. you can also get a better doc to work on you, as docs who does dense pack or successful 2nd go over means they have good technique.
  16. less than 1 euro per graft is usually hair mill rate. if you're sticking with the cheapest rate only, expect a high risk. just think of it like black market plastic surgery, just somewhat safer. *don't become the new bathroom hair transplant legend
  17. yeah, one of the first thing that comes to mind is fin. due to the pain only being there if i've been aroused and not doing anything however, it's not the sole culprit. and i still have morning wood. they're pretty random, i noticed it's usually more prone to my mental wellbeing being the bigger factor. these are one of the reason i say they do have side effect but it's not the devil, more like "complications". alone, they do almost naught to me, pile the factors up however, ouchie ouch ensues.
  18. It's abit hard to say if the hair mill is relatively safe or a one way ticket to botchland (exagerrated, but you get my point), is why they asked the dr name's. Afro hair follicle growth is spiral like, which means extraction isn't as simple as angling it the same direction the hair is. Below is an example, and sometime, it can even be more drastic with the follicle being bent to a C / J like shape
  19. yes but it's also speculation. i might be wrong, but if the said person is looking into creatine, most likely they are also taking at least whey with them, and is starting to get serious about bodybuilding. working out alone will increase your T level, and people who workout supposedly have higher T than those who doesn't. if so, then what made things worse, we can't really tell. most research i found are "may correlates to higher DHT", "inconclusive", "does not mean that it raise DHT", etc. so far, i've never met someone who said to my face "it's definitely the creatine that makes me balder, not any other supplement or factor". i do hear alot of people that say working out might = possibly balder, as somehow with age as well, many in the gym accelerates their baldness... but these are small sample, non research too. for me i chalk it to the T level factor.
  20. ^^^ i've been less active here compared to when i'm researching, and waiting for the HT. because now all i can do is just wait, and enjoy the result later. i doubt i'd be staying here after the final result aside from posting my own observation / random visits. i've gotten my answers to my research, and would move to other topic to improve myself or my look. otherwise i'd still be here pretty much everyday in hope of an answer. the side effect exist, and is much higher than the producer claims to be, yes. for some people, side effect disappear in 3 months of continued use for some people, and other are affected minorly and doesn't consider it much. but these things aren't quantifiable in numbers except our blood test result, which doesn't always correlates to the same thing to each people. then there are those who are very sensitive to the med that taking it mean a ton of change to their life. i mean, who can say how much libido loss is a quantifiable result? at most we can only do it similar to hospital's "how in pain are you from 1 to 10?", which is pretty much subjective. the other more serious effect on the other hand, we can see better, such as if they are unable to get erect, or if it is severe enough like PFS that the medicine isn't as innocent, nor as evil as it's made to be, it's mostly tolerated by it's users that even now it's acknowledged that finasteride is one of the most effective meds for hair loss, in which many thinks that the risk is well worth it because of the low occurrence and severity. i myself do feel the slight libido decrease, heck, there are even rare moments of ball ache that is pretty much a question mark for me, as i don't know if it's the med, or something sinister such as testicular torsion / cancer, or maybe just plain blue balls. *apparently blue balls is a thing, and heck it's annoying af. i thought before it's just a joke.
  21. creatine is one of, if not the most studied supplement for bodybuilding, and even now, there is no "significant side effect" or any that is very much worth scrutiny. even if you "overdose" creatine, most likely result is having bowel problem for a short while. meanwhile caffeine is considered dangerous when overdosed by a huge margin, and some stupid trend started some years ago to take so much that it's a medical risk 🤦‍♂️ (i actually ODed on creatine since i asked soemone to make me a shake, and she... put equal amount of whey and creatine, one half big whey scoop each. the worst that came from it is my own fear of what's gonna happen to me, while the bowel movement isn't that much of a problem.) like how sometime we don't know exactly why there could be problem of ED / baldness when it happened "suddenly", we tend to blame something. it's easier to have something to blame, compared to being headless of the cause, or blame ourselves.
  22. Miniaturisation and hair loss takes time, a thick hair normally don't just dissapear in 1 cycle unless there's a shock to it. Most hair are lost by miniaturisation, as in it slowly get smaller and thinner, until it doesn't grow anymore. Usually this happen cycle to cycle, which each cycle weakening the hair
  23. Even with meds, depending on how severe it is, it could still thin. Minox as a revitalizing agent as it increase bloodflow and thus oxygen as well, finas as the stopgap measure. If the balding is aggresive, it would only slow it down, not stop them. But maybe if the donor is dht resistant, it would mean that it can handle the dht remainder from the amount that finas blocked. Many people here adopts the donor dht resistance theory, as in donor hair would not be lost. What i found is mixed though, as some people don't experience any loss of their HT hair.
  24. If that's the conjecture we're going with, it also means that people who have HT but won't take meds would likely lose their transplanted hair.
  25. The video is true, but is not the person himself doesn't usually present himself as 100% true. He does alot of grounded research, but do mind that he sells massaging technique for hair regrowth with a somewhat mock probability of success and that it "might not wotk for you". I do believe that HT hair does get miniaturised over time like he said though, as well as many of his video since most of them have good basis, logic and isn't just speculations. Melvin had (or have) a video before this which he talks to 2 doctors, which both did say they see thinning of HT hair in a decade in many many patient. I don't remember the video title nor can i find it atm, so take what i say with a grain of salt. Still, many would reject the possibility and ground in the donor dominance theory. One, because some people do never lose their HT hair. Two, because we see HT as a "permanent" solution, and believing otherwise is just painful. We have no idea of how the thinning progress nor the factor of who will keep the hair and who won't (or maybe we do but it isn't published).
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